Anyone BFing and trying to lose weight?


Devin's Mommy
Aug 16, 2009
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Anyone here trying to lose some weight, while BFing?
I don't want to join a program, mainly because I don't have the money atm. I figure if I start exercising, and eat a little bit smarter, I should be able to drop a few pounds. I don't want to lose it too quickly though, because I don't want to affect my supply.
Anyone else in the same situation as me? Or have been there before and have some tips?
I've just gained... LOL But I would like to take off some weight for sure! I have downloaded hip hop abs, turbo jam and P90x :) Now I just need to get my rear up and do it... and say goodbye to my lovely chocolate xx
I've gained as well! I thought BFing was supposed to burn extra calories?! (Or at least cancel out the extra calories I consumed!!) :haha:
I've got to get my hands on some exercise videos. I'm just not sure which ones I want to tackle.
I have one of Jillian Michaels videos from before I got pregnant, but it's pretty intense, and there's no way I'll be able to start with that!
Same here! I thought it would help me get some of the flub off, but nope, lol... I also quit smoking which hasn't helped with the weight gain :p I've never seen the Jillian Micheals one before... but knowing her, it's probably an arse kicking work out lol I don't want to diet while breastfeeding, but I know it would be good to cut out all the junk I like... :( lol I think I'm going to do something like if it isn't veggies/fruit or needs in the fridge I won't eat it LOL! Sound okay? :haha:
Sounds good to me!
Now I just have to stay away from the pastries/baked goods. Which isn't going to work very well, because tomorrow is OH's birthday, and this weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada! So I'll try my best to start today, but in all reality, I have a weekend of un-healthy eating ahead of me.
I breastfeed and have been trying to lose weight. Everyone was saying "You're going to lose your baby weight so fast since your BFing" boy were they wrong! I lost about 20 lbs after two weeks PP.. but then I've just stayed exactly the same weight for a while. I joined Weight Watchers but have quit because I joined the gym and figured as long as I'm working out and eating better, making smart choices then I should lose weight. It hasn't worked just yet, but I'm sure it will.. it just takes a while! Just be sure to drink a lot of water, milk and eat your fruits & veggies!! Don't starve yourself, I went one day where I drank quite a bit of water but didn't eat very much and my supply went drastically down, thank god it came back! :flower:
I remember reading somewhere (but can't remember where!) that some women actually retain their weight while BFing, especially around the hips. Apparently it's to ensure that the mother has enough fat to pass on to the baby. Well, I don't NEED any extra fat, thankyouverymuch! And neither does Devin, seeing as he's in the 97th centile!!
There's no way I could actually starve myself. I find that when I'm trying to eat less, I actually eat MORE! I'm just so hungry. And because I'm BFing, I've been using that as an excuse to indulge. That's why I figure if I start eating healthier, and try to be more active, it'll help. I'm not going to get super skinny while BFing, I've come to terms with that.
Sounds good to me!
Now I just have to stay away from the pastries/baked goods. Which isn't going to work very well, because tomorrow is OH's birthday, and this weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada! So I'll try my best to start today, but in all reality, I have a weekend of un-healthy eating ahead of me.

We had our dinner last weekend as this weekend Jake is supposed to go with his father... so my big stuff my face dinner is done :haha: but well... I had take out tonight... :blush: Plus I have to go to my parents for thanksgiving at some point, but I don't think we will do dinner with them as Mark works Monday. Where in Canada are you?

I breastfeed and have been trying to lose weight. Everyone was saying "You're going to lose your baby weight so fast since your BFing" boy were they wrong! I lost about 20 lbs after two weeks PP.. but then I've just stayed exactly the same weight for a while. I joined Weight Watchers but have quit because I joined the gym and figured as long as I'm working out and eating better, making smart choices then I should lose weight. It hasn't worked just yet, but I'm sure it will.. it just takes a while! Just be sure to drink a lot of water, milk and eat your fruits & veggies!! Don't starve yourself, I went one day where I drank quite a bit of water but didn't eat very much and my supply went drastically down, thank god it came back! :flower:

That's what worries me... I don't want/need a dipin supply!

I remember reading somewhere (but can't remember where!) that some women actually retain their weight while BFing, especially around the hips. Apparently it's to ensure that the mother has enough fat to pass on to the baby. Well, I don't NEED any extra fat, thankyouverymuch! And neither does Devin, seeing as he's in the 97th centile!!
There's no way I could actually starve myself. I find that when I'm trying to eat less, I actually eat MORE! I'm just so hungry. And because I'm BFing, I've been using that as an excuse to indulge. That's why I figure if I start eating healthier, and try to be more active, it'll help. I'm not going to get super skinny while BFing, I've come to terms with that.

I couldn`t starve myself either! LOL! Im a hungry person... I want to snack all the time! I need to put my foot down and say enough! Tonight Mark went to the store and usually I will get him to get me a choc bar or chips but tonight, nothing :D I did take out already, I dont need anymore!!!!!!
Sounds good to me!
Now I just have to stay away from the pastries/baked goods. Which isn't going to work very well, because tomorrow is OH's birthday, and this weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada! So I'll try my best to start today, but in all reality, I have a weekend of un-healthy eating ahead of me.

We had our dinner last weekend as this weekend Jake is supposed to go with his father... so my big stuff my face dinner is done :haha: but well... I had take out tonight... :blush: Plus I have to go to my parents for thanksgiving at some point, but I don't think we will do dinner with them as Mark works Monday. Where in Canada are you?

I breastfeed and have been trying to lose weight. Everyone was saying "You're going to lose your baby weight so fast since your BFing" boy were they wrong! I lost about 20 lbs after two weeks PP.. but then I've just stayed exactly the same weight for a while. I joined Weight Watchers but have quit because I joined the gym and figured as long as I'm working out and eating better, making smart choices then I should lose weight. It hasn't worked just yet, but I'm sure it will.. it just takes a while! Just be sure to drink a lot of water, milk and eat your fruits & veggies!! Don't starve yourself, I went one day where I drank quite a bit of water but didn't eat very much and my supply went drastically down, thank god it came back! :flower:

That's what worries me... I don't want/need a dipin supply!

I remember reading somewhere (but can't remember where!) that some women actually retain their weight while BFing, especially around the hips. Apparently it's to ensure that the mother has enough fat to pass on to the baby. Well, I don't NEED any extra fat, thankyouverymuch! And neither does Devin, seeing as he's in the 97th centile!!
There's no way I could actually starve myself. I find that when I'm trying to eat less, I actually eat MORE! I'm just so hungry. And because I'm BFing, I've been using that as an excuse to indulge. That's why I figure if I start eating healthier, and try to be more active, it'll help. I'm not going to get super skinny while BFing, I've come to terms with that.

I couldn`t starve myself either! LOL! Im a hungry person... I want to snack all the time! I need to put my foot down and say enough! Tonight Mark went to the store and usually I will get him to get me a choc bar or chips but tonight, nothing :D I did take out already, I dont need anymore!!!!!!

I'm just West of North Bay, ON. Where abouts are you?
One of my big problems is OH. I try to have healthy foods in the house, but he just complains. Which just frustrates me, because he says he wants to "get in shape" too. Yet any time I try he sabotages me by bringing all kinds of crap in the house!
I guess I just have to work on my will power!
Sounds good to me!
Now I just have to stay away from the pastries/baked goods. Which isn't going to work very well, because tomorrow is OH's birthday, and this weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada! So I'll try my best to start today, but in all reality, I have a weekend of un-healthy eating ahead of me.

We had our dinner last weekend as this weekend Jake is supposed to go with his father... so my big stuff my face dinner is done :haha: but well... I had take out tonight... :blush: Plus I have to go to my parents for thanksgiving at some point, but I don't think we will do dinner with them as Mark works Monday. Where in Canada are you?

I breastfeed and have been trying to lose weight. Everyone was saying "You're going to lose your baby weight so fast since your BFing" boy were they wrong! I lost about 20 lbs after two weeks PP.. but then I've just stayed exactly the same weight for a while. I joined Weight Watchers but have quit because I joined the gym and figured as long as I'm working out and eating better, making smart choices then I should lose weight. It hasn't worked just yet, but I'm sure it will.. it just takes a while! Just be sure to drink a lot of water, milk and eat your fruits & veggies!! Don't starve yourself, I went one day where I drank quite a bit of water but didn't eat very much and my supply went drastically down, thank god it came back! :flower:

That's what worries me... I don't want/need a dipin supply!

I remember reading somewhere (but can't remember where!) that some women actually retain their weight while BFing, especially around the hips. Apparently it's to ensure that the mother has enough fat to pass on to the baby. Well, I don't NEED any extra fat, thankyouverymuch! And neither does Devin, seeing as he's in the 97th centile!!
There's no way I could actually starve myself. I find that when I'm trying to eat less, I actually eat MORE! I'm just so hungry. And because I'm BFing, I've been using that as an excuse to indulge. That's why I figure if I start eating healthier, and try to be more active, it'll help. I'm not going to get super skinny while BFing, I've come to terms with that.

I couldn`t starve myself either! LOL! Im a hungry person... I want to snack all the time! I need to put my foot down and say enough! Tonight Mark went to the store and usually I will get him to get me a choc bar or chips but tonight, nothing :D I did take out already, I dont need anymore!!!!!!

I'm just West of North Bay, ON. Where abouts are you?
One of my big problems is OH. I try to have healthy foods in the house, but he just complains. Which just frustrates me, because he says he wants to "get in shape" too. Yet any time I try he sabotages me by bringing all kinds of crap in the house!
I guess I just have to work on my will power!

In in the Fredericton area, NB :) Not too too far :p No oceans in between anyways :haha:

Oh I have kind of the same problem with OH! He will go to the store and pick up goodies even when I don't ask , lol! It's nice of him but oh my... it will go right to my hips! He is as skinny as a rake and eats whatever, but I can't! I'm not buying anymore treats though, that's it! *Foot is down* haha

There's my big old butt the best she has looked in a while, photographers do wonders! :haha:



  • EveMornLR-21.jpg
    50.4 KB · Views: 16
Im also breastfeeding and trying to fight the flab lol This is the 3rd time ive breastfed and i've never lost weight just breastfeeding alone! What im doing at the moment is cutting out most of the rubbish I eat which is alot usually lol and doing some exercise, I have Davina Mccalls DVD which I do a few times a week! :D Seems to work for me, I still eat chocolate though :D
I just had chips and ice cream... :blush: ...

me also, Im sick of looking like a hippo. I still have the 3 stone i put on in pregnancy to loose and i could have done with loosing another 3 before i got pregnant.
So iv decided that all im going to do is change my diet and excersise.
I will start eating breakfast. lunch and dinner. and only snack on fruit in between. and walk 40mins per day.

My diet is appauling, I usually start the day with a cornish pasty! and then snack on bread and stuff all day!
its got to stop!!

so as of tommorrow, Im on the "better diet" diet :haha:
wish me luck x x
Good luck ladies!
I start my "better eating habits" tomorrow as well. Although I did try and be good this weekend. I just wasn't as "good" as I should have been! lol
I got my OH and BIL to bring my eliptical trainer out of the basement, and put it in the spare bedroom, where I'll actually be able to use it. Hopefully that will help with things!
me also, Im sick of looking like a hippo. I still have the 3 stone i put on in pregnancy to loose and i could have done with loosing another 3 before i got pregnant.
So iv decided that all im going to do is change my diet and excersise.
I will start eating breakfast. lunch and dinner. and only snack on fruit in between. and walk 40mins per day.

My diet is appauling, I usually start the day with a cornish pasty! and then snack on bread and stuff all day!
its got to stop!!

so as of tommorrow, Im on the "better diet" diet :haha:
wish me luck x x

Good luck!! How have you been doing?

Good luck ladies!
I start my "better eating habits" tomorrow as well. Although I did try and be good this weekend. I just wasn't as "good" as I should have been! lol
I got my OH and BIL to bring my eliptical trainer out of the basement, and put it in the spare bedroom, where I'll actually be able to use it. Hopefully that will help with things!

Ohhhh I would love one of those! I've been forgetting to eat, as I've been babysitting a little girl, and have two of my own to look after, which not eating isn't good either!
Today so far I've had 2 pieces of toast with margarine and a glass of milk, oh and a coffee :) Not too bad, but last night we had pizza for supper! :dohh:
me also, Im sick of looking like a hippo. I still have the 3 stone i put on in pregnancy to loose and i could have done with loosing another 3 before i got pregnant.
So iv decided that all im going to do is change my diet and excersise.
I will start eating breakfast. lunch and dinner. and only snack on fruit in between. and walk 40mins per day.

My diet is appauling, I usually start the day with a cornish pasty! and then snack on bread and stuff all day!
its got to stop!!

so as of tommorrow, Im on the "better diet" diet :haha:
wish me luck x x

Good luck!! How have you been doing?

Good luck ladies!
I start my "better eating habits" tomorrow as well. Although I did try and be good this weekend. I just wasn't as "good" as I should have been! lol
I got my OH and BIL to bring my eliptical trainer out of the basement, and put it in the spare bedroom, where I'll actually be able to use it. Hopefully that will help with things!

Ohhhh I would love one of those! I've been forgetting to eat, as I've been babysitting a little girl, and have two of my own to look after, which not eating isn't good either!

I got it second hand from my sister. She didn't like it, so I got it for $200 a couple of years ago. When I got pregnant, it went down into the basement because I wasn't using it. Now it's finally back upstairs! I even used it today! I only started with 15 minutes, because Devin woke up, but I figure 15 minutes is better than nothing! Maybe I'll do some more when he sleeps this afternoon.

So far today I've had 2 pieces of toast with PB, and a glass of OJ. Haven't decided what I'm going to eat for snack, or lunch yet. I'm trying to get into the habit of eating every few hours, even if it's only a piece of fruit.
today i had grilled full breakfast. Ryvita for lunch and lasangua(sp?) with roast veg for dinner. So in total around 1700 cal not bad concidering im bfing :) although no excersise just been too busy :) x
I've never counted calories, so I have no idea if I'm eating more than I should.
I had 2 pieces of toast with PB and OJ for lunch;
Apple for mid-morning snack;
Poutine for lunch (Homemade with baked fries, still not the best though);
Meatloaf and Potatoes for supper.

I also did 15 minutes on the eliptical today.

It's a start.
Other than my toast I had a PB sandwich for lunch and supper was two hot dogs and fruit :) Not too bad for today... OH is off to the store so I know I will have a few chips lol... I was out raking our yard today though so had some exersize!

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