Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

well today was starting off ok then my pump plays up. I hate it when you think youve cracked and you havent xx
I know it is relentless!! I had an occlusion today at work which is super embarassing in the middle of a meeting when it starts bleeping like a crazy!!
then I have to stuff my hand down my bra to find it and make it shut up!!!

I feel your pain!! Some days it really gets me down, however I would never be without my pump now!!

HOw far along are you now?

Pump users, how do you go to the beach. I really want a pump but next year I will be living in the northeast of Brazil. Got a really good job there and I really could do with the sunshine. BUT it is quite hot in there and I would like to go to the beach. How does that work out. And the sand there is very fine, I am thinking if it will be ok using a pump. But I don't want go through another pregnancy without one.
CAPEL - I'll be stalking your question.. I was wondering about this. I've got a pump but want to go away next year and want to know how you ladies got on with the heat, water and sand :\!

Just told OH it's 6 weeks before we'll probably getting induced! Due to peanut being to big at the moment. He went a little white in the face :)! Feeling nervous now! I bet it sounds stupid haha but the one thing I can't wait whilst being in labour is taking me pump off and not having it on me for a few days; I know I'll be on a IV Insulin Sliding Scale but think my stomach and site areas need to recover for a while due to all the holes haha ;).

Hurry up 6 weeks :)
I have been away on beach holidays every year since I had my pump and despite the docs always trying to persuade me to have a "pump holiday" I rtefuse!

Why would i want the best 2 weeks of the year screwed up by my bloods!

Generally I change the time and leave it as is, however often I set up a new basal rate as I need less insulin in the heat!

In terms of beachiness, I have never had an issue, I wear my pump in the cup of my bra and therefore I just stick it in my bikini top? When I swim I obviously take it off and wrap in my sarong and pop it in my bag? I have got sand in it before and I just cotton buds to give it a clean, no dramas though?

I dont think it will be an issue girls so just do it!!

Hi poly, im just gone 5 weeks so not to far. Yesterday was a good day, the only trouble is I want to check my blood all the time to make sure its ok.
Doctors today, I did digi yesterday and got 3 + so cant wait. xx
Hope evryones ok xx
doctors had no test lol.
Im ringing diabteic midwife tomorrow so hopefuly that will get things started xx
Morning ladies.

Was thinking last night how much I've been though with my stupid Diabetes and how much I hate the condition. Then I thought writing everything down about it may help.

Before I start I am going to be adding photos of when I was in DKA Coma and I hope I don't upset anyone. I'm not looking for any sympathy at all I just want to show awareness of what being ill with diabetes and under educated does to you.

Also hope my story doesn't get to long :coffee:!

It was Saturday 13th February 2010 and me and OH's family went over to his sisters house for tea. I felt 'off' all day and when it came to the meal that OH slaved over I didn't want it which caused a huge argument with SIL. Saying I was selfish but I just didn't feel well and also didn't have the energy. I felt bad for not even having the meal. They left me in the living room all night whilst they had the meal. I fell asleep and was woken when we was going home. Once back at OH's parents house. I went straight to bed. I must add I was on Novomix at the time 2 injections a day morning/breakfast and evening/meal. I didn't have the insulin. So was only 'living' off 30 units since 9am that morning.

It was about 11.30 when it all started with the toilet trips. OH was out cold; I was tossing and turning and thought it was a bug, I was going for a wee well trying to squeeze one out whilst downing water like no tomorrow then I'd be sick and just bring the water back up and then bile. This carried on till about 4.30am when I woke OH up due to the stomach pains I was getting and I knew something was wrong. Throughout all the time I was awake I didn't test my blood :dohh: I know I should have done.

After OH phoned for a taxi and got changed I was still being sick and just felt so horrid. We got to the local hospital and checked in at A&E. With it being a Sunday early morning noone was waiting and a nurse came for us straight away. She asked for a urine sample and OH did most of the talking; from me being ill the night before and what insulin I'd taken. When I came back from the toilet and she tested my urine I was sick again everywhere and I remember just saying sorry. The nurse tested my urine and then next thing man handled me onto the bed and another nurse ran me down on the trolley to the main A&E ward. It was all a bit of a daze at that point.

OH was with me at all times. I was put on a drip and bloods were taken and OH said I was being horrid and fighting the needles off. Can't remember! Then I was on the assessment ward this was about 7am. I was feeling okayish at this point. Then OH noticed that the Sliding Scale that I was on kept bleeping and the nurses just pressed the buttons. At around 10am my parents came to see me and OH asked the nurse to look at the drip again because I was on a 60ML drip but the drip wasn't going down at all and the cog was still on 60ML since 7am. The nurse didn't do anything. (it turned out that when I went in at 5am and the drip was put up at 5.30 I hadn't been getting any insulin from it).

At around 10.30 I was feeling really tired and I woke up and shouted out to OH to phone my manager to tell her I wouldn't be in work the next day; because I was on an early I'd need to open up. She was horrid to him and OH said he wasn't speaking to her again! My mum phoned her up about an hour later telling her what was going on and she was still off with her! So she just left it.

Then around 1.30 I'd been transferred to the Critical Care Unit CCU (Intensive Care). All I remember from it is having this horrid 'buzz light year' like yellow helmet over my head filling me with oxygen and I kept trying pulling it off then a doctor was next to me and I kept saying to them 'Just put me to sleep'. That's the last thing I remember till 8 days later when I was being woken up from the Medically Induced Coma they put me in and trying to put the ventilator tube out of me.

My mum and dad where there when I woke up and I cried because OH wasn't there. He'd sat every day for about 16 hours a day when I was in the coma and the day they wake up for it he wasn't there. He regrets it now he was running late. I couldn't really talk and didn't want to move with all the tubes round me. When I was in the coma the Doctors and Consultants told my parents to take photos for 'if' I woke up it'd scare me. Which was a little harsh! They did take photos and in a way I'm glad becuase I use them to warn others and also promote DKA of the dangers

When to doctors where on their rounds one said 'I was very lucky to be here. Diabetes is a serious condition. Hope you've learnt your lesson lady'. My mum stood up and shouted at him and said 'Haven't you told her she has pneumonia in both lungs and the nurses said that was the main reason she was so ill?'. The doctors just walked off and one of the nurses from the station came to hug my mum.

That was the honest reason for the DKA. The nurse did say lack of insulin didn't help but she had been reading my hospital notes from when I got diagnosed with Diabetes in March 2009 and the lack of education I had received linked to my lack of knowledge for the condition.

OH came a few hours later and cried so much that I was awake. The first thing he said was 'look at all the blood birthday cards let alone the get well cards you've got to open gorgeous!'. Pointing to my table and the pile of cards filled it. My mum and dad left for a few hours for food and let OH see me. He helped me open all my cards, I was crying my eyes out. I opened then alternatively a birthday then get well card. By time I'd finished I had 60 cards piled up! Ooops!

Whilst I was opening the cards I had this horrid pain in my right side. It was a shooting pain I told the nurse and I couldn't left my arm past my breast. She got a doctor to look at it but the pain was horrid. I though deep down it was a blood clot. He sent me for an emergency CAT scan. They put a ventflone in my foot and when they put the dye in me OMG it killed. I was sent back to CCU and the results came back stright away. OH and my parents were round my bed when the doctor came and said I had a Blood Clot – Pulmonary Embolism in my lung. This was due to me being led down and my body being so immobile for a long time.

I stayed on CCU and moved into a private room for the next 3 weeks which was very boring. I had all my drips taken off and the feeding tube taken out and I was put on nasal cannula because I hated the face mask it kept falling off!!! I had physo ever day with my pink walking frame I was given! My walking got better every day but I was so tired after just three steps I'd sleep all day!

After 3 weeks on CCU I was sent to a ward for another week just for the to monitor my blood clot. I was given tinzaparin every day at the same time and I dreaded it every time. When I was on the ward I got a lot more visitors. I didn't want people seeing the CCU ward at all all the horrid cases. I hated walking round the ward when I was doing my physo.

I was off work for 5 months after coming out of hospital. Due to the blood clot and being so weak. I weighed 8 and half stone before I went in in February and when I came out at the end of March I weighed 6st 4! The weight soon piled back on when I was home. Due to bordom ooops! Whilst off I was seeing the diabetic team every week and then I was put on the DAFNE in April. I shared my story with the other DAFNE candidates and the Diabetic team. They were all shocked that I was actually sat within the same room as then and feeling miles better.

The Diabetic Team changed my insulin and I was on Novorapid every meals and Levamir in the morning and bed. Which helped a lot but 8 injections a day got me down. Then in May this year at 8 weeks pregnant I was given an Insulin Pump and it's the best thing that could have happened to help my diabetes. My bloods aren't perfect but my last hba1c was 8.5%. Before being pregnant it was 10%. So it's getting there.

Hope my story hasn't upset anyone I just wanted to get my story off my chest. P.s. I don't know how to set the picture as a 'spoiler' so don't how to hide it sorry if it comes up big etc :(


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Hawalkden- Your story didn't upset me and I want to give you a hug.:hugs:

Prior to reading your post I spent the last hour in tears ( over emotional about work, coping and feeling generally incompetnent) I actually found reassurance and camaraderie in what you wrote. Thankyou so much for sharing. I've had DKA and it doesn't matter how "controlled" you are. My hba1c at the time was 8mmol. Again I know not perfect but I am trying to work it all out and have been for over 20 years. Nobody wants diabetes and certainly not DKA it bloody sucks. I didn't enjoy being shoved on drips and ICU and then shoved onto an all male ward while they tried to get to the bottom of the problem.... apparently a UTI, no it wasn't I had a freaking chest infection and had just finished chemo 2 weeks before and was rundown. I got a UTI while in hospital after they shoved a frigging catheter into my urethrethra.... funny now though not at the time.....

Something my Mum said the other day is haunting me. She said when I came home from the hospital after diagnosis of diabetes there was nothing she could do- that the diabetes was mine and no matter what she did she couldn't take it away or change it. She had to just let me get on with it while supporting me. Diabetes does suck big time. I feel so alone sometimes. Then I feel guilty again for feeling sorry for myself. I have come to accept that I just cannot win, but just try my best and I'm not going to lie sometimes I have a day off- I have my insulin but I have a burger a bottle of wine and a magnum icecream (clearly not at the moment though, I burst into tears on Tuesday at clinic and the nurse gave me a tissue told me not to worry and that I was doing well. She also said that nobody understands that diabetes is difficult at the best of times let alone being preganant as well. This actually made me blub evenmore!)

what the doctors said to you was dreadful. How dare they.:growlmad: I thought going into the caring profession was so you could "care for, look after, support and educate people" I wonder sometimes why people bother. I think you should be very proud of yourself, you are doing an amazing job. It is so hard and so frustrating. Look at what you've accomplished- :thumbup:you've bought your hba1c down and are nurturing a little mini you. Just think of where you have been and where you are going. all these experiences make uss who we are ( I know a bit cliched!) But maybe we view the world with a little more compassion and understanding than others- that can only be good thing. Sod diabetes but....
Hang in there xx
No only will ever understand baring yourself and other diabetics. drs think its easy to tweak insulin an hey presto its perfect. But we want to eat normally, not worry about insulin and think about hypos.
I hate days when you just want to eat and eat then something stops you and all you worry about is insulin.
I really am glad I have this thread to rant and understand as others because its hard keeping it to yourself and also nice to help others who know what your going through xx
Hawalkden- Your story didn't upset me and I want to give you a hug.:hugs:

Prior to reading your post I spent the last hour in tears ( over emotional about work, coping and feeling generally incompetnent) I actually found reassurance and camaraderie in what you wrote. Thankyou so much for sharing. I've had DKA and it doesn't matter how "controlled" you are. My hba1c at the time was 8mmol. Again I know not perfect but I am trying to work it all out and have been for over 20 years. Nobody wants diabetes and certainly not DKA it bloody sucks. I didn't enjoy being shoved on drips and ICU and then shoved onto an all male ward while they tried to get to the bottom of the problem.... apparently a UTI, no it wasn't I had a freaking chest infection and had just finished chemo 2 weeks before and was rundown. I got a UTI while in hospital after they shoved a frigging catheter into my urethrethra.... funny now though not at the time.....

Something my Mum said the other day is haunting me. She said when I came home from the hospital after diagnosis of diabetes there was nothing she could do- that the diabetes was mine and no matter what she did she couldn't take it away or change it. She had to just let me get on with it while supporting me. Diabetes does suck big time. I feel so alone sometimes. Then I feel guilty again for feeling sorry for myself. I have come to accept that I just cannot win, but just try my best and I'm not going to lie sometimes I have a day off- I have my insulin but I have a burger a bottle of wine and a magnum icecream (clearly not at the moment though, I burst into tears on Tuesday at clinic and the nurse gave me a tissue told me not to worry and that I was doing well. She also said that nobody understands that diabetes is difficult at the best of times let alone being preganant as well. This actually made me blub evenmore!)

what the doctors said to you was dreadful. How dare they.:growlmad: I thought going into the caring profession was so you could "care for, look after, support and educate people" I wonder sometimes why people bother. I think you should be very proud of yourself, you are doing an amazing job. It is so hard and so frustrating. Look at what you've accomplished- :thumbup:you've bought your hba1c down and are nurturing a little mini you. Just think of where you have been and where you are going. all these experiences make uss who we are ( I know a bit cliched!) But maybe we view the world with a little more compassion and understanding than others- that can only be good thing. Sod diabetes but....
Hang in there xx

:cry: Thank you :D. Had a mini cry with what you wrote :blush:! When I look at the photos I think :o. What if etc, my dad has T1 too and he was in pieces over the state I was in.

My challenge at the moment is Diabetic Team and Midwife appointments.. Lecture after lecture. Even when my bloods have been between 7-11 ace for me. I always go home and for the weekend or friday night I :munch: away and usually overdose on to much Lion Bars! OH has kinda let me get on with it now becuase he tried to understand and I know it's wrong at the time but frustrating and wanting to feel 'normal' kicks in :growlmad:! I always come out of clinic in tears.. After peanut arrives and older I want to train to become a Diabetic Children's nurse just so when children or teens get dignosed they know I 100% understand and can relate to them and not just got 'experience' from text books and Uni Lectures!

Some days I worry Peanut will get Diabetes when it's born or soon after it's born etc and I don't know how I'd cope :\
well the lovely hypos have started, mainly in there 2's today, i feel them just wish i would feel the hypos earlier. im hoping I will be ok for work later. its only 4hours and i work in the best place a& e lol xx
I hate when I go to my Diabetic team and they give me advice or say "all you need to do is.." ..the funny thing about it, is none of them have Diabetes and have no idea how hard it can be. People always say to me " least it's manageable!!". As true as this is, it is hard to live with it and sometimes do feel alone. My Dad is Type 1 as well and it is good to have him around because he does actually know what it is like to deal with it daily. I also don't think people realize how much it affects your entire body and being! Being tired, blurry vision, mood swings, etc,etc,etc. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really feeling ok or have I gotten so used to not feeling good..that it's normal. Sorry for coming on here and going off..hell..I'm not even pregnant yet but check on this thread from time to time. I guess I'm just having a poor me day!! Gotta get out of this funk!!
Congrats to all you ladies on here. I hope you all have wonderful pregnancies and l&d. Hopefully I will be joining you all soon on the pregnancy threads..until then.back to ttc forum!
BTW Pink...just noticed you are expecting...congrats hun!:hugs:
I hate when I go to my Diabetic team and they give me advice or say "all you need to do is.." ..the funny thing about it, is none of them have Diabetes and have no idea how hard it can be. People always say to me " least it's manageable!!". As true as this is, it is hard to live with it and sometimes do feel alone. My Dad is Type 1 as well and it is good to have him around because he does actually know what it is like to deal with it daily. I also don't think people realize how much it affects your entire body and being! Being tired, blurry vision, mood swings, etc,etc,etc. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really feeling ok or have I gotten so used to not feeling good..that it's normal. Sorry for coming on here and going off..hell..I'm not even pregnant yet but check on this thread from time to time. I guess I'm just having a poor me day!! Gotta get out of this funk!!
Congrats to all you ladies on here. I hope you all have wonderful pregnancies and l&d. Hopefully I will be joining you all soon on the pregnancy threads..until then.back to ttc forum!
BTW Pink...just noticed you are expecting...congrats hun!:hugs:

I feel just the same! I hate the mood swings I am horrid to my OH and I know that I am being but I cant help it, then my bloods come more normal and I dont know what to do?!?
He is very understanding about it though!

We too are TTC but with very little luck at the moment!! Not sure if diabetes is playing a part but Hba1c was 7.1 last time so is pretty good?

Who knows some days it gets me soooo down, generally i live with it and I am very aware that there are lots more horrid things I could have but it is a constant battle!!

My da can relate to my down days but OH gets very very frustrated with it all and some days he stress' at me for having a down day. People tell me that it's manageable and should be lucky I'm here blah! Yes it's not the worse condition to have but living with it is far from easy.
Even more so in the middle of 1st tri to mid 2nd tri for me my bloods just didn't want to behave at all!
I could honestly hit most of my diabetic team they'll never understand without having the condition.
Another pet hate is when people tell me what I can and can't eat and tell me all the stupid myths which they think are true and link me to type 2s and say it's my own fault for eating or doing something!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
I hate the what you can/cant eat convo. Just because im diabetic doesnt mean I have to stop eating sweets.
I am so grateful of my pump and would be lost without it xx
Hi ladies. Just to update Mylee Rose was born on Thursday 13th October weighing a very healthy 9lbs 10oz...Both mummy and baby are doing great with no sugar problems or scbu time needed :)
Here she is! We arrived home this afternoon.
ive only just seen she was early jaybear bet your glad you didnt go full term xx

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