Any summer 2016 babies?

Hi everyone hope you're all doing ok.

I'm feeling a bit flat after my scan. It took them a while to find anything and I ended up with an internal scan. They said my uterus is flat and tilted so it was difficult to see anything. I was thinking the worst again. A second sonograper took over and managed to find a heartbeat so that was good news, however she said baby was measuring max of 6 weeks. I asked about heart rate but their machine is old and doesn't count beats. She said all they check for at this stage is a viable pregnancy - in the right place, with a heartbeat. I asked about the difference in dates (the very earliest I could be would be 6w4days) and she said its common to be a little bit out early on and I'll probably find its caught up my the next scan.

Instead of feeling reassured by my reassurance scan I think I feel worse! I've got a private scan booked for the 19th Dec but that seems like ages away. Am I crazy for thinking of booking another private scan for next week?

Oh no, so sorry the first scan was disappointing and did nothing to reassure you. Was this with NHS, were they concerned at all or do they just think you got the dates wrong? I assume you know exactly when you ovulated?

I think if I were you and if I could afford it I would also consider another scan. Is there a chance you could bring forward the scan you have booked for the 19th?

How's everyone else been?
I've been nauseous all day, and been sick a few times as well, so the usual. I've gone off quite a few different foods now and it's becoming a bit of a struggle to eat as I don't really fancy anything. Then again I have to eat to keep the nausea under control, I couldn't work otherwise.
I've also had some sharp twinges today, they seem to come sometimes when I sit still for a long time like this afternoon in the office. I guess they are some sort of stretching pains, or so I hope anyway.
Jjay - Sorry to hear the scan wasn't reassuring. It can be difficult to measure baby at this stage so hopefully nothing to worry about. At least there is a HB and surely they would have said if there was something to worry about? I do understand why you would want a private scan to check though.

Dimmu, I've been feeling nauseous a lot today to. Luckily don’t seem to be going off any foods yet. Hopefully it wont last long for either of us.
Hey Dimmu I'm glad your symptoms are still nice and strong! Sounds like you're getting round ligament pain, are your clothes getting snug?

I have booked a private scan for Friday. Today's was nhs and I've found in the past that the private ones are much more accurate as the equipment they use is better. I know I will feel stressed until then but at least the scan on Friday should give me a better idea of whether there's a problem. I've been googling like mad and found lots of people in a similar situation. Seems around 50/50 positive and negative result...
Thanks Miss B, they did seem OK about the scan so maybe I am worrying too much. Fingers crossed X
Hey Dimmu I'm glad your symptoms are still nice and strong! Sounds like you're getting round ligament pain, are your clothes getting snug?

I have booked a private scan for Friday. Today's was nhs and I've found in the past that the private ones are much more accurate as the equipment they use is better. I know I will feel stressed until then but at least the scan on Friday should give me a better idea of whether there's a problem. I've been googling like mad and found lots of people in a similar situation. Seems around 50/50 positive and negative result...

I'm sorry that scan did not go that well. How frustrating to not have a reassuring result :( I would 100% book a private scan (assuming affordable) in your situation. Sending positive vibes and I hope you get some better answers on Friday :)

I will finally see my GP tomorrow and I'll ask him to give me a referral for a scan, which I'll try to do on Thurs or Fri. I'm not sure but I think I have to pay ~$150 AUD. It will be worth it though to temporarily either put my mind at ease, or find out the worst. My breasts have finally started to feel a tad sore though, so I'm taking that as a marginally good sign.

I find myself going off a lot of foods but I can still eat most things, thankfully. I've pretty much totally gone off coffee though (which I never did in my other pregnancies), and this morning I had a super strong craving for salt and vinegar chips/crisps! Good thing we didn't have any in the house!

Dimmu - I agree with JJay, perhaps it's RLP? Or maybe it's too early, I can't remember when the earliest RLPs start. I've had similar feelings when I get up too quickly but I think it's just the uterus complaining to the adjusting/growing.
Hi everyone,

Eva, good luck at your appointment tomorrow, I hope you get a quick referral for another scan - I think I'd have one every week if I could!

I have also been getting RLP - whenever I stand up to quickly or pick up DD or DS I notice the sharp, pulling pains low down.

I am still feeling nauseous but instead of being put off food I'm suddenly ravenous and want to eat everything in sight! I'm not feeling as tired but that could be down to eating so much and DS sleeping better. Are you managing to beat the insomnia Miss B?

I'm feeling better today. I know that what will be, will be and I am very blessed already. I suppose many would say that seeing the heartbeat on an early scan is a positive thing so I am going to assume that my little squiggle is fine in there and growing all the time - I'm hoping Friday's scan will measure at least 6w4days so I know although behind, everything is growing at the correct rate.
Pretty productive today, went shopping and got most of our lg Christmas presents. Finally found a tree topper we liked as well so hoping to put our tree up soon. Looking forward to a quiet day at home tomorrow just chilling out.

Jjay, hope the scan on Friday gives you some reassurance. Glad you are feeling better today. Insomnia does finally seem to be wearing off which is good. Think I will end up starting my days a lot earlier though as my LG wakes at 5:30 and I can get her back to sleep but I stay awake after

Eva, good luck with the gp hope you get a scan soon. I had strong cravings for salt & vinegar crisps with my first. I found the salt & vinegar snack a jacks helped as a slightly healthier alternative.
Jjay, glad to hear you are feelin a bit better. Hopefully everything will look as it should on Friday. Just keep on focusing on the positives, like that hearbeat!:)

I agree it must be RLP, didn't realise you can get it so early on but then again my last pregnancy was almost six years ago so maybe I had it then too and have just forgotten. I haven't felt it as much today, just a couple of times in fact.

Sorry to hear you are all feeling nauseous! My nausea has become a way of life now, it's just always there. Eating may provide some shortlived relief but less and less every day. And I still keep going off food, I've already given up coffee and chocolate completely but now crisps and crackers as well which I kept wanting last week. It's almost like if I eat something it puts me off from eating that same thing again, weird. Guess I'll stick to healthy snacks now! Oh and I keep wanting things with eggs, like fried egg sandwich. Oh and I'd love some halloumi with olives and salad but have none in the house and I'm not up for going out to get any!
Anyone else have any cravings?
Miss B well done for getting so much Christmas shopping done, I've not even made a start yet. :(
Its much easier to do shopping without a lo in tow! We aren't usually that organised but thought we'd take advange of some time off. Will proably end up ordering the rest from Amazon.
That's what we really struggle with, time off! Don't really have any family around or anyone to look after DD so we always take her with us everywhere, or alternatively take turns to do stuff separately. Childfree shopping, dinners or cinema just never happens!!

I've got my first midwife appointment today at the local children's centre. Apparently it will take about an hour. Really excited but nervous well!
That's what we really struggle with, time off! Don't really have any family around or anyone to look after DD so we always take her with us everywhere, or alternatively take turns to do stuff separately. Childfree shopping, dinners or cinema just never happens!!

I've got my first midwife appointment today at the local children's centre. Apparently it will take about an hour. Really excited but nervous well!

I hear you about no family around etc... DH and I are in the same boat. Our families both live on other continents! :-/ At least there is Skype, but it's not quite a substitute.
When is your midwife appt? Sounds exciting! I had a midwife before but I didn't see her much at all for pre-natal care. She came to visit me (about 10 times) after I had my baby to make sure he was gaining weight etc., and that I got the hang of breastfeeding OK.

Christmas shopping - good idea about amazon! :) We don't have too many people to buy for at least. I'll be sending some hardcopies of kids' school/daycare photos overseas.

I saw my GP and he gave me a referral. I'll make an appt tomorrow so hopefully I can have the scan Thurs or Fri. Good luck on Fri, JJay!

With the salt and vinegar - I did find salt and vinegar rice cakes (from Aldi)... they are not too bad! :)

I hope everyone is feeling better soon. I feel better this week overall. The nausea is always in the background but I feel much less on the verge of vomiting when I think of eating something off-putting.
Had a pretty quiet day, feeling quite queasy most of the time now. Hope it passes soon.

Dimmu - We are pretty lucky really as my parents live close by and are often able to help out. Our LG is in nursery 3 days a week and we do take advantage to have the occasional child free day. Its so hard to try and shop with a toddler in tow!

Hope your midwife appointment went well.

Eva - Glad your sickness seems to be easing. It must be tough if all your family is so far away.

Good luck for your scan.
Eva it's so hard without any family around isn't it! DD is five now and I can count with one hand the times I have had an evening off with DH since she was born. Date nights and such just don't happen. I think the last time I went out for dinner with DH was over a year ago. We tried hiring a babysitter a couple of times but it just works out so expensive and you feel under pressure to get back soon.

Miss B sorry to hear nausea has now properly caught up with you. I hope it gets better for both of us soon. I'd love to be able to have xmas dinner without feeling queasy/sick!

I had my midwife appointment yesterday. It was actually really nice. It turns out I will be seeing this same community midwife throughout the whole pregnancy and beyond, or possibly another one if she happens to be away. This is such an improvement from my last pregnancy when I never saw the same person twice ever. She took all the bloods etc, and my next appointment with her is already in less than two weeks. Quite surprised it is so soon! Just have to come up with some excuse for work.
Those of you who work, when do you plan to tell your boss if you haven't yet? I was gonna wait until after the 12 week scan but I'm sure they will get suspicious soon with my recurring doc's appointments. And of course the bulging bump is getting harder to hide by the day, hopefully people will just think I've let myself go a bit!:)

Jjay good luck with your scan tomorrow!
I can't imagine what it's like with no family around - it must be so hard. When we were expecting our second we moved 100 miles north to be nearer my family. They don't usually babysit that much but they help out so much as DH works away a lot. They do drop offs and pick ups for me if I've got meetings for work and help out with swimming lessons etc. We use a child minder for babysitting and usually try and have a date night every 2-3 weeks. It does work out more expensive for a night out but then before children we would eat out around 3-4 times a week so it actually works out cheaper now! What we struggle for is overnight babysitters so we've had very few nights away together - although we've got one to look forward to on the 12th December :)

Hope everyone's sickness and nausea is being kept at bay with salt and vinegar crisps! I found some in the cupboard this morning and they worked for around 10 minutes.

I work for myself so don't have to worry about telling my boss but I don't see a reason to wait until 12 weeks. If it was me I would tell ASAP so they are understanding about nausea, time off and frequent toilet breaks.

Did you have your scan yet Eva? Mine can't come soon enough. I feel OK but haven't been looking at my day by day pregnancy book or any of my apps. I feel like I can't really think about the future until after the scan. I so hope it's good news. I will update tomorrow.
Had a pretty rough day today and felt queasy all day which meant my poor lg didn’t get to do much fun stuff. Hoping to be better tomorrow.

Dimmu - Great news about your midwife, it is so much nicer when you see the same person all the way through. I was planning on telling my boss after the 12week scan but if this keeps up, its likely I may have to tell them early.

Jjay - I could really go for a packet of salt & vinegar crisps right now! But I am in the stage where I seem to be constantly eating to avoid feeling so sick.

Good luck with your scan tomorrow.
Thanks Miss B, sorry you're feeling rubbish - I know how you feel. I've got no energy and just feel sick, tired and bloated all of the time. I feel like I'm being grumpy with DD and DS and no fun!
Yes good luck for tomorrow JJay! :) Fingers crossed for you!

I just had my scan a couple of hours ago. It was great. I was feeling very emotional when she showed the little beating heart and told me the measurements (2 cm, about 8w3d, so a day ahead compared to last time). So I feel like I've passed some kind of milestone since last time the bean didn't make it this far. My next scan will be in about 4 weeks. I'm hoping in 2-3 weeks I can find the baby's heartbeat with my own doppler.

Today I've also been feeling more nauseated... my solution? I just ate a chocolate bar :shrug: lol. Didn't really help though! (maybe for 5 mins)!

Miss B - sorry you've had a rough time. It's much harder keeping the little ones entertained when you feel bad/so tired. Many times during the day I just can't wait until bedtime! I'm sure DH thinks I'm being super boring these days, haha.

Dimmu - your midwife appt sounds like it went great!
I so far have not told my boss about this pregnancy, but I did tell him about the last one when it was still early (I think I was only 6 weeks). He was extremely supportive and understanding when I told him I had lost the baby. I figured this time I'd wait a bit longer to save him thinking about things until it's likely this pregnancy will be a healthy one. I think I'll still hold off until the new year, unless it happens to come up before that for some reason (doubt it though since I never see him). I personally think you should tell your boss when you feel ready/comfortable.

About the no family around - yep, I get jealous of friends who have family/friends to help out with their kids! Not just so that DH and I can have *one night off* but also just to be closer to family on a regular basis. At some stage we might consider getting an Au Pair to help with drop offs/pick ups etc., but we don't have the house for that at the moment. I currently only work 3 days/week so it's manageable... but if I ever go back full-time then it will be next to impossible without extra help.
Congratulations on a good scan Eva :) sounds like everything is perfect! It's so comforting when you can whip out the Doppler whenever you're feeling a bit anxious. I've seen a few threads here where people have found the heartbeat at 8-9 weeks. It was always been around 10 weeks for me.

Thanks for all the good wishes for my scan. It's made me feel slightly better but I am still nervous. It went better than Monday, she found the sac immediately with an abdominal scanner and we saw the little blob and heartbeat straight away. She said everything looks as it should for a 6-7 week baby and she measured at 6+3 which is even further behind Monday :( I told her how worried I was and she tried to reassure me saying that it's really easy to be out on an early scan. She explained that the shape of the baby is not very defined at this stage and measuring is much easier at 9+ weeks when the lines are smoother and not just a fuzzy blob. She measured another couple of times and got 6+5 and 6+6 but I'm not sure how f she was trying to make the measurements as big as possible to appease me! She did say she could take measurements all day long and they would vary each time.

I guess I am cautiously optimistic and at least I've not got too long to wait until my next scan which is on the 19th.
Here are the pics at 6+3 and 6+5


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