Anyone assuming they WON'T have a baby shower?

I didn't have a baby shower with my first, so I'd love to have one with this baby. I don't think I will though, as sad as it sounds I don't have many friends, and my family is very small! We're happy to buy everything anyway, we've made a list and on it we've put everything we'll need for baby. We're not really expecting/relying on gifts! :)
I'm struggling with this. I have two boys and I had a shower with ods only. For me it's not about the gifts it's about having a fun girly party to celebrate my baby girl. Thinking of having a cute little tea party with no gifts just for fun but I don't want the in laws to judge me. They do one and done.
I'm so glad I found this thread because I was going to post one just like this.

My DH and I were only talking about this last night. A few of my friends have asked me when my baby shower is and when I said I didn't think you had one with your second, they thought I was nuts! I guess it felt a little bit indulgent to have another baby shower (since we already have so much stuff from DS1 - we've kept absolutely everything). It never occurred to me that having a baby shower with this one was even an option!

I still want to celebrate him though - he deserves that. Might have a welcome party after he's 12 weeks old.
I had a shower with DS1 about 8 years ago and I did still keep most of his stuff and the things I don't have I don't mind buying myself. I know my mother is of the mind that you only get one (she is pretty old fashioned). I was also thinking of doing a "welcome party" after the baby is born. I am kind of hopeful that if I do it that way I won't have a constant stream of visitors as I did when DS was born, just have everybody over at once. I think it is also a great way to still celebrate the new baby. I won't ask for anything registry wise but may suggest that if people would like to bring something diapers/wipes are always appreciated.
I had a very informal baby shower with dd (my first) as my friend said she would do one. they make me quite uncomfortable though.
I'm not going to have one for no2 but I really like the idea of a welcome party with no gifts. I still want to celebrate baby no2.
I don't think I will be having one, might go to a spa or afternoon tea with the girlies but that's it and defintletley wouldn't expect to receive any gifts.
I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this!

We did start a registry, but the registry is just more like a list for us so we know what we still need to get. We aren't sharing with anyone, unless they specifically ask. I didn't put any "nice-to-haves" on there... just stuff we really, actually need.
I wont have one. Its a very American concept I think and im not sure I see the point personally. Seems like an excuse for people to buy gifts to me x
This is my first and I'm not having one. I actually find the whole idea quite cringey/ gross 'come and buy me stuff for my baby'. never been to one either i think if you decide to have a baby you should be responsible and buy your own things tbh!
I don't like the idea of baby showers either. I'd feel uncomfortable. I feel it's my responsibility to buy what my baby needs and if friends want to buy a gift then they can deliver it and have a cuddle and a chat when they've arrived. Another reason we stayed team yellow!
I'm in the UK so baby showers aren't usually on the same scale over here (I know in the US it's quite common to get given almost everything you'll need for baby whereas here people tend to buy stuff for you once baby is actually born and the baby shower is more of a 'bonus' thing for fun) I never had one with either of my girls and don't plan to this time either, not my thing at all.
It's definitely a weird concept for us Brits to understand. The thought of writing a list and asking people to buy me stuff makes me cringe, esp as I have expensive taste, my friends and family would hate me!
It's very much expected to have a baby shower in the us. Generslly, at least from my experience people are 100% okay with them and going and buying a gift. And if you have a registry half the time, if not more, they will go buy you something off the registry.
I'm an Aussie living in the U.S. and we don't tend to have big baby showers in Australia and if people do there's no registery. Anyway, when I told my American friends I wasn't having one and I was happy with that they felt bad for me and threw me a surprise one! It was lovely but I did feel a bit silly. I kept saying that's it's more common for people to get a little something for the baby after its born and come round or go to the hospital and meet the baby at the same time. Just different cultural traditions I guess!
Wow I understand it's different in different countries so the concept might be strange but I'd say there are a couple harsh opinions on it. I've never thrown myself a baby shower. I had a baby shower with my first but it was thrown by my Co workers and completely their idea. It's a little like a birthday party.. Celebrating a life and helping the parents out if they want it. I didn't have one with my second and was totally fine with that. We bought what we needed. This baby we are offered a small shower/party and I think it sounds fun. I am not one with expensive taste though so everything on my amazon registry is on the cheaper side and I won't have a problem if nobody gets anything from it as I thought it was fun to get excited about baby and make. I don't judge anyone who throws their own showers.. Just not my thing but if someone asks if they can do that for us, I'm grateful to them and excited to celebrate with them. We can afford our baby and the things he/she needs, but if others want to help then I don't see why not let them. The way I see it is even if everything is in your budget, babies are expensive and every little bit helps.
I had one for my son but that was 4 years ago. My mom threw it for us and I didn't know half of the people there because they were my moms friends and people who knew me when I was "knee high to a grasshopper". I must admit it was nice though, we didn't buy diapers until DS was 6 months old !
But this time around I live 2 hours away from my close friends & family so I don't expect one. Plus we don't have room for all of the stuff that comes along with a shower at our house !
A friend of ours wants to throw us one but I'm not putting stress on it. If anything I'd rather have a diaper party.
Yeah its totally different in the UK I think... I just cannot imagine giving out a list of things I want for people to buy for me! Lol! And if someone invited me to theirs and give me a list I actually wouldn't go tbh the cheek of it!
I think I see how it's viewed but at least for me it was never like that.. People offered to throw the party and asked that we made a registry and then nobody bought from it :haha: didn't matter.. In my experience with them, it really was more of a celebration and some brought gifts and others didn't. It was exciting for them to be able to buy baby things lol if it's not your thing or culture.. Totally get it, but it comes off a little judgemental when it's like we make lists, invite people to a party and ask them to buy us stuff. I wouldn't go to that either lol
This is my 5th baby since 2007. I KNOW I'm not having a shower lol. I only had one for my first
I'm not judging you or anyone else at all I just would not feel comfortable myself! I find the whole concept weird. But I am the same with naming days etc but that's another subject lol! Infact I don't really like birthday parties either all the attention and gift haha!

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