Any ladies starting first IUI in January?? Buddies Please..TTC 13 cycles

Lazy, I think that is true that more and more clinics are using ICSI. I have just read a lot of bad stuff about it and was wanting to go with the more natural approach to let them find each other in a petri dish. But hey, I have no room to complain!! I need to just focus on the fact that we have this much going for us and not nitpick! I think I am a little more on edge, because of what happened to my brother and sister inlaw recently. They did ICSI and one of the twins (the one that is alive) had a hole in his diaphragm which pushed his intestines and stomach into his chest cavity so his lungs are underdeveloped, plus he is a premie. He just had surgery at 32 weeks to correct it and so far so good.
I know there's so much to worry to worry about. Thinking of giving up on iuis after 2 cancelled. Going off ivf sometime soon x
No transfer today. They decided to wait for the 5 day transfer, so Tuesday is the big day.

Have any of you taken progesterone suppositories during your IUI cycles? I am taking them 3xs a day and they are awful! Not only am I bloated and stopped up from the egg retrieval, but I think the progesterone adds to the discomfort. I look 3 months pregnant haha! Hoping my belly goes down soon so I can fit in my pants again. I guess this is good preparation for whats to come :)
I tried them with 2nd iui. I found them messy and a bit irritating and a pain to keep up with x
I really despise them and finding it hard to remember to use them as well. I have to wear a panty liner with them because of the mess. I am going to ask my RE about switching to shots on Tuesday. I really can't stand them!
Ughhh yes I had to use them for both my IUI's they ate gross.

I will be doing shots for my IVF
I bought some cheap cotton underwear so I wouldn't spoil my nicer underwear. Because we were doing iui we bd as well and the progesterone put me off. It only takes half an hour to absorb but it hangs around all day and makes a mess, then when you shower it's time for another! I will stick with it though lol xx
Eek!! Tomorrow is the big day. I am way too excited about this :)
Krista....FX'd for you today. Excited for you!!! :happydance:
The progesterone I did was taken orally 2 pills 6X a day so no mess there but Did bloat me up a bit. I did have to take the estrace vaginally though...a little blue pill. Thankfully did not stain but lots of blue underwear. lol
So here is a little update. I went in for my day 5 transfer and had one superb blast and like 5 or 6 morulas. I guess by day 5 you should have mostly blasts so it isn't looking good for the morulas, but they are letting them grow one more day to see if they turn into blasts. The embryologist said they were a bit slow. If any make it to blastocysts tomorrow they will freeze those and discard the rest. I took this news kind of rough and I think it hit me hard only because I was banking on the fact that if this cycle doesn't work we could always go back and use the frosties, but now that might not be an option and the thought of doing another fresh IVF cycle is very upsetting to me. I think I can handle the shots again, but the egg retrieval was the worst part and I was in a lot of pain for several days after. Dh is so wonderful though. He came home with some beautiful flowers and it really helped cheer me up.

I have 3 great things going for me right now though.

1. I have a wonderful, supportive and loving husband.
2. The embryologist could call me tomorrow morning and tell me a few made it to blastocyst stage and will be frozen so I need to quit getting ahead of myself and take it a day at a time.
3. I have a high quality blastocyst chilling in my uterus as I type this and I need to focus on this one little guy and not think about the others!!

Anyway I will keep you guys posted. Thanks for listening my dears :)
Ok let's focus on the amazing dude they gave you back! Grow baby grow!!! Tomorrow's a new day and you should deal with one thing at a time. Today is the one they gave you back! I'm excited for you.

You said the retrieval was bad. I'm scared because he might only get to be with me the day of depending on timing
Thanks! Most definitely!

I had the beginnings of OHSS so my ovaries were super sore prior to retrieval and after. I had very bad bloating and cramps. I am not sure if that is related to the retrieval or the OHSS. I gained about 6 pounds I believe in water around my abdomen, which made me look 3 months pregnant haha. My belly is pretty much back to normal today, but I am still having some side effects like constipation and having to pee constantly. I think I have lost about 4 pounds since retrieval so things are calming down. Honestly though it sucked but the thought that I had embies growing got me through, plus I had family visiting to distract me. I am sure it isn't that bad for most people. The retrieval itself isn't difficult because you are under IV sedation. If dh has to leave you to recover you will be fine. I was able to walk around and do things, just had to put on a happy face while doing it haha! Make sure you pack loose dresses and sweatpants.

Now I hope I don't scare you more, but just something to prepare for possibly happening I guess. I was really only super sore for 2 days and uncomfortable the rest. I actually went downtown to the symphony in the park the day of retrieval with my family. My Dr. would kill me if she found out! I just walked very very slowly and laid back in the grass. You aren't supposed to do anything the day of retrieval, so don't be a rebel like me!
Hey girl, definitely focus on the one that's chillin right now and your wonderful DH.... and yes she could call and say you have some frosties! I have a terrible habit of getting ahead of myself too! And I'm sure the symphony in the park laying in the grass is still considerd taking it's not like you were in a mosh pit!! lol Thinking of you these days and sending lots of sticky sticky dust!! xo :dust:
Shew ok I can handle that. I get bloated from the IUI meds so I'm sure I'll be sore and bloated from these. I'm so scared OHSS. Hopefully that won't happen because he uses les meds. Kinda like a mini IUI. The goal is quality or quantity.

I know the days until testing are going to drag by. I'm so anxious to see your bfp
I never developed OHSS, but they were concerned for a bit there and had me on meds to bring my estrogen down. I think it is best to do less meds as well and go for quality for sure! I forgot you have been on stims so you probably know what the bloating is all about. I would start drinking lots of water prior to retrieval and gatorade after to help move things along. I think it helped me avoid OHSS.

The embryologist called this morning and said we had one morula turn into a blastocyst over night so they froze that little guy, but the other 4 arrested (quit growing). I am happy we at least have one more try if the current cycle is a bust, but hopefully we won't use the frosty for a few years :)

I also asked why they used ICSI and they said that dh had bad morphology. I remember his morphology not being great early on in testing but our RE acted like it was above the cutoff for what they consider "bad" so she told us to do IUIs first, but I think that was a complete waste now. I was reading today that with bad morphology you pretty much just need to go straight to IVF with ICSI and even with ICSI you may only end up with one or two good blasts. I am really glad we have some answers though. I kind of want the IVF report with everything so I can see dh's numbers and the progression of the embryos. 2/10 wasn't what I was hoping for, but at least we had 2 good blasts! I just hope the one inside keeps growing and doesn't arrest.
At least you have some answers and you're moving in the right direction. You've got a good one growing and a left over for later. That's awesome.

I think doing IUI was a waste for me. I never wanted to do it anyway. Oh well just money lol
Fluterby, when do you start stims? Are you doing everything in MX or just the retrieval and transfer? How will this all work out. Hopefully you can make it a relaxing vacation as well.
I'm flying out on the evening of the 24th. I should start AF that day or the next. On CD2 I will cross over to MX to see the doctor to start the process. I will be there approximately 15 days. I'm very nervous about timing. I'm on birth control so I'm hoping that helps with timing. I usually start 3 days after the last pill.

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