Any one have to wait until after AF is late for a BFP?

yep - back in the tww. I ovulated earlier this month then expected - so we'll see what happens. I used soft cups during my fertile period for the first time. My doctors appointment to check for issues isn't until Sept 16th - so we'll see. Not really hopeful unless I am late. Expected AF was 9/9 but might be earlier now. How are you doing?
Good morning ladies,
I just need to talk :(
One of my friends has lost her little boy at 20 weeks gestation :( I am extremely sad for her as she lost another little boy at the same stage of her pregnancy earlier this year :( they have had it so tough, they were told they would never be able to conceive, so they adopted 2 years ago, which is wonderful :) I'm sorry I've just dumped this all on you, and this really isn't my news to share but I'm just so sad :(
Hope you are all well.
H xx
Also, good luck moni! My fingers are definitely crossed for you :)
Kla - how are you feeling? I hope your pregnancy is treating you well and you are not getting too sick <3
MrsD - I'm hoping you are ok? It must've been just awful, I can't imagine what you're going through :( hoping you are getting there :) you are such a positive person :) it is lovely to hear <3
Again, hoping you are all well
H xx
(My name is Hayley by the way :))
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. Sorry for the delay in replying!
I came out of hospital on Monday and have been recovering quite quickly. I can move around quite well now but still have to take it easy. I have been signed off work for another week but hoping to go in for when the children start at the end of next week.
I went back to the hospital today for another blood test. Hcg level went from 7000 to 2000 after the op and the test today was to ensure it is still going down. I would do a pregnancy test to check myself but can't bring myself to. I think it'll be too upsetting.
Physically I am doing well and I am pleased I am recovering quite quickly, despite still being a little sore.
Emotionally? I don't really know where I am. I feel ok in myself and I have had so much support from close friends and family. I have had a visitor everyday which has helped. I think it's only a matter of time until I sit back and burst into tears over the whole thing. I think I just need to do that and then move on.
I am trying to hold on to the positives - I am able to conceive. I'm healthy and our time will come. There's so many women out there in worse positions than me, unable to have children etc. I'm lucky. I now just need to look forward to the future and put this behind me.
Hope you are all well ladies. KLa, Amanda please don't feel like you have to tip toe around me or not mention your pregnancies. We are still all in this together and it won't upset me. I'd love to know how you're all doing! Because hopefully one day soon, it'll be me in your position!
MrsD- it's so good to hear from you and I'm glad that, at least physically, you are doing well! It even seems like emotionally you've got it together- afterall, if you KNOW you need to breakdown that's being pretty aware of your feelings! Im glad youve had lots of company and people visiting- sometimes the distraction is just what you need! Holding on to the positives is the best thing you can do in a situation like this. Hope you know we are here for you, too!!!

Paigies- so sorry to hear about your friends loss! What a sad, awful, situation!

I am (knock on wood!) doing pretty well. Had a little scare Monday (my birthday- lovely) with some very light pink/orange spotting- as much as i wanted to stay calm i was panicked! Called the dr at 9:40am and they had me in at 10:15. She did an ultrasound and said everything still looked good- baby has a good strong heart beat- I probably just strained too much doing something and I have to really take it easy. A little more brown spotting later (which dr said was fine) and that was the end of it. DH would have me live in a bubble from then on if it was up to him but I was back to work Tues. I have another appt Tues so I am hoping everything still looks good.
How are things for you Paigies??? Any news/progress?

Moni- any updates?

Piece- are you still here? We miss you!
Hey ladies!! I feel like I disappear often but I promise that is not my intention at all. Just started back at work in Monday gone and it has been the hardest ordeal ever being away from my son for long hours and full time. The only thing keeping me going is that it is all temporary until baby number 2 arrives.

How is everyone doing?

MrsD you really do sound like you have it all together so well. You are entitled to your grief though so make sure you take time to grieve. It is a healthy and normal thing to go through after such a loss. My heart remains with you Hun. Your lo has 2 playmates of mine in heaven and they have the BEST babysitter EVER until we join them one day. Keep strong darling!!

Kla have you had your first ultrasound yet? I have my first on September 23rd (feels like ages away!!) and I just wish there was a way to know everything is going well in there...

Piece what have you been up to lately? Any new info on the move?
AF is due next weekend. I had signed up for a 75 mile bike ride for Sunday so I think I might test that morning if needed... I can decide during the ride to do either 35 or 55 miles instead, or I can skip it all together.

MrsD - you are still in my thoughts - how long has the doctor told you to wait?

Kla and Amanda keep us posted. Kla why do you have to take it so easy?
Hi ladies!
Amanda- how have you been feeling? I have actually ready had three ultrasounds- one was at 6 weeks and was my first appt with new OB. Second was 2 weeks later for more accurate dating and the third was this past Monday after the spotting to make sure all looked ok. I have another scheduled Sept 20th for the nuchal translucency screen. We have seen the heart beat all three times- which is just so cool! I have a normal checkup appt tomorrow and I'm hoping we will hear the heart beat but it may still be too early.

Moni- I think testing before the ride to be safe is a good idea! My doctor told me to take it easy because I have a fibroid on my uterus (about 3cm) that can cause some complications and discomfort. She said no intercourse (poor DH!) and then reiterated being very careful not to strain after I had that spotting last week. Thankfully all is just fine in there but I am being careful to keep it that way!

MrsD- hope you are still doing alright! When does school start back up for you? I bet the kiddos will be a great distraction! I find that no matter how I feel when I go to school they always make me forget what's going on!
I'm currently 35 days late for my period. Never been this late in my life, nor have I ever missed a period completely. I last tested when i was 12 days late (23 days ago). Hmmm.
Hi ladies!
Amanda- how have you been feeling? I have actually ready had three ultrasounds- one was at 6 weeks and was my first appt with new OB. Second was 2 weeks later for more accurate dating and the third was this past Monday after the spotting to make sure all looked ok. I have another scheduled Sept 20th for the nuchal translucency screen. We have seen the heart beat all three times- which is just so cool! I have a normal checkup appt tomorrow and I'm hoping we will hear the heart beat but it may still be too early.

Moni- I think testing before the ride to be safe is a good idea! My doctor told me to take it easy because I have a fibroid on my uterus (about 3cm) that can cause some complications and discomfort. She said no intercourse (poor DH!) and then reiterated being very careful not to strain after I had that spotting last week. Thankfully all is just fine in there but I am being careful to keep it that way!

MrsD- hope you are still doing alright! When does school start back up for you? I bet the kiddos will be a great distraction! I find that no matter how I feel when I go to school they always make me forget what's going on!

Hi Kla!!

I have been having loads of heartburn!! Slight nausea but last time 8weeks was when the worst of my symptoms hit. So I am trying to enjoy being mostly symptom free... I do worry some days though because I hardly feel pregnant but once we have our first ultrasound on the 23rd it will feel more real. Can't wait to hear and see the hb!!
Thanks for your messages. I am recovering well (physically) from the op and feel pretty much back to normal now. We are meant to be at work today and yesterday (without kids) but I have been signed off for the rest of this week. However, as I'm feeling a lot better I am going to go back tomorrow as that's when the children start! I have to be there for their exciting first day at school!

I am looking forward to going back to work and having the distraction. I'm not looking forward to explaining why I'm off to everyone. Everyone knows I had an operation but don't know what for. Most people are sensitive and take the hint not to ask too many questions. But a few people keep probing me for information and are being very insensitive.

Me and my hubby went to the cinema the other day to see Grown Ups 2. I was fine the whole way through, until the end when she's pregnant and he's talking to the baby. I then started to cry. I held it together until I got in the car and then just burst into tears.

I feel quite down at the moment and feel like I'm getting angry very easily. I'm trying to look on the bright side but it's quite difficult. I think I'll feel better when we are TTC again.

Moni - I'm not sure how long we have to wait. One doctor said we could try straight away, but a nurse also said wait 3 months. I'm awaiting a call from the doctor to give me some blood results so I will ask then. We are definitely at least waiting until I get a period. (Which could be a while)

So to sum up..I'm feeling a bit crappy and life feels a little empty at the moment. But we will get through it!

Sounds like all is going well for you all. KLa and Amanda - hope you're feeling well and not having too many horrible symptoms! Must be getting really exciting as you approach the 12 week mark!
Ladies just a note to informed that I would no longer be joining in on your chats or a part of this thread any longer. I have come to the decision that the ttc journey has come to an end for me.

Kla, we have been through a long walk together and it was great and for that I thank you.
I am sure you will be perfectly fine in the company of the new wonderful ladies on this board, so I feel good to know that I am leaving you in excellent hands.

MrsD. hope you get pregnant soon again.

Thanks for all the advice you did give while you were here - good luck to you!
Piece - so sorry you're leaving us, but understand why.

You are such a lovely, kind, caring person. I wish you a happy future - full of love, laughter and happiness. All the best. x
I wish you all the wonderful things in the world piece. You have been on a long journey and I understand why you need to go but please know that you will be greatly missed on here. Lots of love Hun!!!

MrsD how are you doing Hun? How is work treating you with all the little ones?? You have such a rewarding job I sure envy you!! :)
Thanks Amanda. I'm feeling a lot better now. Still upset every now and then but I think I will feel better when I can TTC again. Going back to hospital for another blood test tomorrow then a follow up consultation in a month's time. I'm hoping to put it all behind me soon so we can move on to trying again.

Work is good thanks. Only been back a couple of days but the kids are excited to be at school! They definitely keep me busy and take my mind off things! I have been ok at work apart from when a little girl leant in to me while I was sitting down, right where my stitches are. Ouch!

How are you Amanda?
I am feeling mostly just tired and unhappy that my face is breaking out terribly! My skin has become super oily. But I won't complain at all because I haven't experienced any morning sickness at all like I did with my son... Yet... Knock on wood... My pants are already getting right but it's all bloat right now. With every passing day I feel more and more like I am having a girl. Just a feeling though...
Piece- not sure if you will see this but I hope you know I wish you nothing but the best! Thank you for your friendship and support- we are here should you need us!!!

MrsD- we had our first week with kids last week too. Glad to hear they are keeping you distracted and you are feeling better. I teach 6-8year olds and I know they make me laugh all day so I can only imagine how much fun (and how absolutely exhausting!) your little ones must be!!!

Amanda- glad you are feeling well! Not sure if I ever asked- what's your EDD? I am just over 10weeks now and already hardly any of my work pants fit! I am using a hair tie to extend the buttons so I can breathe- lol! Knock on wood no morning sickness here, either- as long as I don't get too hungry, I don't get too nauseas. Had a killer headache though- lasted almost 3 days before i caved and took a tylenol (which is apparently ok- ibuprofen is not?!) and have felt fine since. I think it was more exhaustion from being back to work than anything else.

Moni- how are you? Any news?
Hey kla!! Yeah regular strength Tylenol is ok but not much else is unfortunately :( my edd is April 24th!! Will be 8 weeks on Wednesday :) I am so happy! I keep testing lol I really need to stop hahaha the test line is SO dark it absorbs almost all the due before it can get to the control line haha
AF came this weekend. Pretty disappointed. We did sperm check on the hubby and that was positive - so he has enough swimmers. I have my appointment with the doctor next week to start looking into things. I am already compiling my list of questions. I feel like I am getting fertilized eggs and they are just not sticking. I'm not a doctor, but that is my gut feeling especially since I have started getting cramps during my period when I never used to before. So hopefully we can start there with the doctor next week - of course they might not like my self-diagnosis...

Anyways, good luck to you guys. I'll send a post when I get some good news!


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