My 4.5 mo baby is ebf at the moment. She does have a dummy and was sleeping really well... Going down 5 hours waking then coming in to sleep with me after a feed. Now she just Wakes all the time. People say no to solids this early but would just one bottle at night help at all? I have scoured the net desperately in the small hours which only leads to me feeling so confused about what to do for the best. There is so much conflicting advice. I fed my ds1 for 5 months and ds2 for two years. First baby was a pretty good sleeper and second was dreadful and was only a few years ago so I never really recovered from lack of sleep anyway!! So now I just feel totally drained. I am crying all the time! I already have anxiety disorder which is getting overwhealming because of no sleep and I have just recovered from mastitis which the dr advised me to get three days bed rest for !!!!! Pah! Clearly she doesn't have any kids let alone three to pressume three days bed rest is remotely possible!!!!
Please advise 're combi feeding though. When does your lo feed and what is the sleep like?
Please advise 're combi feeding though. When does your lo feed and what is the sleep like?