Okay ladies, got my reading back this morning!!! And I have to say I am feeling sooo positive and happy right now!!!

Even though I know it's just for fun, it's still great to hear these wonderful things!
So since I'm not supposed to post exactly what she said, I'll just tell the major parts...
She said she sees a lot of positive, long awaited things happening in 2011..not just around a pregnancy, but other things that I have been waiting for. (Which makes sense, because I've been feeling a little..I don't know..stuck lately...as far as work, wanting to buy a house w/ the DH, things like that.) She says she has an overall positive feel for 2011. YAY!
She says she sees conception in Feb 2011, testing in March, with a healthy baby boy born later that year, and everything looks healthy and happy w/ the birth.
THEN, she sees a Nov 2012 conception of a baby girl, with a healthy 2013 birth, although she may be born a little early, but is still a good birth weight.
She says she believes these 2 children will complete our family.
So, just wanted to share! We will see if she's right... I won't get my hopes up, but it sure does make me feel better to hear that she at least sees kids in my future!!!