Any one testing around 19/04/10

Hi Ladies, can I join in, I ov'd on 6th April, so I normally have a 10-12 day Luteal Phase, (except last month which tortured me with a 14 day one) so In theory I am due on around 18th/19th April.

We BD 3 times around OV so I am quite confident, as we have never made such an effort before as DH does not like the idea of doing it to demand! So fingers crossed. In the meantime we are waiting for his sample results, and I have my hospital referral on 13th May!

Good luck to you all, hope this is our month - there is no where I'd rather be on Xmas eve than at the hospital with my new little bundle!! - Christmas eve babies, come on!!!:kiss:
Oh lord would it be xmas? What a present!
Have been realy tired and grumpy today, mild cramping on the left side has now gone. But..... today was a little stressfull as I took my young horse to our first dressage competition and it was all a bit too exciting. So think my tiredness is just from all that.

Felt a little sick this morning OH thought it was morning sickness, I pointed out it was more likely nerves due to the dressage competition.

oh the wait.... it will soon be the 1WW
Yea i have been having kind of a neverous stomach feeling :haha: Idk if its from being nervous to test later.. being a bit apprehensive if we dtd enough and so on. lol
So looking forward to getting into the 1WW with all of you!

I have a small amount of cramping that comes and goes, plus still getting quite a bit of creamy CM, but I am trying to ignore any potential symptoms until I am at least 7 or 8PDPO!

If I got pregnant this cycle, my due date would be Christmas Eve! How crazy - but what a nice Christmas present.

Hope you are all doing well and not driving yourselves crazy yet xx
I had a lot of cramping & dodgy tummy feelings with LO but put it down to my IBS. Other weird symptoms were food tasting different, dry throat/constantly thirsty, funny smelling urine, and burping a lot! Freaking out a bit as having IBS bubbles & funny feelings for the first time since last time but if my cycles are returning it would make sense with the hormones.
Hey girls can I join too?
I ovd on thurs cd19 making me 3dpo today. We bd cd15,17,19 not as much as I would've liked but still hoping its enough. Due to test on the 19th as I usually have an 11 day lp. If I conceived this cycle I would be due on the 30th dec which is two days before my birthday so it would be like a late xmas early bday pressie for me. Normally get tender bbs straight after ov but nothing yet so here's hoping its a sign.
Babydust to all of us hope we all get our bfps in a couple weeks
I had a lot of cramping & dodgy tummy feelings with LO but put it down to my IBS. Other weird symptoms were food tasting different, dry throat/constantly thirsty, funny smelling urine, and burping a lot! Freaking out a bit as having IBS bubbles & funny feelings for the first time since last time but if my cycles are returning it would make sense with the hormones.

thats how i am feelin at the moment! Hope its good for you and its just regular ibs for you :haha: :)
hey Girlies, Just checking in on you all and OMG the time is going quicker now! soon be time to test. Cant wait to see who gets the BFS. someone will, if not more!! woo hoo. If not I am a TTC warrior LOL!! back for more next month and we will no doubt be close on dates again?
Oh sounds positive camo!

If nothing else testing will tell me how I really feel about not having anymore. I'll either be disappointed or relieved when it's BFN & then I'll know what I want hehe.
Oh sounds positive camo!

If nothing else testing will tell me how I really feel about not having anymore. I'll either be disappointed or relieved when it's BFN & then I'll know what I want hehe.

:hugs: Well i hope you get what your heart truley wants!

also I had a bit of indigestion acidy reflux feeling for a bit after breakfast.. hope thats a good sign!
Oh yes, I had killer heartburn. We got an Indian takeaway 8DPO and it repeated on me soooo badly, ooh I'm getting really excited for you!
was just wondering how many times a week or month do u and all your DH's BD ???... just curious.
was just wondering how many times a week or month do u and all your DH's BD ???... just curious.

Well, we followed the Sperm Meets Egg Plan this month - BD'd every other day from CD8, then when you get your positive OPK (for me it wasn't until CD18!) BD three days in a row, then one day off, then BD one more time.

In other months we have BD'd all week of O, but it gets a bit too much..every other day was way less stressful.

We shall see if it made a difference!
thanks luckyD.. i dont chart or use OPK's... we BD almost every day!! :) this is only cycle 2 for me..will u test early or wait for AF ?
I'm on 8DPO and I really want to test :dohh:
I'm going to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday :wacko:

Anyone else going to be testing early??

I Might as well give up now, DH just got sperm test results - no sperm found - not dead or anything else - just none! Might as well leave work and go and find a big bottle of wine - no point worrying about drinking now is there!

he has to re-do the test incase a fault, then referral to hospital Time is not on our side though - while I am 31, he is 46 and has an 18 year old, we have been together 10 years so his son is great and I love him so much, but not the same as my own baby.

Good luck you all - off to find very large bottle of Sauvignon Blanc! (not really!)

I am sure I will still symptom spot, how can you stop after all this time, but I will just be leading myself to more upset I expect. XXX
Step mummy I am so sorry... but don't give up completely... there may have been a fault.. I will keep FXed for you xxx

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