Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Well morning ladies :). Looks like this is going to be another mini rant. Sorry.. :coffee:

yesterday went okay seeing the new Diabetic Team. Was a little intimidating when I walked into the consultant room there was the Diabetic Consultant, diabetic specialist nurse, dietitian and the Obstetrician Doctor!

They all introduced themselves and all seemed nice then the consultant logged straight into my hba1c profile. Which they hated! So when they showed me the results on the screen and said my lowest wasn't the best I just switched off.

Yes they where helpful and I feel bad now for shutting them off straight away but at the same time I'll always stick by what I think about people who don't have to live with diabetes everyday. They honestly can't feel the feelings I feel every time I sit in front of someone who is on £100,000 wage a year just to tell people what they've learnt from 'books' and theory!

Then the dietitian wanted to see me on my own so we went to another room and she asked what I felt about the whole diabetes in general from the beginning. How I was diagnosed, what courses I've been on, DKA event and the attitude I had from my other team. Which I told them in the mid of tears and stressing.

I also explained about the stupid ratio/carb counting I honestly don't understand. If it wasn't for the Bolus Wizard on my insulin Pump I'd be over or under dosing on insulin and my bloods would have been even worse then they have been. The dietitian gave me a carb & calories book with pictures of the portions of the foods and then the Grams which I hope works but still don't understand in a way because the photos hide food on the plate also at the moment due to Peanut running out of room I have to have my meals in two sessions so until I finish the meal if I can or want to then my bloods don't settle after the 2 hour rule thing. So that's frustrating.

Next I saw the diabetes nurse who I've seen before when I was admitted for the weeks trial on the pump. She's nice but harsh which I'm stubborn so we didn't get on at the beginning! She asked to look at my pump settings and didn't agree with what I was on bolus and basal and she changed them all upping all of them. Which worried me a little due to my body being use to bloods between 8-12 not 3-9! She then looked at my cannula sites and wasn't happy that my old team hadn't noticed that I'm starting to get the lipolysis' again. Which I got loads of when I was manually injection 8-9 times a day. I did mention I tried in my hip area and not just the front strip near my belly button.

The nurse did say that's one of the reasons possibility my bloods aren't settling after reading all the insulin I get on a normal day but my bloods aren't linking. I also mentioned I have to change it every 2 days at the latest because they hurt or just get so itchy also if I have a high dose of insulin the site leaks so I'm not getting all the insulin needed. So last night I got the courage to change it onto my fatty bit of my hips and it's on my stretch marks which last night I was scared to lay on last night but it wasn't that bad so hopefully going round them areas will help. Dreading in about 30 years time when I don't have any room left after all the scars & lipolysis' I might have!

I did want to mention about the thrush I've had since day one of pregnancy but after I had my BP and urine checked they didn't like the results of my BP being high and protein In urine; so I had to go on a BP profile just like last week for an hour. The obstetrician doctor didn't like my swollen hands and feet which I got the night before last week and the night before this week at the same time and even though my feet are still swollen they've gone down; the midwife say it's probably me worrying about the diabetes team and just the weekly appointment's catching up with me but they are keeping an eye on it over the next few weeks and if I get any headaches or flashing lights I've got to phone the Birthing Suite. It feels like as the weeks go on and get closer to due date I keep getting more and more pregnancy symptoms in the wrong way!

Now this morning I felt my blood boil with the whole 'Diabetes costing the NHS' in the news this morning and it was linked all about Type 2! This is no disrespect to any Type 2's but I think if I could I would slap every single one of them due to the simple fact they could have lived a better life and even more so if it's in the family and the risks are higher. I said this to my granddad's friend and we didn't speak for months after I went on a huge rage at him for the smoking and just bad lifestyle then losing his leg due to not controlling it. Type Ones never have the choice at all and it will never go away!

Just a question about inducing? After seeing the obstetrician doctor and asking them to change my scan time next week to have it at the same place as the whole team being. Which is my 34 weeks one. She changed it and then added an extra scan at 38 weeks... When I spoke to my other obstetrician doctor at the other hospital they said we probably won't give you a 36 weeks scan and around that time we'll plan to book you in for being induced around 38 weeks.

When I asked yesterday why I've got a 38 week scan she said just to see how things are and if you can go to 40 weeks!!!! I was thinking WTF??!?!?!?!?! I thought all Diabetics in pregnancy get induced at 38 weeks even if their bloods etc is all good and when I thought about it all they are saying I'm bordering pre-eclamptic, bloods aren't perfect and my sciatica so doesn't it make sense to induce me?

Did you ladies get induced?

Well thanks for listening (if you get thought it all :coffee::)!) I've had my mini cry for the day and feeling better. Honestly if it wasn't for this thread I don't know where I'd write all my thoughts down. Hope I've not offended anyone though :) :flow: x
:hugs: hawalkden - sounds like you have quite a team of people looking after you - I find when there are so many I get frustrated too. I was induced at 38 weeks and I am surprised they would let you go to 40 weeks (I know a number who have done that successfully but they usually had hba1cs in the 5 or 6s) Maybe speak to them again at your 34 week appointment.
I had good bloods at the end and a good Hba1c. The highest was 5.8 and the lowest 4.7 (hypoing a lot). Still I had a section at 38 weeks. The doctor said that with type 1 it is not the growth the problem but placental failure. So if you bloods start to behave suddenly go get checked.
Thanks :).

Ill ask them next week then 34 weeks on Saturday. Hope I get induced to be honest. I want a structured L&D well the build up to it and once I'm in I'm in now 'you're only 3cm go home for a few hours' etc.. :).
Any mums who have already had their babies struggling with sugars? My insulin has been reduced so yes I'd expect them to be higher than they were at the end of my pregnancy(i was hypo nearly all the time in the last few weeks) but im eating very little yet my sugars are starting to go high...??
yep, pregnancy completely messed up my bloods, even now. I had very good morning levels before pregnancy, now I am luck if I wake up under 10. And I go to sleep fine, it is fine at 5am. So the basal is right. And as I am breastfeeding if for some reason LO don't wake up so much to feed during the night I wake up even higher...
hey ladies ive posted a thread in gestational complications too but I was hoping for some reassurance..

Im Type 1, My BP has started to rise as has the protein levels in my urine, so Ive been prescribed hba1c is 6.4...

at my check up at hospital a couple of days after starting the meds my bp had come dwown a little as had the protein......but the docs have said i'll be lucky to get to 30 weeks gestation - i am terrified...

anyone been through this and managed to get beyond 30 weeks, and if they didnt was their baby ok being born so soon?

thank you all xxxxxxx
I suffered high bp and protein last time and my lo came at 36 weeks. I was never told I wouldnt go further than 30 just carried in pregnancy. I need rotate my bp tablets but was scared as I hadn't had methadopla with lo. But my no only gets high when I worry so it's been ok so far. Hope you get some answers x x
ive been going through so much stress recently me and my.partner are havin time.apart possibly splitting up and im stayin with a friend this week. so have been hugely neglecting my sugars :-(
My cannula sites are hurting now. DSN saw me wed and said to start going onto my fatty bit of hip due to bump getting in the way and the blocking of insulin are staring to come.
So I've put one on my hip where the fat is and it's hurting loads I changed the site twice one due to bleeding and the other due to the stinging I was getting.
Any tips on were I can put it?*
On my phone at the moment so tomorrow when I'm on the laptop I'll reply to any you ladies With whats been happening at the weekend etc x
Argh. I've just send a request via email to insulin pump suppliers last night to have some cannula and reservoirs to be delivered to my house and this is the reply I got back...

Dear Heather,
I just wanted to confirm you require another order, we received an email from you with an address form attached.
We already have that address on our system and we did place a four month order which was delivered on the 6th September.
Have you run out of this supply already? This should have seen you through to the new year, that's if you are changing sets every three days of course.
Can you please confirm.

So I replied back with saying...

I am changing my site and reservoir ever 2 days due to being pregnant and being on 54.8units of background insulin a day also taking at least 12-15 units with food?

It's just angered me a lot. Yes I know I don't pay for my medicaion off the NHS or supplies off Medtronic UK, but sorry that I'm a diabetic and even more sorry for being pregnant and need the extra insulin! Made my blood boil right now and I hope I get my supplies by next week. I've got 6 changes left but due to the sites being super itchy after a day and half and the inprints they leave me I have to change them also due to the high insulin intake I'm having the whole site gets changed on the 3rd day! a

I've had trouble to in the past with my prescription when I got pregnant and I only had 25 blood test strips on my list and I was going twice a week to have then ordered again and the receptionist once said I couldn't have any of the test strips given to me for another 3 weeks due to me over using my orders. So my DSN sent a letter to my doctor to change my order number and to give me two sets together on the prescription. When the Doctor changed it for me and I went to collect it the week after the receptionist same one said no again and I said it's been changed so you will give it me. Then when I walked away I said you're a receptionist not a Doctor love! Everyone in my family have the same doctor and receptionist and she think she knows a lot of things!:lol:.

Also when I changed my insulin pens to the bottles for my insulin pump the receptionist thought I was going to OD on insulin due to me wanting to change the form of how it was given. I use to have the throw away pens and she thought I could still only use them but obviously I can't when you're on the pump you've got to have the insulin in the glass bottles!

Last mini thing was the best I got a letter a few weeks ago and a phone call off the 'exception card' people the same day. The letter said I owed the NHS £3450.80 since being diagnosed in March 2009 and the call off the man said it's an error and ignore the letter if I get another on off a debt collector in a few weeks time just ignore it. They lost my card details and expiry date. I was shocked how much I have used off the NHS since 2009 but at the same time shocking how much Diabetes cost!

Anyone else had a tough time when it comes to either insulin pump suppliers or NHS services when you need something?
i went to hospital yesterday and a doctor why i havent been taken off insulin and put on metform or whatever its called. is that normally what happens????

also she was quite shocked i havent been having more help and care given to me and said i should also be offered councelling due to it being so hard with diabetes and preggo. ive never had any other docs tell me any of this
brody- i never heard of both things. I stayed on insulin last pregnancy and I was fine and never heard of counselling either very odd.
Heather how are your cannualla sites now. im dreading changing when i have a bump as I have to use a needle set to put my tube into stomach. Did you find out about a due date yet ?? xx
No type 1s can go off insulin ever. If you were a type 2 then maybe metformin could work but even most type 2s land up on insulin when pregnant so not sure what she was on about. Hawalkden sorry you are having those issues and hope they will send you the supplies soon.

I've never heard of anyone getting counselling for diabetes with pregnancy - yes it is very hard but not sure how the couselling would help unless the person doing the counselling actually understood it (and they very seldom have a clue about type 1 diabetes let alone with pregnancy)
how strange. glad she didnt try and change my insulin then!!
I am type 2 and was on Metformin until 12 weeks then switched to insulin, did they mean diabetic counseling as in teaching you what to eat and such?
Metformin would be useless to a Type 1. It's amazing how clueless so many in the medical profession are about all the different types of diabetes.
Me again....

Well for the last few weeks after seeing midwife and diabetic team my BP went up so was put on a BP profile & monitor for half hour which ended up all good. Urine had on both weeks plus 1 urine.
Monday night I ha a banging headache and my feet swelled double to what the swelling did before so batn and bed for me. Tuesday afternoon all the symptoms that the midwife wrote down for me where happening..
- swelling and pain in hands and feet
- flashing lights
- sickness
- headache
- no fetel movement
- eye pain.

So I phoned L&D and they said come in asap so went in at 5.30ish got seen breifily off midwife and then got put on a monitor and BP profile. Half hour later the doctor came round and put in a cannula in hand and took bloods off me. He asked for a urine sample so tired to squeeze one out and there was plus 1 protein in.
Peanut was wriggling around all good due to the pressure off the monitors. OH felt okay but just wanted to knownwhat was happening. We both got a sandwich each due to just comic straight from
Home & work for OH..
Around 8.30 midwife changed over and doctors too so was kept on the monitor and at 11 got seem and she asked if she could do a cervix check because the monitor was picking up contractions every 10
Minutes but I didnt feel then nothing different to the feet of peanut in my ribs. She did a cervix check and I was 2cm dialated but due to me not feeling pain or odd feeling she wasnt worried. She gave me a tablet and cream
(finally) for the thrush which I kept forgetting to get sorted!
So least I had freedom of itching.
I was kept on the monitor till about 11.40 and that's when they said I'll be staying in the delivery suite so didn't have to go to the ward Oh went home and I got about an hours sleep.
This morning I was put on the monitor again for an hour and BP was fine peanut wriggling but still the 10 minute contractions. Midwife checked cervix again but still was 2cm. This morning I had a growth scan so went downstairs for the growth scan and to see the diabetic team bloods and baby growth was all good. After going back to L&D doctor reviewed my
Notes and we was discharged I was given a large (more like a industrial bleach size tube) to collect urine for 24 hours and I need to go back tomorrow to see
The midwife at 11am to get the urine sent off and put on BP profile again and then theyll take it for there to see if I need to e admitted in or be given tablets to lower the BP !
So been up for about 30 hours now haha so over tired ! Haha !
Let's see what tomorrow brings the consultant says if the protien in still there then I'll need steroid injections and be admitted onto ante-natal day ward just to be ready just incase etc !
Least the headaches and sickness has gone just feet are super fat bigger then my nans at the moment ! The flaking lights too have gone which is all good !
So see what tomorrow brings now. For me now a bath, snacks nom nom haha and bed then taking my time to the hospital tomorrow x
Can i just ask you ladies what were your blood sugar levels in early pregnancy (first tri)
I have GD though i am concerned i have type 1 or 2 (no risk factors though i am a healthy weight and no family history etc) as i developed GD (supposedly) very early on, my 10 week midwife appt showed ++++ glucose, which i am aware is equivalent to 111mmo/l! I have been reading up about the dangers and i'm so scared something will have gone wrong :(

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