Any one testing around 19/04/10

Stardust - so sorry about your MC :hugs: well done for keeping positive

am trying to stay relaxed and keep my chin up.

:dust: to everyone
Stardust - so sorry about your MC :hugs: well done for keeping positive

am trying to stay relaxed and keep my chin up.

:dust: to everyone

Aw cheers Ejay! yes......lots and lots of :dust:
I am! :flower:

AF is due for me between 15-18, so going to try and hold out until the 18th. Managed to hold out until the day AF was due last cycle, so will try and do it again. Only thing is, I O'd later than I thought so will only be 12DPO on the 18th...wonder whether I should wait a bit longer?

I have been having some ongoing cramps, I assume from ovulating - am 2DPO today. Really don't want to go through this 2WW symptom spotting like crazy - but how do you not!

Fingers crossed for all of us xx

LuckyD! Hi ya!
I am a couple days past ov and I am still having some pains too!! weird hey.

I think I am due AF on 17-18. again i will probably only be 12dpo? I am going to test anyway! I am too impatient lol. Well I have about 30 tests in my drawer for next month (ever the pessamist!) some ic, digi and superdrug early ones, they are 2 for 1 in there at the moment!!

Hope we can be bump buddies too!!!! yay

Wow, we must have identical cycles!

Yeah, I don't know if I am going to be able to hold out past the 18th either...surely 12DPO is ok to test! Will see how it feels I guess...if I think AF is coming might try and hold off another day or so. I have a whole pile of tests from my friend who is a doctor - they are nothing fancy, just the ones that the hospital use - but I also have an early detection one that I will use first off.

Good luck to you hon! Are you TTC your first? I am....can't wait for the day when I see a BFP!

Definately sounds like our cycles are spot on each other!!

I am trying for my first. I had a missed mc at 12 weeks in January so this is my first month of ttc again. I feel excited and nervous all at the same time.

Fingers and toes and EVERYTHING crossed!

Will add you to my ticker as a ttc buddy (if thats ok LOL)

Of course that's ok! Will add you too x

So sorry about your mc in January :hugs: must be a bit of mixed emotion starting to TTC again? I really, really hope you get some good news next weekend!!!

I am trying not to think about symptoms....way to early I know..but have been kinda crampy. I think that is just the end of O though. Will drive myself crazy if I start thinking about this too early!

Hope everyone is doing ok xx almost in the 1WW!

Im due to test on the 18th good luck to you all. Lots of baby dust xxxxxxxxx
It is a real rollercoaster of emotion, you are right! I keep saying I dont really mind if it doesnt happen yet, I can diet and lose weight bla bla, I think it sort of a reverse physcology thing. If I dont want it as much it might happen (if that makes sense!)

Praying for some good news too. 1WW - now thats getting exciting lol! I want to be there now, god doesnt it drag!

See you on the 18th hans with results LOTS OF LUCK TO US ALL x
Ok Ok, after saying yesterday that I had no symptoms, today I have had mild cramping on the left side of my abdomen only, although I am not looking into this too much as I had mild cramping around this time last month as well.
AF due 18th so if she aint got me Im right there with ya!!!!
hi im due the :witch: on the 19th as well but im hoping she stays away, my cycles are short being only 24days, this month ive tryed the sperm mets egg plan and also used opks which showed i was ovulating on monday or tuesday and my temps have also gone back up
good luck to everyone :dust: :dust:
donna xxx
i keep getting cramping on/off and feeling abit sick today thinking its not my month :( xx
Ok Ok, after saying yesterday that I had no symptoms, today I have had mild cramping on the left side of my abdomen only, although I am not looking into this too much as I had mild cramping around this time last month as well.

We are so the same Ejay x I am having the exactly same thing, on my left as well - but I also had it last month (for the first time, as far as I can recall). Last month I got a little bit excited about it because it was new, but clearly that didn't work out.

I swear I have had almost every single pregnancy symptom going over the months we have been TTC. I was thinking about it this morning - the only two I haven't experienced yet have been implantation bleeding and increased CM - so unless I see either once of these I am not allowing my hopes to get up at all!
It is a real rollercoaster of emotion, you are right! I keep saying I dont really mind if it doesnt happen yet, I can diet and lose weight bla bla, I think it sort of a reverse physcology thing. If I dont want it as much it might happen (if that makes sense!)

Praying for some good news too. 1WW - now thats getting exciting lol! I want to be there now, god doesnt it drag!

See you on the 18th hans with results LOTS OF LUCK TO US ALL x

Totally, I am all about the reverse psychology! Means I don't get too excited too soon. This month is 'well, if I got pregnant this month, the baby would be due on Christmas Eve and when it gets older it might not like having it's birthday at Christmas time, so if we don't get pregnant really we are just saving our future child from birthday unhappiness...etc etc...'

Sometimes I think I am crazy.

Let's all keep each other sane over the next week! :hugs:
It is a real rollercoaster of emotion, you are right! I keep saying I dont really mind if it doesnt happen yet, I can diet and lose weight bla bla, I think it sort of a reverse physcology thing. If I dont want it as much it might happen (if that makes sense!)

Praying for some good news too. 1WW - now thats getting exciting lol! I want to be there now, god doesnt it drag!

See you on the 18th hans with results LOTS OF LUCK TO US ALL x

Totally, I am all about the reverse psychology! Means I don't get too excited too soon. This month is 'well, if I got pregnant this month, the baby would be due on Christmas Eve and when it gets older it might not like having it's birthday at Christmas time, so if we don't get pregnant really we are just saving our future child from birthday unhappiness...etc etc...'

Sometimes I think I am crazy.

Let's all keep each other sane over the next week! :hugs:

If you are crazy hun, so am I!!! i am just like you in every ttc way!!
Just replied on my journal to you. lovely to see you pop in!

i really should be in bed! my DH just shouted, so you have any skin on your fingers the amount of time you are on that laptop LOL!
I don't think I've got a chance this month :(

I hate going thorugh the positive moods then the negative moods :hissy:
I'm also due to test around the 20th. I hate all of this waiting. I'm also nervous because I had a trigger shot so I'm worried I'm gonna get a BFP when it's not!!
Ok Ok, after saying yesterday that I had no symptoms, today I have had mild cramping on the left side of my abdomen only, although I am not looking into this too much as I had mild cramping around this time last month as well.

same here.. cept its on my right side! its like right above my hip bone and a bit to the inside
I'm not TTC but we had a maybe-oopsie on the 3rd. Think we're safe but as I'm still bf I don't have my periods back yet so have to test to be on the safe side! Think I ov'd around then too which is disconcerting, and oddly the 3rd is the day of the month I conceived LO. Got my BFP 10DPO last time as I had symptoms from literally day 1 and the nausea got unbearable by 7DPO and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me hehe. Been warned I might not get symptoms while bf but have noticed tea tastes different again but hoping it's a coincidence. I know I'm not in it for the same reason as you guys but will be testing on the 19th so need someone to 'hold my hand' and keep fingers crossed for a BFN and hoping my babydust goes to you guys instead :D

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