Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

I had a hypo today in town and hadnt got a clue. I felt bit funny so had some lucozade, went to get some more, went in the shop and stood there for a few mins wondering what i was doing with lo screaming. I think any longer security would of been called. I just couldnt think what I was doing. I went completely blank. I was waiting to meet my mom so decided to ring her to see how far away she was, the whole conversation made no sense . Think it made it worse as mom was probably worrying about me. I sat down and checked my blood and it was 6, even double checked it and the same. I blame the heat today as it was warm but I really have had enough of it.
I want to be able to live my life and not have to worry about,
carb counting,
what I eat.
Also be able to diet properly.
Sorry for so long but today really worried me xx
Hiya :) iv been a type 1 diabetic since 2008! My first pregnancy was so hard, i was in hospital more than i was at home! Hoping my 2nd wont be as bad! My sugars r terrible though, really hard to control :( xx

I try and stay on strict diet with protein , whole carbs, to try and control my sugars as much as possible through my diet. If I absolutely can't I take insulin to keep sugars in control.
The idea is not to misuse insulin by eating unhealthy. this causes weight gain.
Pink 23
Tell me about it. I am off work again today as I have a minging cold, cannot eat properly and BG all over the place. I hypo everynight, everyday several times a day, my sugars just do what they want. So fed up. Despite hba1c starting pregnancy at 7.7mmol and now its 6.1mmol I still feel pants. I feel rubbish. Having a little boy and I so want him to be healthy. I am trying so hard but hypos make me feel down and I am having so many and oh so much lucozade.

Springtime- I'm impressed at your control but Gea- during this time you do what you can to sort out your bloodglucose yes over eating and compensating with insulin will cause weight gain which is not recommended and pants but having crappy sugars can damage your baby. If the diet isn't working then one needs to take the insulin. Pregnancy is a crazy time for one's body and what worked for ages certainly can stop working at this time. Do what you need to do to insure that the LO is looked after. I hate the weight I've gained but I can sort that out afterwards. I am taking 3x the amount of insulin doses I was pre pregancny and I also hate the copious amounts of lucozade I am consuming and am going off bananas very rapidly indeed. Right now my focus is on nuturing my little boy and giving him a journey to the outside world as safe as I can make it and hopefully he'll arrive healthy(but probably cross from being removed from his warm happy uterus!)

I wish you all success on your pregancny journey...
Pink23 :hugs: Hypos are awful and its so frustrating that this never comes right - that it is always something we have to worry about. I was at 2.7 last night, ate and drank enough before bed and then tested at 00:00 and it was only 2.9 - not sure why it never came up again.

Kirsteee welcome and congrats on your pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different so hopefully your one will be better than the first - honestly though my second was far worse than my first.

Gea I did pick up quite a bit of weight with both pregnancies but lost it easily with the first - this time I am still 6lbs above what I was pre pregnancy and am hoping it is a thyroid issue I am trying to correct now, but like the others said eat healthily and dont take insulin just to cope with a bad diet.
Eeek. Been to the midwife today just to have a chat about the pregnancy and I felt a little 'normal' we spoke about birth plans, what will happen etc.

Even though she said they'll pencil me in for the 26th November (due date 10th December!). Meaning it's 8 weeks away till peanut is here. She spoke about the induction process and then the diabetes side crept in when it came to being on the insulin drip, hooked to the monitor and not much movement when labour is going on! Blah.

Got a growth scan next Thursday! I feel like peanut has had a growth spurt big time over the last few days. My bump has come on loads. A student midwife was in the room today too and she was asked by the midwife to ask some of the questions that she had written down for her assignment and she said 'can I guess your gestation week before you tell me' she guessed with the measuring and looking of me she said '31 weeks' I'm 29 weeks!

She felt like she failed the question but the midwife said I actually look like about 31 weeks. Eeek. Big peanut! Haha.

Bloods have been 'okay' I suppose. Was 2.8 this morning but didnt have any symptoms which worried me a little until I'd finished making some breakfast and sat down. Whilst eating the symptoms came late! :\

Hope everyone is all good :).
Kirsteee welcome and congrats on your pregnancy. Every pregnancy is different so hopefully your one will be better than the first - honestly though my second was far worse than my first.

Thankyou Hun :flower:
aww god i hope it's not the same for me lol xx
Had my 35 week apt yesterday and hba1c is 6.7 so am pretty happy :)
Question for ladies on insulin pumps

I've been on it since May was about 8 weeks then and over the months and bumpo growing I'm finding my canulla sites a lot more irritated. I've tried going further round to my hips and far away from belly button as pos but find them more painful so keep going around the same areas.

I've just changed my site today and the area was very very itchy and very red. I've washed the area and put moisturiser on it which has soothed it.

Just wondering how you ladies coped with the irritated and hurting also do you find that the bigger the bump gets the more it hurts when putting a fresh site in place?

Thanks x
I am type 1 diabetic and I am 11weeks pregnant. There is a lot of information on GD, normal diabetes but not much on tyoe 1 diabetes and pregnancy. My DSN is brilliant but I am think she is getting tired of my paranoia :)

Is anyone here pregnant and diabetic from conception?

I am TTC, I have been type 1 diabetic for 14 years in jan. On insulin pump therapy, I seem to be paranoid and testing constantly.

How did you find early pregnancy in terms on lows, highs etc!!

Dont know what to expect?!?

I hope you are keeping good and not having too much nastiness!

Question for ladies on insulin pumps

I've been on it since May was about 8 weeks then and over the months and bumpo growing I'm finding my canulla sites a lot more irritated. I've tried going further round to my hips and far away from belly button as pos but find them more painful so keep going around the same areas.

I've just changed my site today and the area was very very itchy and very red. I've washed the area and put moisturiser on it which has soothed it.

Just wondering how you ladies coped with the irritated and hurting also do you find that the bigger the bump gets the more it hurts when putting a fresh site in place?

Thanks x

I have been on my pump for 5 years now although still TTC Ihave the same issues with skin soreness etc!

You can ask your nurse or pharmacist for some (cant remember what they are officially called) but they are like second skin and is a clear sticky that goes underneath the actual canula plaster. Also try bathing in hibiscrub that helps also!

It is very annoying, unless I change my canula every day I get really sore and the actual holey bit gets really inflamed.

I'm a bit worried about when if i ever actually get pregnant then what happens with sites etc, is it a real annoyance?

Another question ;)!!

Open to all Type One Diabetics...

How do you deal with Hypos? What do you take? How long does it take to come round? & how do you feel before and after?

Ribena is the way forward!

Since I was diagnosed its the only thing I use- one carton suits my body perfectly and they are easy to carry around etc!!

The down side is it costs me a fortune as they are kept everywhere- car, work, bedroom, office, kitchen etc etc!

I usually feel better from a normal awake hypo in abour 5 minutes!

Ribena isnt fizzy so is easier to get down and also it is natural (ish) and doesnt make you feel like such a fatty!!

Hope this helps!

I'm a bit worried about when if i ever actually get pregnant then what happens with sites etc, is it a real annoyance? Pxx

Thanks :). Few people have said about the second skin thing. Bit like savalon spray? Think I'll get some this week and see if that helps. I've notices if I take it off/change site after a bath that helps. Take the old site off (So i feel 'normal' for a while!) then put a fresh set on after makes the old site less irritated.

I tried my hips and waist side but it really really hurt mainly when sleeping etc due to can't sleep on back anyone.

I do try and get the plaster on the hole I made a few days before when I've changed it and try not to get the cannula in the same place again.

I've notice since my bumps getting bigger and bigger when I've put a new site it it's hurting more and it's more irritated when I change it but the whole of my stomach skin has been irriated. DSN & midwife said thats just pregnancy related and nothing to do with the diabetes. Just makes insulin users suffer a little more becuase they are peircing their skins everry few days or daily so it's just being used more. Basically they were just saying it's one of them get over it after baby is here your skin will be normal again!! :haha:!
I'm a bit worried about when if i ever actually get pregnant then what happens with sites etc, is it a real annoyance? Pxx

Thanks :). Few people have said about the second skin thing. Bit like savalon spray? Think I'll get some this week and see if that helps. I've notices if I take it off/change site after a bath that helps. Take the old site off (So i feel 'normal' for a while!) then put a fresh set on after makes the old site less irritated.

I tried my hips and waist side but it really really hurt mainly when sleeping etc due to can't sleep on back anyone.

I do try and get the plaster on the hole I made a few days before when I've changed it and try not to get the cannula in the same place again.

I've notice since my bumps getting bigger and bigger when I've put a new site it it's hurting more and it's more irritated when I change it but the whole of my stomach skin has been irriated. DSN & midwife said thats just pregnancy related and nothing to do with the diabetes. Just makes insulin users suffer a little more becuase they are peircing their skins everry few days or daily so it's just being used more. Basically they were just saying it's one of them get over it after baby is here your skin will be normal again!! :haha:!

The second skin stuff is an actual plaster, you stick it on before you put the canula plaster on!

Which pump are you using? I used to have canulas that were just plastic tubes that where left in the skin but they super irritated me so I changed to the shorter actual needle ones and they irrate me much less!

I struggle with using side/back sites and Im not pregnant so I will be a nightmare!

Surely when your bump gets really large you wont be able to use tummy sites for canula?

When are you due?

Just popping in to see how everyone is doing..... Super tired and very fed-up with testing. 5 hypos today and no doubt one this evening. How low do I really need to get this hba1c? I am physically and mentally exhausted by hypoglaecemia and yesterday I didn't notice until 2mmol...... hmmmm..... should probably raise sugars a bit....

Anyway hope you are all brill and welcome polly 1984

I am off for some zzzzz's
I'm a bit worried about when if i ever actually get pregnant then what happens with sites etc, is it a real annoyance? Pxx

Thanks :). Few people have said about the second skin thing. Bit like savalon spray? Think I'll get some this week and see if that helps. I've notices if I take it off/change site after a bath that helps. Take the old site off (So i feel 'normal' for a while!) then put a fresh set on after makes the old site less irritated.

I tried my hips and waist side but it really really hurt mainly when sleeping etc due to can't sleep on back anyone.

I do try and get the plaster on the hole I made a few days before when I've changed it and try not to get the cannula in the same place again.

I've notice since my bumps getting bigger and bigger when I've put a new site it it's hurting more and it's more irritated when I change it but the whole of my stomach skin has been irriated. DSN & midwife said thats just pregnancy related and nothing to do with the diabetes. Just makes insulin users suffer a little more becuase they are peircing their skins everry few days or daily so it's just being used more. Basically they were just saying it's one of them get over it after baby is here your skin will be normal again!! :haha:!

The second skin stuff is an actual plaster, you stick it on before you put the canula plaster on!

Which pump are you using? I used to have canulas that were just plastic tubes that where left in the skin but they super irritated me so I changed to the shorter actual needle ones and they irrate me much less!

I struggle with using side/back sites and Im not pregnant so I will be a nightmare!

Surely when your bump gets really large you wont be able to use tummy sites for canula?

When are you due?


I tired the small needles whilst I was in hopsital doing the trial for it. Medtronic Minimed I've got. Had the mini mini one when I first got it but with needing the extra insulin I was changing it every day!

To be fair I've got a bit of 'fat' still around the stomach ;) So I just use that and I'm going right at the edge of the bump at the moment before making myself going on the hip again..

I wouldn't change to going back to individual injections though. The thought of it now makes me cry! I hated doing the background insulin 2 times a day then fast acting insulin with meals, which at the moment has gone to 6 mini snacks. Instead of 3 huge meals!

Diabetes eh?!!? Can't keep it happy, I did joke though the only think I'm happy about is the 'planned - structured' labour when it comes to me being induced, because my huge fear and it could still happen is me shopping round asda and my waters broke or the contractions came on strong and fast! I like how I'd be going in on a set date and seeing what happens and not going home till I've have Peanut :D
Just popping in to see how everyone is doing..... Super tired and very fed-up with testing. 5 hypos today and no doubt one this evening. How low do I really need to get this hba1c? I am physically and mentally exhausted by hypoglaecemia and yesterday I didn't notice until 2mmol...... hmmmm..... should probably raise sugars a bit....

Anyway hope you are all brill and welcome polly 1984

I am off for some zzzzz's

Hi regarding the Hba1c. My Diabetic team have given up on lecturing me, they always use to 'moan' about my bloods they still do now; before I got pregnant mine was 10.1% not amazing but good enough for me they'd been between 12-16 since being dignosed..

Since becoming pregnant I had my hba1c taken ever 3/4 weeks and they went down 0.1% every time. The last one was 8.4% which I think is amazing for me and sod it being in the 'traget range' it's not realistic hence the sitution you're in..

No diabetic should have to go round worrying their bloods are going to go so low and it happening more then once. It's bad enough for me when I have one at home I feel crap for the rest of the day let alone out the house and having 5 hypos. My body wouldn't be functioning at all. It's stupid how the Consultants and Diabetic Team tell us the 'positives' about 'normal range' also the bad side of the ''highs''!

Well clearly 5 hypos aren't doing the body any good let alone the high rebounds??

I'd have a word with your team and make sure they see the hypos not just dismiss them and see the rebounded highs. Make sure they lower your units etc too becuase you can't live with thinking about having a hypo every minute thoughout the day!

All the Diabetic Team need a huge reality check and know full well within pregnancy mainly it's very very hard to get 'perfect' bloods. I'm not saying diabetics who aren't pregnant can't have 'normal' bloods. My dad is Type One and does a very heavy job and sports etc and his bloods are between 4-9 ever day without fail and his carb ratio are half then what he needs :).

Good Luck. Hope you don't have any hypos this week :)

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