Any summer 2016 babies?

Dimmu - sorry that the ms is just so awful for you these days! Really makes it tough to get through the day! You said you were taking something for it, weren't you?

Miss Bellum - the insomnia sounds like no treat either! I'm sorry :-/ ... how exhausting and frustrating. I've never had it that bad. Sometimes later in pregnancy I'll lie awake for about 2 hrs at night, but it's not every night... and these days thankfully my little ones let me sleep pretty well (*normally* only have to get up once before 7 am, and I can get back to sleep after so it's no big deal).

Jjay - I saw the little bean (measured 8 mm), and a little flickering of the heartbeat. Also she showed me some of the doppler flow (flashing red/colours). She measured the heartrate at 120 bpm which she said was normal for 6w5d. It is definitely reassuring - even though the feeling might only last a few days! :)
:( Dimmu your ms sounds horrid, I don't know how you're managing to work. I hope it gets better soon.

Sorry about your insomnia Miss B, I hope you get a better sleep tonight. I am so exhausted at the moment. I feel like I could sleep all day. Thankfully DS has been sleeping better so I am getting better sleep too.

Your scan sounds fab Eva, I am so excited and nervous for mine. Not long to wait now! Aside from fatigue I'm not feeling too bad, a little nausea and sore boobs. That's it.

Hope your docs appointment goes well tomorrow Dimmu. Have you decided on your hospital?
Thanks for the sympathy ladies, I had another rought night and woke up at 1:30 and didnt get to sleep again til 4am. Yawn! Getting very tedious now. Its not something I usually have any problems with, I'm usually in bed and alsleep til morning.

Sorry to hear about the sickness yesterday Dimmu, sounds rough. Glad it was better today. Did your sickness ease up last time?

Eva, I'm usually quite lucky as my lg only wakes once or twice every few days I used to be able to go straight to sleep after but seem to have lost the knack. Its good your little ones are letting you get some sleep. How lovely to have seen bean and have the hb measured.

JJay - Glad you are getting some better sleep, this stage is cetainly exhasting! Its good you aren't suffering too much hope it keeps up
Hi how's everyone today? Any more insomnia or other symptoms?

My MS has been a bit better the last two days, I was only sick maybe 4-5 times yesterday and only once so far today. I work from home today so that certainly helps as I can stay next to the fridge lol!

I had my GP appointment today, and ended up picking the hospital closest to us. Just thought it would be the easiest, it's only 20 min walk from home and DD's school whereas the other hospital would have been a bus/tube ride away and who wants to rely on London public transport system when heavily pregnant! I feel like I made the right choice, just thought if anything happens and I have to be hospitalised or something it's nicer to be close to home.

I also got some medication for my MS, I only plan to take it if I really need it, like if I have to meet a client at work or something. Otherwise I guess I will just keep eating as it keeps the MS away!!!

Ms B, with my last pregnancy the vomiting stopped after the first trimester, the nausea didn't go away completely but it got better as well. I did put on lots of weight because I kept eating so much to keep the nausea away.

Oh I should add that I asked the GP if my age is a big deal pregnancywise or if I should take anything into consideration because of my age. She just looked at me and said 38 is not that old lol.
Made me feel better, I think I've been reading way too many scary articles about pregnancies over 35 and all the associated risks!
Hi Everyone,

Dimmu I'm glad your appointment went well, your doctor sounds lovely. I hope the ms is a bit better.

Hope you're getting some sleep Miss B

I am feeling worried today, I feel quite normal, not really any symptoms. My bloat seems better and I'm not peeing all the time :( since I got 3+ at the weekend there doesn't seem a point in testing anymore either so I feel like there is nothing to put my mind at ease. Tmi but I keep getting lots of watery discharge today and keep dashing to the loo thinking I'm bleeding. My scan on Monday can't come soon enough.
Sightly better night last night, slept all the way through till 4:55 when my lg woke up. She went back to sleep but I couldnt. Feeling really tired now. Still finished work for the week now and have some time off next week so hopefully will be able to catch up on some rest.

Dimmu - Glad the appointment went well, your doctor sounds lovely. I picked my hopsital based on location as well. You dont want to be trapising around on the underground when you are heavily pregnant!

Hope the MS stays away.

JJay the first trimester is such a worrying time. I had no symptoms at all for the first 12 weeks or so of my first pregnacy and everything was fine so hopefully it will be same for you. Fingers crossed for you scan on Monday.
Jjay how are you today? I think it's normal for symptoms to fluctuate during the first trimester, hopefully there is no reason to be concerned. I know what you saying about there being nothing you can do to confirm things are making progress after getting that 3+ on digi. I keep using my cheap OPKs every now and then just to see that line pop up. Pointless I know but any kind of reassurance is better than none at times like these when all you can do is wait. I hope the scan goes smoothly. I still have two weeks until mine, the time is dragging!

Miss B glad to hear you managed to sleep a bit more. How was last night? Nice for you to have some time off. Christmas just can't come quick enough, I have 1.5 weeks off work then, can't wait, especially as I should be having my 12/13 wk scan soon after.

Not much change for me, been sick twice today, and think it will keep happening. I've got the nausea medication now but reluctant to take it unless I really have to. I guess I'll just keep alternating between eating and throwing up, great!
dimmu sorry you are still being sick, I'd probably keep the medication for worst case scenarios too.

I cant believe how quickly Christmas is coming round. I'm sort of in a hurry to get to January to get my scan but I dont want to miss the time with my lg, especially lookin forward to Christmas with her.

Not a great night again, 3am wake up and then lg was awake at 4:45, 5:30 and 6 when I gave up and got up.
I'm cautiously pregnant with my 2nd baby, due date will be sometime mid July so I'm just over five weeks at the moment and feeling very nervous.
I'm 38 and I have a 5 yo DD who's very eager to have a sibling, she doesn't know I'm pregnant yet.

Would love to chat with other "more mature" mamas to be! :)
I'm 5 wks 4 days, I'm 36, been prego total 6 times..I have 3 boys..we hoping for a girl..been feeling a little crampy, large and sore breast, lil moody.had a scan ystedy to get estimate due date, they only seen the sac. Kinda normal due to me being 5w..still nervous aswell.
Hi! Just stalking this thread.
Miss Bellum: I had bad insomnia fr a few weeks in first trimester. Awful, as I'm a solid sleeper. It passed. Hang in there!
Good luck ladies! Wish you all good pregnancies & healthy babies.
Hi Kesha, congratulations! It must be nice to have a scan already, when will you get another? Will you find out the gender or keep it a surprise until the birth?

Dimmu, I hope you're feeling ok. I don't know how you cope with being sick all the time. I have a bit of a phobia about being sick, I dread it and it's really rare it happens.

Miss B sorry you're having such bad sleep :( you're right Christmas seems around the corner all of a sudden. It's nice to have the distraction of all the presents, cards, wrapping and parties!

I had a busy day yesterday, I met my sisters for lunch in a lovely restaurant. I was worried a bit as I felt fine all day and was even looking enviously at all those enjoying a nice chilled glass of prosecco or wine with their lunch. However when I cooked dinner for me and DH the smell really turned my stomach and I found I couldn't face eating any of it. I ended up having 2 bowls of ice cream instead!

I'm back to feeling tired and nauseous today. I'm counting down to my scan on Monday...
Sorry Qmama I missed your post! Thanks for the good wishes. Congratulations on your little blue bump X
Hi Kesha8571 and Qmama79!

Sorry ladies for my long silence the last few few days! Things have been extremely busy both at home and work...I didn't even get around to calling my doctor until today (a few days after my ultrasound). He wasn't in though, need to wait until next week.

JJay - glad you're feeling a bit (emotionally) better today!

Dimmu - glad your appt went well! What kind of meds did they give you for your sickness? I'm sorry you keep throwing up! :-/ I've felt like it many times (esp. when brushing teeth!) but so far, I've been able to keep it down. Thankfully!

Miss B arrrgg the insomnia. I hope it ends for you soon!
Hi all, actually managed to sleep all the way through last night, although it was after I fell asleep on the sofa so felt pretty icky when I woke!

Went to the midwife to arrange a booking in appointment and found its all changed now! They don’t arrange the first appointment now until you are 10-12 weeks along. Used to be 8. There is a pre-booking session at 8 weeks when you go with a small group of other ladies to find out how the processes work. Not sure what to expect from that but guess will find out on the 14th December.

Kesha - Glad your scan went well. I am still previous nervous too, seems a long time till January and our first scan.

Hi Qmma Insomnia is annoying when you are used to sleeping through. Hopefully it will pass soon.

Jjay - sounds like a lovely lunch with your sister. I sometimes get a bit envious of people enjoying a nice glass of wine! What a shame you didn't get to have your dinner. Hope the nausea lifts soon.

Hi Eva, sounds like a busy time, hope you can relax for a bit.
Hi everyone,
Hope you're all doing well. Sorry for not being around yesterday, I had a particularly rough day in terms of MS and just crashed in the evening. Friday nights aren't what they used to be!!

JJay - glad to hear you have some symptoms again. How's today been for you? Good luck with your scan on Monday.

Miss B - How's the insomnia? Your first appointment seems to be fairly late! Do you have a scan date yet?

Eva - Hope you get a chance to unwind a bit this weekend, sounds like you're very busy!

Kesha - It's perfectly normal to feel nervous, I think we are all guilty of that, and I'm not sure if it ever goes away completely!

My MS is a bit milder today, but I have a big afternoon ahead, have to travel to the other side of London with DD for a housewarming, wish I could just stay home and take it slowly. This morning was stressful as well as one of my pet rabbits was poorly so had to rush her to the vets, I was really hoping for a relaxing morning to prepare for this afternoon but of course that never happened. :(

The hospital got in touch with me already, I was surprised how quick it was. Last time I had to wait a couple of weeks for a letter to turn up. I will have my first appointment with a community midwife on Wednesday in a local children's centre. Also very different from last time when I had to go to the hospital for my booking in. I assume I would have to go the hospital separately for blood samples.
I also have the 12 week scan booked for December 31st!! Seems like such a long wait!
Hey everyone, hope you're all having a good weekend. I'm ok just feeling fat and sick and tired so all good!

How are you feeling Eva? When will you get another scan?

Where in the uk are you miss B? I had my first 2 pregnancies in Yorkshire but I'm in Northumberland now and the process is similar to yours. We have a pre booking in group session (which I've been to) you just turn up and are given notes and told what not to eat etc. We then have a 1.5 hour booking in appointment 7-9 weeks, mine is on the 7th Dec. 10-12 weeks seems late!

Dimmu, how exciting that you got your scan date through! New Year's Eve is a nice day to have it. Hope the MS is getting better.

We've got such a busy weekend with the start of the children's Christmas discos, performances etc so it's great for keeping my mind off worrying about the scan on Monday.
Hi all,

dimmu - sorry you can't catch a break! Hope you got a bit of rest so far over the weekend! 31st indeed seems far away! I hope you start to feel a bit better so the days don't drag on as much.

I did manage to get some rest though also had to do a bit of work, but I'm all done now so going to bed after this :)

JJay - I don't know when my next scan will be. I'm going to try and see my GP later this week and ask for a scan referral (probably has to be private) for this or next week. Right around today was when I lost the pregnancy last time (to find out 2 weeks later). The relieved feeling of my scan last week has worn off and now I'm getting pretty nervous again. Also feeling less ill... and don't feel like I'm "getting any bigger"... which I remember experiencing last time :-/ ... You have your big scan in a week, right (7th)? Hope you start to feel less icky! How were the Christmas celebrations?

Miss B - nice you got a long sleep finally! Though I know what you mean... couch sleeps aren't quite as satisfying! So the 14th is your next big appointment?
Feeling pretty tired now, very busy weekend. We went to Birmingham to celebrate SIL 40th birthday. Nice to catch up with them as we don’t see them often due to distance (they live in Peterborough and MIL is moored in Birmingham so it makes a good halfway meeting point). We also got to share our good news with them which was nice. It is a little early to share but we wanted the opportunity to tell them in person before we make any FB announcements.

Hope your MS is better now dimmu and you are able to enjoy the housewarming

Insomnia does seem to be easing off but last night was tough. My LG was a bit thrown off by a hotel stay and woke up every 15 minutes between 12:45 and 2:30 when she had a melt down. Hoping for a better night tonight as back home.

Sorry about your rabbit, hope she/he is feeling better soon.

Everything seems like such a long wait! Our process changed too and we don’t even get a booking in appointment until 10 weeks. Great that you have a scan date though.

Jjay - I'm in the South West. If the group thing is similar to yours, it seems like a bit of waste of time really. Doesn’t seem to be much point in telling you what not to eat when you are already 10 weeks in!

Enjoy the performances and discos!

Eva, yep nothing until 14th and that doesn’t seem to be a very useful appointment. Hope you can get another scan soon.
Hi everyone hope you're all doing ok.

I'm feeling a bit flat after my scan. It took them a while to find anything and I ended up with an internal scan. They said my uterus is flat and tilted so it was difficult to see anything. I was thinking the worst again. A second sonograper took over and managed to find a heartbeat so that was good news, however she said baby was measuring max of 6 weeks. I asked about heart rate but their machine is old and doesn't count beats. She said all they check for at this stage is a viable pregnancy - in the right place, with a heartbeat. I asked about the difference in dates (the very earliest I could be would be 6w4days) and she said its common to be a little bit out early on and I'll probably find its caught up my the next scan.

Instead of feeling reassured by my reassurance scan I think I feel worse! I've got a private scan booked for the 19th Dec but that seems like ages away. Am I crazy for thinking of booking another private scan for next week?

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