Well finally had the energy to fire the laptop up

yesterday on the BP profile went okay and it was running between 110/60 – 127/86 which the Diabetic Midwife was glad about and no contractions where showing up on the monitor.
My bump is just super sore today since all the prodding and poking for the last few days and it's been solid since I went in on Tuesday.
Diabetes side. No consultant or Docs asked me about how my sugars have been. When I went in they where 16.8 but understandable due to worrying etc. then when I was in Tuesday night and Wednesday day my blood where between 4-10

made me laugh when midwife asked what my blood was at dinner and it was 9.1 and the monitor wouldn't allow any readings above 8! I was thinking well you'll love me when I am in labour and my bloods aren't going to be perfect!
Wednesday morning after a rubbish nights sleep due to the cannula on a bad angle in my hand (just in case needed for IV's) I met OH downstairs in the scan waiting area as we was due in clinic that morning for a growth scan and see. So when we went for the scan peanut's weight had dropped and it's at the top line of my growth chart. Also all pooped out from all the wriggling from the monitor so got cute pictures too

. We then went to see the Diabetic Team who was just worried about the BP's but the consultant said I could go home after going back upstairs and getting my things I just needed to take a 24 hour urine sample to be sent off and come back Thursday for a BP monitoring which like I said was all good and go back Monday!
So lets see what happens this weekend. Was hoping to go to a Bonfire tomorrow night but just no energy also don't want to be wearing my flip flops in the middle of a field! Due to the swelling of my feet. So see what tomorrow brings

Midwife joked saying she wouldn't be surprised if she saw me back on the birthing suite over the weekend before my Monday appointment again for another BP Profile! She also said I NEED to carry my white notes around with me at all times from now on

OH joked too saying don't get any pains or headaches etc until 12 when he finishes work. Due to the money we need hugely! But not had any PE symptoms since Tuesday just swollen feet. So fingers crossed I won't get any more. He also ordered I stay on the sofa all day. Which even now I've been up an hour I'm super uncomfortably already!! I'm just watching out for the pains I keep getting on top of my bump which I didn't get before all the events on Tuesday so hopefully it's just my skin etc sore from the pressure.
Hope everyone is all good though

! I'll keep you updated