I couldn't help blurting mine out to my fella and he seemed qite happy about it
Maybe yours will be the same?
Yeah I understand the feeling of being a bit sad it wasn't happening sooner, but January / February will be here before you know it. Maybe af is on the way? Mine has been particularly cruel lately (however light it's been) and I've got af symptoms mixed up with pg symptoms.
I just got my gail reading.. She feels that I will be prego very soon within 6 weeks but I may be pregnant already? I'm in my 2ww now so fingers crossed!! She also feels I will have a Daughter, and the possibility of 2 other pregnancies, with one other one for sure! Its up to me?.... This kinda goes with what Sanda said too.... girl and 2 boys, but her conception was March next year.
Hello :wave:
Just to let everyone know Gail predicted me a "clear November conception" and I had my BFP on 19th(very faint) / 20th (clear blue digi) November![]()
She has predicted me a healthy lil boy. I also had correct readings from Jenny Renny and Ruby for Nov all lil boy and Psychic Star November with a lil girl. Only time will tell if it's a complete accurate reading, but neverthe less I am so happy with them![]()
I would definitely recommend having them, funds permitting, just as a bit of fun and not to take them too seriously, I particularly had lovely readings from Gail and Psychic Star.
Hello :wave:
Just to let everyone know Gail predicted me a "clear November conception" and I had my BFP on 19th(very faint) / 20th (clear blue digi) November![]()
She has predicted me a healthy lil boy. I also had correct readings from Jenny Renny and Ruby for Nov all lil boy and Psychic Star November with a lil girl. Only time will tell if it's a complete accurate reading, but neverthe less I am so happy with them![]()
I would definitely recommend having them, funds permitting, just as a bit of fun and not to take them too seriously, I particularly had lovely readings from Gail and Psychic Star.
Congratulations! It is lovely to hear your predictions came true too. I have a few predicting December for me and reading your post gives me even more hope! Thank you.![]()
LOL, I told my DH about my reading from Gail (she predicted a BFP by December 2010). He told me he thought it was dumb I did that and then immediately said he hoped it was true!
AF is due in about 1 week & so far the only symptoms I've had are my bbs are starting to feel sore, which is normal about 1 week before AF showsI can test the 1st weekend in December so if I don't get pregnant now then Gail's reading will be wrong. We'll see!
Good luck to you all!![]()