Anybody else get annoyed when people fall preg easily?

yes!!! its infuriating! my step sis is 19 and just had a son who was a "mistake", she has always said to me how much she hates children and never wanted them :( it upsets me so much! she didn't attend any classes or get anything ready in advance! she gave up breastfeeding after just 17 hours because it was "too boring" its gotten to the point where I can't visit her because it makes me so angry!
some people just don't appreciate that they can get pregnant at all!
Well, I used to get jealous of my h.s. students who kept getting preg, until I realized that their life is really going to be much more difficult because of that early pregnancy. It still makes me sick that I've had two students get pregnant with a second this spring. More sick with worry over their futures than anything else.

I keep telling myself that when it happens to me, I'll be able to take care of the child, I'm much more mature and experienced in the world, and that I cannot waste much time worrying about what happens to others.

:keeping it positive: :-) :happydance:
I'm currently surrounded at work by women who are either pregnant or got babies. Even my line manager who sits next to me is pregnant and listening to them all chatting scans, morning sickness, late night feeding can get a bit upsetting especially when your feeling low.
The other day I had to get up and walk away as they hadn't stopped moaning about their kids/pregnancy all morning. I had got my period the night before and I couldn't help but think 'you ungrateful people, you just don't understand how lucky you are'.
On the other hand I know (in my less hormonal moments) that I too will, one day, moan about the lack of sleep, the bad back and swollen ankles that comes with pregnancy but I know that I will also be giving myself a virtual high five for having the chance to experience all the 'joys' that come with pregnancy.
It is perfectly normal to feel jealous, angry, disappointed or sad when witnessing the world continually procreating around you when all you want in the world is a baby. What is essential is not to let these feeling overwhelm you and become all that you are.
Much love to you all xx :hugs:
My sister is pregnant, but she got pregnant in january... and february... and march. She told everyone that she had 2 miscarriages before this one stuck. I dont know whether to believe her or not! She is prone to making stuff up but I never thought she would go this far. I even think it's pretty much impossible to fall pregnant three months in a row as your body has to recover, as I know from my miscarriages. But if she is telling the truth how flipping lucky can she get??!!!!! And why cant I be as lucky as her dammit!! And christ, it seems like everyone around me is either pregnant or just had a baby. When is it our turn? :cry:
I have a 'friend' who has had 3 terminations in the last 2 years and still wont use protection in her conquests. I don't speak to her anymore, I just cant. makes me so upset
im sooo glad i found all you wonderful ladies on this thread! i feel the same way and ive been really down lately feeling like maybe its just not gonna happen for me, so glad im not the only one feeling the way i do. Im keeping my fingers crossed for all of us ladies gl!!!!

lots of :dust::dust::dust: &:bfp::bfp::bfp: for everyone :flower:
Oooh I haven't been on in a couple of days and it's wonderful seeing you all here and knowing i'm not turning into some bitter harpy!! haha, like faeriewishes says, it's much worse when i'm hormonal and af has just showed up! Some days I feel like throwing the prenatal vitamins in the bin, having a few glasses of wine and giving it all up as it seems to work for everyone else! Then I stop myself and think I shall rise above it, and know that someday, I will have my own, and their choices might be okay for them, but I wouldn't choose to pregnant that way anyway, my baby will be very much wanted and not a mistake or an accident! Some things are worth waiting for ay ladies?

Thank you ladies :flower:, it is lovely to see others in the same boat, I wish you all well, and i wish us lovely :bfp: this month!!
I have a 'friend' who has had 3 terminations in the last 2 years and still wont use protection in her conquests. I don't speak to her anymore, I just cant. makes me so upset

This makes me so sad :cry:
It's not fair that people who don't even want kids fall pregnant so easily and then go and destroy that life they have created :cry: :evil:
I'm glad to see this thread today...because I just logged onto Facebook and saw ANOTHER girl preggers on her first try (she just got married). The jealous side of me wants to scream--and the friendly side of me wants to be happy (but I'm so jealous it's hard). It feels terrible to think like this at such a happy moment for glad I'm not the only one that is thinking like this at times...

Here's to those of us dedicated and anxious TTCers out there....let's hope we get our BFPs very soon, too!
This is my first day on the board and I already love all of you. I have been TTC for a year now with no success, I just got diagnosed with PCOS that my dr says I've probably had since puberty. I'm married have a good job, my husband is in the military, we have a nice quiet house ready to have a baby. My best friend "got pregnant" with her stupid on again/off again boyfriend of 5 or so years that treats her like crap and is insanely jealous.

I have A LOT of friends that have kids or are pregnant and if one more person tells me to "stop trying" I'm going to scream! In the last 2 years I've had 18 friends give birth or are currently pregnant. Half of them aren't married, have good jobs, nothing! Its so unfair!
This is my first day on the board and I already love all of you. I have been TTC for a year now with no success, I just got diagnosed with PCOS that my dr says I've probably had since puberty. I'm married have a good job, my husband is in the military, we have a nice quiet house ready to have a baby. My best friend "got pregnant" with her stupid on again/off again boyfriend of 5 or so years that treats her like crap and is insanely jealous.

I have A LOT of friends that have kids or are pregnant and if one more person tells me to "stop trying" I'm going to scream! In the last 2 years I've had 18 friends give birth or are currently pregnant. Half of them aren't married, have good jobs, nothing! Its so unfair!

my husband works on a base and was military, all the people I meet (with they're hubbys in the military) are 19/20 with a baby, married etc. & i feel so left out only having dogs & being older than them :blush: and they were all either preg. when they got married or got preg a few months after they got married, although we decided to wait, i still feel left out :cry: :blush:
Awww, it's horrible isn't it when people actually have terminations? That makes me so sad, I just think how selfish you are! I kind of find one half of myself telling myself to mind my own business and it's their life and their choices are nothing to do with me and the other part of me wants to run and cry into my pillows like a child because I want to be pregnant and they are too selfish too use contraception or appreciate the miracle inside of them.
I actually HAD a friend (notice I say had) who got pregnant on purpose, she stopped taking her birth control as her boyfriend had talked about leaving her, fell pregnant, then her boyfriend actually said well that's it then i'm off instead of staying with her for the childs sake as she hoped he would, so she then aborted! She knowingly created that child for the most selfish reason, and then when her plan didn't work out, she killed her baby. It makes me so angry, but more than that, it makes me want to weep for the unfairness of it all.

It makes me smile though to think that there are so many other women out there like you lovely ladies who're going to be fantastic mothers :) babydust to you all, you all really cheer me up :flower:
Ugh! I just had a mini meltdown over this very thing today. There were 3 births in the family last year and 2 friends with unplanned babies. It is all really getting to me cause they keep asking when we will be having a baby. (We are the only ones married and own our own house.) Then after all of this and currently having a cyst down below that is making sex uncomfortable, one family member joked online about being pregnant. (Making this a 3rd whilst all living in her parents house) She didn't update the post to say it was a joke quickly enough and I burst out in tears. (I'm not a person that cries often, if at all) Didn't help that as I read it our wedding song came on the radio. It was all just a little much.
On another note, I am getting really sick of hearing 'you just need to be patient' and 'don't worry, it will happen'. Mostly because the people that I hear this from have children and seem to have had them at 19 or unplanned so have no idea how this feels. I'm glad you ladies are here. A xo

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