Hey, don´t give up, but don´t be obsessed either. Easier said than done, I know

I am almost to the point now where I think I might just give up and look into going the adoption route. It seems like everytime I give up and take a break I end up getting pg and having some form of a MC then I try really really hard again and get so depressed that it doesnt work and give up again and the same thing happens again. I am about ready to stop all the drugs and look into adoption at least I know that is a sure thing even if I fork out all the money for IVF (would have to go private) there is no gaurantee it will work for me. I just get so frustrated. Last MC was in April so I have been trying again really really hard. I'm just frustrated and tired of waiting so long to have a baby. Just feel defeated.
I'm not techincally out yet this month but with two temp dips including today I know it is only a matter of time.