Any dh's bodybuilders? Steroids? Low sperm count


Mummy to one
Feb 12, 2011
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Hi ladies!
Help! I'm so distraught dh and I have a 2 year old who did take about a year to conceive, but now ttc 2 it's taking forever! I started reading up on anabolic steroids as dh had taken them for years as he trains at the gym every day! I read they can mess with your sperm count so he came off them! 3 months later he had a sperm test and the results are 5 mill plus 2 ml in volume so not really enough to test. He has to do a second sample soon and have blood tests. I'm gutted!!! How did we even conceive our ds? Was he a miracle baby??? Anyone else going through similar? Xx
Well, I was kind of in the same boat. My husband has cancer, and was on testosterone supplements to help with his energy levels as the meds made him tired all the time. Well, after almost 2 years of trying with no success he got tested and found out he had a sperm count of ZERO. Nothing at all! So he immediately stopped the testosterone and started taking shots of HCG to up his counts. The doctor said the levels would return to normal in 6 months to a year by just getting off the testosterone, but since we were trying immediately the shots would get the count up faster. So since your hubby stopped taking the steroids I'm sure that his levels will get back to normal eventually. If not, send him to a urologist for something faster!
Oh bless you, is your hubby in remission? Testosterone definitely causes a low or zero sperm count :( I've been looking into HCG, maybe I should get him to try that? Did your dh's count increase after the HCG shots? Xxx
They did increase after he took the shots. He never went and got another test after he finished the round of shots, because it's sooo hard to get him to go to more doctors than he already has to. But he did the shots for two months, and I got pregnant a few months after the shots, so obviously it worked. Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage in June, but now I'm pregnant again, so his levels stayed up after he got off the shots, and he hasn't done anything else. And he is technically in remission but what he has is a form of leukemia, so it's not really like other cancers. He has to take a chemo pill everyday for the rest of his life, basically to keep the mutation from happening. So all remission really means for him is that it's working. :)
Oh you poor thing!!! You've really been through it :( sorry for your loss too! Congrats on your pregnancy though :) sounds like you've seriously had a hard time getting there!! Xx
My hubby was taking steroids for around 8 yrs on and off, we had our son in 2008 we conceived about 3 months after he stopped taking it.

he's been taking hcg shots and clomid for about 3 months and this month we are ttc properly, when I say properly I mean using ovulation tests, we have never used contraception but he does work away from home...

I hate the fact that he could potentially have ruined our chances of having another baby just for his own vanity, I think he is feeling the same.

I had a +opk yesterday so dtd in the morning but that's the only time so hope his swimmers have come back and are strong

Only time will tell.

Fingers crossed for you all
I so know what you mean! I'm fuming he's messed up his fertility by taking steroids!! He did a pct of clomid but it didn't help as his count was 2.5 mill (5 mill in total as produced 2 ml for the specimine) it may as well be zero its that low! Soooooo angry at him! I'm definitely thinking of getting him on HCG and hmg shots. His doc is rubbish so I think we need to sort it out ourselves :( xx

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