hi i've just had one as we are debating ttc or waiting here's what it said
Below is your pregnancy outlook:
Linking in around you, I firstly picked up your feeling a little bit in limbo on your path at this time, I feel you want changes but your not sure where to make these changes or where you want life to go at this time, this will get stronger over the next few months for you
I feel looking at pregnancy areas although I feel you want more, your not living your life around ttc, and you can pretty much get on with your life contently if another baby didnt come along
Spirit who come in around you, want you to have another child for the right reasons, and show that you have alot still to achieve as an individual as well as being a mother
I am seeing a baby boy here for your future, and I pick up your alot more focused on your paths direction and feel less in limbo when this comes along for you, I link with a lady who shows me her name is Anne from the spirit world, this lady would be linked family wise to you somewhere along your family tree and she is showing me clearly June 2011 for this conception with a 2012 birth and everything healthy and well around this for you
Dont fear any changes and remember at all times spirit will guide you in the right direction
So to clarify I see pne child ahead for you and wish you every happiness
