I mentioned earlier that it took me 18months+; I had to lose some weight, I quit smoking and my GP gave me metformin last year; I also did acupuncture and in our final run pre-IVF, if you will, had all bloods double-checked in May and my underactive thyroid was still below par, so my GP doubled my little dose of meds, had a 28 day cycle (have PCOS so ranged from 25-44) and the next month, pregnant!
I also have to mention that I am 43 and having had PCOS, never thought seriously about kids until I met and married my now husband; we said if only we had known we (I) wanted kids, we would have started trying earlier (I got tricked two years ago, getting pregnant within 2 months of trying, but then an m/c), my dh really didn't mind having to do IVF or egg donation, so I think, for me, getting my body completely 'perfect' was the key, plus, due to my erratic cycles (I may have had a chemical pregnancy on the 44 day cycle), we were having sex from day 7ish to day 30 (and in June, the doc thinks we conceived around day 9-10, not the usual day 14); also, all my tests, scans have come back good...I think also I was more relaxed as well, so...
anyway, so far, so good....there is nothing worse than that monthly feeling of desperation, sadness and tears when you get yours 'monthly friend'...
best wishes
ps. quit smoking when pregnant first time. only started again when obvious m/c....