Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

I was going thru the scan report, according to it i am 6+1 but i really shld be 7+1 weeks... :-si hope everythngs fine does it mean dat the baby is not growing?? but the sonographist said its all good...i am gonna see my gynac 2mrw bt its killin me cnt wait till 2mrw to knw dats its fine. :-s
I only take my insulin in my legs - never liked using my tummy even though they have wanted me to for a while - I could never do it there now as my skin is far too stretched at this stage.

snj yay for a good scan - the heartbeat is at a good level which is great - don't worry too much about the measurements - it could be that you ovulated later than you thought and there are other reasons for it depending on how your scan was done - the important part is that you saw the baby and the heartbeat!

Capel - I was sent for a full scan (level 2) first pregnancy where they did check the heart and everything. This time I wasn't. I think the higher the risk the more likely they are to take precautions. I think this pregnancy of mine while still very high risk is considered slightly lower risk than last time simply as it is my second pregnancy - I had fewer first trimester appointments than the first pregnancy too and was offered fewer invasive tests (I refused them last time anyway)
Well I still have lots of flap in my tummy so for now no problem. I hate injecting in my legs when out, so much more hassle.

I wasn't offered any invasive test. And I would not do them anyway just because of diabetes. But I was refered for the scan. App, I had many because of the hypos. Actually I think I am every week at the hospital. Did not see the midwife though. Only the diabetes team.
Capel sorry you are having to go through that - they pretty much left me be this pregnancy and I changed things mostly by myself until 33 weeks when after a third trip to the emergency room with severe hypos ( iwas often comatose) they admitted me to the hospital for 5 days - I went low there every single day and they reduced the insulin by 50% and I still went low - eventually the doctor asked if I was taking more than he had prescribed - I was so cross as it was just a pregnancy thing that was happening and I'd done everything they said - since then the levels of insulin are back up and higher than they were in hospital so maybe baby was just having a big growth spurt. I can't wait to get back on insulin levels that stay more stable!

When is your scan? Good luck for it.
I am off to the endo in a few minutes. Lets see what he is going to say. At least I am having very good support from the diabetes team before and during this pregnancy.
Glad the diabetes team is supporting you well capel.

Have made it to last appointment day today though its a very late appointment. Have been having a lot of discomfort and pain and contractions last night but having only ever been induced I am not too sure what to expect if I were to go into labour myself. Hoping to find out some of what is going on today at my appointment and will also get an induction date. I am wondering if I may also have a urine infection now because of all the contractions.
Last appointment went fine - baby is doing well. Its really hard to get an accurate weight estimate at this stage as baby is deep in my pelvis (may explain the discomfort) He did try to lift her out a bit to get it more accurate but she was going no where! He says about 3,4 to 3,7kg (my last DD was 3,8kg or 8 pounds 3 ounces at 38 weeks so this one could be about the same) I am set for induction on 17 February 6 days from now unless she decides to come earlier - I have had a good few signs of early labour so hoping they will get her even closer for an easier induction if we do get to induction date, but I guess it is wait and see now. My last was induced with relative ease 1 day later than this one will be.
Hopefully baby will decide to come by itself on the date. I don't know but I was told the pain is worse in a induction...
I am a type 1 diabetic too have been for 20 years, I'm trying to conceive, have been trying for 3 years, I'm 2 days late for my period and I'm very constipated and my bloods are all over the place, last week they were running low and from yesterday they are high even when I correct at each meal time. How were your blood sugars when you conceived???
Mine were fine. I had very good control before. But at 6 weeks they went haywire. Nothing I did was right. Sometimes too high, often way too low. And I have hypos when I should not. Like 5 h after quick acting and did not exercise more than normal. Or going from 12 to 2 in half an hour with no extra insulin. I always could tell the reason for all my hypos. Now they come when I least expect. And when they start my level drop VERY quickly.
hi girls can i pop in ? im type 1 diabetic and have been for nearly 14 yrs. Just curious , did any one go to pre-conception clinic before being pregnant. I never went before with caleb but midwife wants me to ring her when we are thinking of ttc. hopefully i want to come off pill next jan (2012) . when would you say the best time to go would be xx
my contol is quite good but this week its been all over the place
I did go to pre conception clinic. But as everuthing was good they just told me to start trying. I think it is only important if your control is not good. Actually the Endo was more interested in my hypothyroidism than the diabetes.
I also had more problems with hypothyroidism than the diabetes conceiving this one - the minute that came right I fell pregnant (as in the very month they increased the dose of Eltroxin) I went to see a gynae a month before I fell pregnant and had hormonal checks and had been seeing a physician for the diabetes anyway so never bothered with pre conception. I would advise going at least 3 months before you want to conceive though as that is how long it usually takes to drop the hbA1c to acceptable levels.

As for me I did get a few highs the week I found out I was pregnant and then the dive into the lows which lasted for ages and very like capel said were exceptionally hard to predict. Take a test if you are late already - the sooner you know the sooner you can get control. I got a BFP the day before AF was due to start.

Capel - yes inductions are apparently more sore so I would love this baby to come by herself, but at the same time I would rather have her out safely with an induction than risk my placenta failing. Also by the time I am this late in pregnancy I just want my baby out!
I know what you mean. My daugther was overdue and I just wanted her out. The last week of pregnancy I spent in hospital... I was so fed up. But they did not induce me until my blood pressure was high.
Glad the diabetes team is supporting you well capel.

Have made it to last appointment day today though its a very late appointment. Have been having a lot of discomfort and pain and contractions last night but having only ever been induced I am not too sure what to expect if I were to go into labour myself. Hoping to find out some of what is going on today at my appointment and will also get an induction date. I am wondering if I may also have a urine infection now because of all the contractions.

ooh good luck, i hope its that start of something for you xx

I am a type 1 diabetic too have been for 20 years, I'm trying to conceive, have been trying for 3 years, I'm 2 days late for my period and I'm very constipated and my bloods are all over the place, last week they were running low and from yesterday they are high even when I correct at each meal time. How were your blood sugars when you conceived???

In the very early days i would wake up to lots of hypos, nearly every morning. Mornings are better now but im hypoing a tea times now.

hi girls can i pop in ? im type 1 diabetic and have been for nearly 14 yrs. Just curious , did any one go to pre-conception clinic before being pregnant. I never went before with caleb but midwife wants me to ring her when we are thinking of ttc. hopefully i want to come off pill next jan (2012) . when would you say the best time to go would be xx

I went with my last pregnancy but it worked out i was already newly pregnant when i went to my appointment. They advised me to get my HBA1C down as much as i could before i concieved but obviously that was too late. Baby was still fine though. If your well controlled i dont see why they have it tbh.

AFM-Im feeling like Poop as im full of cold.

Having hypos too still and had a bad one yesterday, i was really spaced out coming home from work and it just got worse from there, couldnt eat my tea properly. Took me till 8pm or so to feel okay. I just want 2nd Trimester to be here and hopefully these hypos wont happen as often :(

the diabetic nurse has said to change my ratio of insulin just at luch time to 1 unit per 10g carbs (as usually have 1.5) so we are seeing how that works. Today though after lunch my blood was 24!!!!!! :wacko: Not what i was expecting. Lets see if it gets any better.

On a good note got my midwife appointment through. Tues 22nd at 9am. She did want me to go on monday but it was too short notice as only found out last night about it :) xx
Hope everyone is doing better now, or at least managing with the hypos.

I was induced 17/02 and everything went fine til about 7cm dilated when bay's heartrate started dropping every contraction so I had an emergency C-section and baby did very well. She did get very low sugars (0,3 was the lowest she went which I was very worried about, but she is fine now) however after the birth and they battled for a few days with them - she was in ICU from Thursday to Monday when I took her home. We are doing well at home although I have had a bad fever yesterday and am awaiting test results to see what is going on. I feel better today than yesterday though. I am breastfeeding Kirima and managed to do so in ICU even though she had a nasal tube, drip lines and blood pressure lines to deal with - she's obviously a good rinker as she had a good few bottles before we switched her to breastfeeding and she seemed to prefer the breast even despite all this so I am happy about that.

She weighed 3,84kg at birth - I think that is 8 pounds 7 ounces - not much more than her elder sister did at the same gestation.
congrats xx its so scary to see them with tubes. glad your home and hope you find out whats wrong xx
That is a very good wheight. I was thinking of you yesterday. I am glad everything is fine and good luck.

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