bump- yes, and just felt movement for the first time literally 5 minutes ago.
And as for a bump, some days I look like I have one and some days I don't, just want it to show for real now! Definitely want one by christmas
I'm due the 15th! I have no bump but still a ton of bloating.
thats two of us ! My doctor told me My uterus feels 3 weeks smaller but she also said the baby got plenty of room inside .I may not show for a long time . Waiting for u/s in 2 weeks ,hope everything is going to be ok
thats two of us ! My doctor told me My uterus feels 3 weeks smaller but she also said the baby got plenty of room inside .I may not show for a long time . Waiting for u/s in 2 weeks ,hope everything is going to be ok
I hope your ultrasound goes well!