shellshocked - the hypos are crazy aren't they? Hba1cs for type 1 diabetics should be between about 5 and 7 when pregnant - I was always at 7 to 7.2 when pregnant and that was with an enormous amount of hypos - they actually told me not to try to get it lower because the hypos were dangerous. I was also hypoglycaemic 4-5 times a day for weeks at a time and it is exhausting. Try and get your values up a little if you can. (I was on lower insulin at 13/14 weeks pregnant than before I got pregnant) Your insulin needs and sugars should start rising gradually now though as you are well into the second trimester now.
Can't believe I am having my baby in 10 days time. Eeek
My sugars are great too. YAY! Hope it lasts till the end now and that she is not as big as they are saying she is. Just proves good control doesnt always = a smaller baby.....!!! x
If you have 16 days til Af is due then you should not be 5dpo - you should be around ovulation or even a few days before ovulation as the LP should be between about 12 and 16 days max. I only started going low when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and I was getting values of about 2 - by about 8 weeks pregnant I was getting values in the
Wow I didn't know that it could be that long - do you have long cycles then? Are your sugars going low or high now - I have heard both can happen in early pregnancy.
My cycles are long generally about 37ish days although 42 days has been longest and 32 days shortest!
Bloods are low currently, i'm on a pump it just seems that the amount opf insulin that I would of had as a bolus has dramatically reduced over the past few days? I'm thinking that it is probably more to do with the cold I have than anything else thou, I was thinking that it would start to have an effect from 5/6 weeks as you were!
Diabetes is confusing at the best of times!!
i am due for AF on the 21st October and according to my CBFM I O'd last friday/saturday! So we shall have to wait and see!
I've been type 1 for 20 years! Never have I been more confused over doses! I have to take completely different doses for the w/e compared with the week and thats really stressing me out. Also I've noticed this past week I've felt like I had high BG levels tested and I've been low.....Any advice?
Polly good luck for this cycle then - hope you get your BFP soon!
Shellshocked what is it that makes you think you are high - I found I got very thirsty when pregnant and that confused me a bit and of course pregnancy does make you urinate more so that can also confuse it. Just keep testing I suppose.
well girls time to get these sugars improved and the hypos to start. Obviously I dont want the hypos but know they come as a package. Upped my pump so time to get it sorted xx
Had LO's detailled heart scan today, apparently all looks good and we heard his heart beat for the first time! Had to go to London St Thomas' wow! Its amazing how different hospitals can be, Sussex County seriously looks like a poor relation in comparison once in the main entrance its like you are in a shopping centre not a hospital! And free lunctime concerts its bizarre.... anyway home and back to county tomorrow to see diabetic team and obs.
My needs for short acting seemed to have increased this fortnight. So frustrated with it all I actually burst into tears during a hypo. I couldn't stop blubbing! Oh dear.
Capel- She is goregous and indeed all the hypos were definately worth it Pink23- Good stuff on no hypos yet and on your Docs visit
Feeling nervous about the second heart scan on the 20th. Bloods have been okay I suppose! At the growth scan on Thursday; & Peanut is weighin 4lb! ''Above the recommended weight!''
If my 'sugars' carry on then I'd have a 9lb-10lb baby!!! Just all rubbish to 'scare' me and then to have a lecture at me!
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