Any summer 2016 babies?

Hi everyone and welcome Karkey :)

My early scan is £99. £30 deposit when you book online and then you pay the rest on the day. For me it's worth it and I've done it with each pregnancy. Last time I had one booked at 9.5 weeks which was when I found out I'd had a mmc. If I hadn't had the early scan it would have been 12-13 weeks before I found out which would have been worse. Once you see the heartbeat at 9 weeks the chance of miscarriage is only around 0.5-1%, which is the same as 12+ weeks so I find it very reassuring to have a scan around that time. I show really quickly too so I'd prefer to be able to tell people earlier than 12 weeks if I want to!

Dimmu, when will you test again with a digi? I only have one left and it's staring at me every time I go to the bathroom. I've resorted to using opks to check out my line progression! I am trying to hold out until the weekend as if I get another 2-3, it means I'll have to buy another pack!!
Jjay, thanks for the info, I've just booked a scan. I found a place that charges £99 for Saturday appointments, most places are more costly on weekends. I should be about 9 weeks when I go. We have guests coming over for christmas and I'm sure they'd think something was up if I refused to drink. I'm not a big drinker but I'm known to like a glass or two of red with dinner sometimes, and certainly at christmas dinner. And I'm pretty sure I'll be showing by then, I feel like there's a bulge already!
I hope you don't mind if I ask this, but did you notice anything different with your last pregnancy that ended in mmc in comparison to the other pregnancies? Any lack of symptoms or anything?

I'm trying to save my last digi until this weekend. I've hidden it at the back of the bathroom cupboard to avoid temptation any earlier!!!:)
Haha sounds like a good idea, I might hide mine too!

I'm glad you've got your scan booked - very exciting! I don't mind you asking about it at all. I was sad at the time but am quite pragmatic about it and know there must have been a good reason why it happened. Also it hadn't developed beyond around 6 weeks so there was nothing much to see on the screen which was good. I wish I could tell you I felt really different but I didn't really. The only thing I noticed was substantially more lower back ache than my previous pregnancies which may or may not have been related. I did also start to feel slightly less tired and nauseous and I remember thinking wow I'm feeling better already, whereas it was always around the 14 week mark before. It wasn't like I just woke up one day feeling better though and it's totally normal to have good days and bad days.

I wish I felt worse this time around as that would be more reassuring but just mild nausea, fatigue and sore boobs that all seem to come and go. I can't wait to get passed this first trimester!

I'm also freezing cold all of the time so don't know if that's a symptom too!?


Ps to make myself feel better I like trawling through old first trimester posts and looking at tickers to see all of those who were worried like us and are now late pregnancy or had their babies. Most are success stories and the losses, especially mmcs are few and far between.
Thanks for sharing JJay, I really appreciate it. The thought of miscarriage really scares me, and it doesn't help that they say the chances increase the older you are. :( As much as I hated the morning sickness I kind of wish I'd get it again, it was very reassuring. At the moment I'm exactly the same as you, sore boobs and nausea that keep coming and going. No fatigue, not back pain, no frequent urination.
I'm so desperate for this baby, I've been broody for years but I only managed convince DH to try again this year. I worry he might be put off if things didn't work out.

Not sure if feeling cold is a symptom unless the pregnancy somehow affects your circulation this early on. When exactly is your scan? I'm going December 12th.

I felt like testing earlier so used an OPK, got a really strong bright line so feeling better now. I really hope I can wait until this weekend to use the digi. :)
I'm with you, it's so worrying especially when you want it so much. At least we are both in with a very high chance of all being fine. DH has already said no more if it doesn't work out for us this time. I just wish I could see what was going on inside! I've definitely felt less sick and had more energy today so feel a bit stressed and keep thinking of the digi in the cupboard! I've also noticed that I don't seem to be peeing all of the time which I'm sure I did previously.

My first scan is November 30th and then the one I've paid for is on the 19th December. My NT scan should then be early January, I should be able to use my Doppler by then and also start to feel movements so I will be more chilled out.

My boobs have just started really hurting - hurray! Haha X
Hi Karkey, congrats! Wow, number 5! Hope everythings going well for you.

Dimmu glad you had a good day. I think it’s a good idea to be able to look round the hospital first, gives you a good idea of what to expect. Also easier to know where you are going if you turn up in a rush! I hope your local ones do let you do tours.

I'm pretty tired today but that’s down to my lg waking up at 3, 4 and 5:30. Yawn. Not many other symptoms today
I hear you Miss Bellum! My 2 year old seems to go through phases of poor sleeping and the latest one has been going on for around a month. He wakes up several times a night crying for me. He just wants a cuddle then settled again but the broken nights are hard. Hope you get a better night tonight X
I hear you Miss Bellum! My 2 year old seems to go through phases of poor sleeping and the latest one has been going on for around a month. He wakes up several times a night crying for me. He just wants a cuddle then settled again but the broken nights are hard. Hope you get a better night tonight X

Thats rough! Hope you have a better night too.
How are you all today? Hope you've managed to get some sleep JJay and Misd Bellum?

I feel nauseous already, breakfast is becoming such a struggle. I have to get up really early for work, at 5.30, and I never feel like eating then anyway but now it's even more of a struggle and I have to eat something as my commute is over an hour.
I'm also quite bloated, think I'm done with boxy and tight dresses now unless I want everyone at work to start suspecting something, it's a-line for me from now on.

What's your first scan JJay, is that through NHS?
Hi all, Sorry I've been offline for a while, had spotty internet the last few days on travel.

Congrats to all the new joiners! The scan dates seem sooo far away!! But it's nice to know you can get a private one (even if you need to pay). Is it normal that in the UK you have to wait until about 12 weeks for a first paid-for scan?

I'm 6 weeks today. I'm going to book a scan for next week. I think with my health insurance I can get one 6 weeks, one 12 weeks, and one 18-20 weeks. I'm really pretty terrified since last time I had a scan I found out about my mmc (though that was at 9.5 weeks). I'm super bummed that my breasts just feel TOTALLY NORMAL. I think with all of my other pregnancies (this is my 5th), by now I at least had some kind of heavy feeling in them. I'm trying not to drag dh down but I can't help feeling this pregnancy is already lost :( I do feel a bit nauseated here and there, but that's only mildly reassuring. I guess I feel similar to you, JJay! It can be a crap time... we'll all get through it one way or another though!

Anyway, sorry to rant! :) Just needed somewhere to express my doubts...
That's such an early start dimmu! And to think I'm complaining about 5am wake ups as a temporary thing. Had a pretty good night think I crashed out at 10 and slept through till 5. Sorry to hear the nausea has arrived hope it doesnt last long. I have such a low level of nausea I'm not sure if its real or if I am looking for symptoms.

Luckily for me most of my clothes are quite loose fitting so I think I can get by for a while yet.

Eva, its true we have to wait until 12 weeks for the first free scan. You can get earlier ones if you pay. Its great that your health insurance covers so many scans.

It must be really worrying if you have had a mc. My first pregnancy, I had no symptoms at all so maybe you are just having an easier time of it? I will keep my fingers crossed the scan gives a positive result.
Hi Eva, good to hear from you again. It's still early days, hopefully some symptoms will come along soon and if not, perhaps, just as Miss Bellum said, you are one of the lucky ones who don't get any with this pregnancy! Good luck with your scan.

Miss Bellum I'm glad to hear you had a better night! Hopefully it will be the same again tonight. I've chosen to start work earlier than most people as it means I can leave at 4 pm. That way I can collect DD from the after school club just after 5 pm. If I picked her up an hour later it wouldn't leave much time for dinner, homework, play etc in the evenings. It's hard at times when the alarm goes off that early, but worth it as I get to spend some extra time with DD in the evenings. DH takes her to school in the mornings so I only have to get myself ready!:)
Hi Eva, it sounds like we are in the same boat after both having recent mmcs at 9.5 weeks. I swing from being really nervous to thinking it's unlikely to be that unlucky twice in a row!

Miss Bellum, glad you had a better night. Mine was ok too 10.30-6 with one 4.45 wake up.

Dimmu, your morning is so early but I guess it's lovely only having to get yourself ready. I so enjoy the freedom of getting only me ready on the very rare business trip I have. Sorry the nausea has hit but reassuring at the same time.

I have been up and down as I had very few symptoms yesterday and my bloating completely disappeared. When DS woke at 4.45 I started googling 'loss of bloating in early pregnancy' I am a looney! Anyway bloating is now back along with a little bit of nausea and very sore boobs. Yay! I've also managed to hold off on the digi. I might try tomorrow though. When are you doing yours Dimmu?

How far along is everyone?
Oh you're not alone with googling everything, even in the middle of the night. Somehow I thought tww would bring out the worst in me in terms of googling stuff, but think I'm just addicted now and always trolling old pregnancy forums lol.

I'm six weeks now, planning to do the digi on sunday. How about you, when you gonna use yours?
I think I might try the digi tomorrow afternoon, it will be a week since I got 2-3. I know I should hold out until at least Sunday. I'll see...

No googling tonight I'm bloated, nauseous and tired! Night all :)
Kinda in the same boat myself. My symptoms have all but vanished apart from missed period. My boobs are no longer sore n cramps are to a minimum. Not sure what to think as so long since I've been through this so I can't remember. Keeping my fingers crossed coz my first scan isn't til 6th Jan when I'll be 12 weeks. Done a digital test late afternoon and said pregnant 2-3 but I'm 5 weeks 1 day so confused.
Thanks dimmu, miss bellum and jjay for your support! I'm also a google monster at times... I tend to feel better about things when I just DON'T google anything, lol. But it's hard to resist!

Karkey - I know how you feel. Nothing to do but hang in there! :) We're there with you!

I'm currently 6w1d.
I booked an appt for next week when I'll be 6w4d. Hoping to see a heartbeat!

I miss Germany when I was able to receive a scan at every Gyno visit for a fee of 150 Euro. I had about a dozen scans with both of my successful pregnancies! Ah well... different healthcare systems. :-S
Karkey I think 2-3 weeks on digi when you are five weeks is correct. I understand that the digis count the time from conception rather than the start of the period, so is roughly two weeks behind if that makes sense?

Yeah google is bad, you can come up with the answers you want, and then read another old pregnancy thread where there is the worst possible outcome with whatever symptoms you are googling. And of course then there are those inconclusive ones where after you've read five pages of old posts there's no update about the outcome lol. Pointless anyway, should learn to stay away.

My morning sickness is getting worse now. It has gone from evening sickness to all day nausea/travel sickness, and this morning I had a glass of orange juice and it came back up. Feeling dreadful now, at work but can't concentrate. Luckily my boss is not in today!:)
Hope ur sickness doesn't last too long Dimmu. Still not feeling anything apart from odd crampy feeling today. But it's something I suppose. This waiting is AWFUL!!!
How exciting Eva, the first scan on this thread next week. I'm looking forward to hearing about it :)

Karkey, I agree with Dimmu it's still early to get 3+ on a digi, from what I understand levels can vary quite a lot early on. I've been trying to hold out doing my last digi after getting 2-3 last Friday. I think I will try today or Sunday. You're right the waiting is horrid, I much prefer later on with a nice bump and movements.

Sorry you're sick Dimmu, I hope it passes quickly. I know what you mean about not being able to concentrate on anything else. I have to force myself to think of other things otherwise I'd be on here all day!

I felt pretty rotten yesterday, it's like having a permanent bad hangover!

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