Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Oh I'm glad the first day went well. Why on earth would they NOT want you to count your carbs?! Sticking to set units won't work if you change what you eat (like you said, a salad vs. a sandwich) and what happens when insulin resisitance hits? Oh ignore me, maybe they know what they're talking about but it seems such a step backwards to me! You just do what you need to. You've done really well so far. Hope the rest of the course is good, even if you don't get to put all of it into practice for now xx
Maybe units/doses are different from mine in Canada but I'm on approx 16-24 units per meal. Pre pregnancy 8-16. Before bed I'm up to 40 now. 30 pre pregnancy. I also find carb counting pretty useless but I basically stick to foods I feel comfortable with. It's whenever I eat something different I give too much or not enough. Today was a weird day for me. 10 minutes before getting to the shopping mall I'm 6.2. Get to the mall and tell hubby I'm seeing spots(my sign I'm going very low) I check and I'm 2.4. Such a huge slip in 10 minutes! Every test today has been 4.2 or lower. I'm wondering if the baby can sometimes drain you of sugar. It just seems so bizarre to go so low when I've hardly had any insulin today. Which is rare in itself.

Oh no! Days like that really tire you out. Are you still running low or have things evened out a bit more again? How far along are you?

Thanks pickle! The last two days have been good. Mornings are finally back to normal. Still having some lows but my 19 month old has come down with his first cold. He's still nursing so that may be draining me more then usual since he's feeding more often for comfort. I'm almost 18 weeks. :)
Hi everyone, I'm new to this thread. I'm Type 2 diabetic for the past 10 years and my diabetes has been in pretty good control. I take Metformin twice per day and my A1C's for the past few years have all been between 5.8-6.6%, so decent.

My ob-gyn wanted me to do collaborative care between her (she's going to do all of my scans, etc.) & maternal fetal medicine department, who will give me diabetic education/nutrition counseling. I'm also 38 & this would be my first child, so I guess I'm considered high risk for all of these factors.

I've just went in a few days ago to meet with them and they have me testing an insane amount of times (6 per day). At least that's insane for me, since my diabetes was so under control, the MD who follows me had me only testing a few times per week since I was eating OK and exercising regularly. They also want me to come in 1-2x per week (which in the US is expensive as my co-pay is $40 per visit) and they're not doing anything besides talking to me about my diet. Also, their office is only open during the same hours which I work (I also work at a hospital, but in Psychiatry) and while my boss has been very lenient with my needing to run off for 1-2 hours in the middle of my work day, it is starting to get in the way of things and work is starting to get annoyed (me too, to be honest).

So how often do you guys see any sort of diabetic specialist while you're pregnant? I've never had any hypoglycemia, only my sugars can get too high due to the occasional birthday party around the office, etc. I just don't see why my regular doctor (whom is much cheaper) can't follow my diabetes as usual) instead of my seeing these specialists.

I'm going in later today (of course at 2pm, so it doesn't much help as that's again, in the middle of my work day), so I will speak with them about coming in less or something b/c this is just too much. My schedule at work and otherwise is incredibly busy as it is, so this is all stressing me out.
Thanks Pickle, day two went well but of course since i'm keeping my 1hourly readings below 7.8 i'm having to have a slightly different ratio than if i were to keep the 2hour reading down. I was also told never to test 2hours after meals but to only test before meals? Again i can't say i agree with that for good long term control, but maybe i'm just more paranoid! x

Kcmichelle, i hope your little one is better soon, my cold is still lingering at the moment but my levels are back to normal, nursing/feeding can really lower levels, so just keep an eye on them and keep some sugar nearby incase it drops! x

Hello and welcome Clipmywings, the appointments can be hard work at times, i do find all my hospital ones except for the scans seem pretty pointless, they just check my log book of levels, tell me everything seems okay and to come back in X amount of weeks, all that could be done over the phone really and since i ring them each week with my levels etc its alot of messing about for nothing, i test around 10x a day as i'm on insulin 4x a day so have alot of lows at the moment but i don't mind the testing as i'm pretty used to it, i get more paranoid if i don't test as i have no hypo awareness.
I saw my DSN today (who specialises in pregnancy) again she emphasised not to carb count LOL, i don't get it to be honest, it just seems pointless having a set amount of units and "hoping for the best" I have carb counted the past 2 days and my readings have all been spot on (except for going to bed on an 8.7 last night but i woke up at 5.6 so not too bad) i think i will just continue carb counting and if it means i can get better readings (and eat more of a variety) then that makes sense to me. x
Hi "Clipmywings". I'm not sure how it is with type 2 diabetes but with type 1 I'm at the clinic seeing both the endocrinologist and ob every two weeks. After 30 weeks every week. the last few weeks twice a week. but I also have kidney disease so that adds more appointments.
I saw my DSN today (who specialises in pregnancy) again she emphasised not to carb count LOL, i don't get it to be honest, it just seems pointless having a set amount of units and "hoping for the best" I have carb counted the past 2 days and my readings have all been spot on (except for going to bed on an 8.7 last night but i woke up at 5.6 so not too bad) i think i will just continue carb counting and if it means i can get better readings (and eat more of a variety) then that makes sense to me. x

Sounds like what you're doing is best. I still carb count if I'm eating something more then usual. Otherwise I usually end up too high or low.
Hi, some of you may remember me posting, or may not as the last time I did was Feb 4th (can't believe that) but I have since had my baby, Olivia was born on 11th February at 6 + 5 days. I was scheduled to be induced on the 20th February but low blood sugars led to her coming early. In my posts on 4th February I said how I kept getting lots of lows and how I was reducing my insulin (by the time I had her I had reduced my background to 8 units - I was on 20 pre pregnancy) and my novorapid was also reduced by a third. I was going low so often, 3 times overnight and twice before bed, but I had had a bad tummy for a week so we didn't know whether to put it down to that or not.

Anyway on the Friday night 8th Feb I had my second night of going low 3 times overnight (I had already been to the antenatal daycare on the Thursday and had my insulin reduced and I had been asked to go in daily over the weekend for putting on the machine for baby's movements and heartbeat). Babies movements were only very very slightly reduced, I was not so concerned about that as the lows and the fact that they can relate to placenta deterioration. So on the Saturday morning at 8am when I told my OH about my lows overnight he went crazy and phoned the daycare centre who kind of dismissed it, so we turned up for the monitoring as previously organised at 11.30am expecting to go home after 20 minutes. Again as other times, she moved enough on the machine for them to be satisfied, but I had told them before she was like a performing seal on the machine, the straps and metal things woke her up! Luckily there was a lovely midwife on who said because of your OH's phonecall to us this morning I am going to get the doctor to come and see you and we may want to keep you for longer monitoring today. The doc came and said to me that they were probably going to keep me in for overnight monitoring of my sugars and to monitor babies movements more. I cried at being kept in initially but thank god they did.

They did not monitor babies movements again until 8.30 that night and her heartbeat was crazy fast upto 190 bpm almost constantly, so they kept her on longer and we were really concerned, they did my observations and eventually announced I had a slight fever. They said they would induce me in the morning and keep me on the monitor in the delivery suite overnight. Before all that had happened however they told me to stop taking all of my insulins and that they wanted to see what happened, so I ate a sandwich in the afternoon and about 4 hours later with NO insulin my sugars had only ever gone up to 10 (I was testing every half hour convinced they would rise lots), I ate another sandwich and they eventually rose to 13 so they gave me Actrapid which didnt bring them down so they decided when I moved to the delivery suite I'd go on the sliding scale. Taking no insulin at all was totally weird to me and seeing that my sugars weren't rising after carbs was also strange.

The sliding scale brought my sugars down again nicely and the babies heartbeat went back to normal, my fever went down and we were all alot calmer. Our first midwife in the delivery suite was the best ever and we since found out has been awarded Midwife Of The Year and Olivia has her photo with her put up in the hospital for the next year : )

We were then told that I wouldn't be induced until the monday morning (as it was the weekend and limited people available!!!) I was kept on the sliding scale and on the monitor all through Sunday - I had about an hour and a half's sleep I think but was happy that the babies heartbeat was steady, although her movements had lessened.

I was given the pessary at half 6 on the monday morning and had her by C Section at 11.09pm, I won't go into the details of the labour I experienced but will say breifly that I got to 4-5cm dilated on just 2 codeine as they kept saying I wasn't in labour, but I was given a C Section as Oli's heartbeat went quite slow during contractions (when they finally admitted thats what they were and that I was pushing!!!!), then even slower in the theatre just before the section.

I am so so sorry this is long, basically my reason for posting is to say that as you ladies get to near the end (my sugars starting dropping lots at about 35 weeks) please report ANY changes to the hospital, I kept on believing that as long as baby was moving everything was ok - because that's basically what they had been telling me for weeks (I wanted an extra scan), but that is not so, had we of just trusted the daily monitoring and had I of gone home we would never of known that her heartbeat rose alot that night or that I had a fever, who knows when she would of been born but I am so glad that she was born when she was and so thankfull to my boyfriend for worrying so much about me and nagging the doctors : ) when I just thought I was low because of a bad tum and just trusted that they knew what they were doing.

Again so sorry for the length of this, I guess I could of skipped some :blush:
Congratulations! That must of been really scary, i know they can say sugars can go a little better towards the end but i ever had to reduce mine in my previous pregnancies, i'm so glad you did stay in for the monitoring and they got your LO out nice and safe xx thanks for sharing, if i do need to reduce towards the end i will definitley not be leaving the hospital without a baby! xxx
I just feel like giving up! Can get my breakfast and lunch reading normal but after evening meal is a fail every single night.
Usually this is what happens:
Inject then eat meal. 1hour later around 6mmol
2hours later around 8 mmol
before bed (so around 5 hours later) around 12mmol.

I'm having my basal around 6pm each night. I've tried going low carb, high carb low fat, high carb high fat, none is working. I went evening meal free and my before bed reading was 5mmol, so its clearly that evening meal! I don't know what to do to sort this out? DSN just said carry on with it, but i can't keep going to bed with a reading of 12 and above every night, thats bad enough not being pregnant, but in pregnancy its a bloody no go isn't it?!

Also, i take 8 units of levemir at night as basal. My morning reading is between 7 and 8mmol. If i increase i go hypo twice at night, again DSN just said theres nothing i can do, and to keep my fasting at 8mmol because hypoing isn't good which i know. Its the dawn phenomenon i suspect but theres no info anywhere about type one and this, its all about diet control GD!
Ugghhh I really feel for you. There's nothing more frustrating then having high sugars. But it sounds like you're doing all you can. My sugars have been super weird. First continually low then they started going much higher then normal. Kinda of like you between a 7 and 12 at times. My cold turned to bronchitis and I ended up breaking a rib from the cough. I'm just grateful I have enough time to heal before due date.
If it makes you feel any better my sugars were always between 6 and 9 with my first no matter what I did. And he was super healthy, a normal weight and no seizures. My second my sugars were practically perfect and he was low birth weight with very low sugars when born. Go figure!lol
Oh no i hope you feel better soon, that sounds painful! How long do you have to go til your due date? i've still not gotten round to doing a ticker lol, i will be 15 weeks tomorrow so it feels like ages to go yet! I can't wait til we start buying though.

My first was 8lb 6 and my second was 7lb1, with my second i did have a few iffy numbers but rarely double figures, my first had low bloods though even though all my readings were below 6mmol for the last few weeks, its so random lol.
With my first I was induced at 37 weeks 4 days. Ending up being a c-section because I wouldn't dialate and the babies heart rate went up.

Second I had a planned c-section at the same 37.4 weks.

This one I have a scheduled c-section for exactly 38 weeks. Right now I'm just starting my 21st week. Due July 26th, c-section July 12th.
With my first I was induced at 37 weeks 4 days. Ending up being a c-section because I wouldn't dialate and the babies heart rate went up.

Second I had a planned c-section at the same 37.4 weks.

This one I have a scheduled c-section for exactly 38 weeks. Right now I'm just starting my 21st week. Due July 26th, c-section July 12th.

Hi there, if you don't mind me asking did you have the steroids before the section with your elective? I'm booked in for mine on 28th May and they are keeping me in for 2 days before hand due to the steroids apparently having an effect on blood sugars??? Is this the case and is it quite drastic or is it just precaution?

Sorry for all the questions :flower:
Just had the worst hypo in ages :( i don't know why but my requirements seem to of dropped since i had the sickness bug last monday, i've been eating normally the past 3 days so i could understand if i was hardly eating but ive had to cut back my levemir and also my novorapid.
It took me 45minutes to get my blood above 4mmol this afternoon, and 110g of sugar, thats a ridiculous amount! I tested so much, highest i went was a 9mmol 1 hour after all the sugar, it just wasn't coming up at all. I was on my own in the house so was really cacking it incase i passed out. Tested a few times after that (this was now 5 hours ago) and highest i've gone apart from the 9mmol is 8.5mmol 2 hours after. 110g of sugar is extreme, they say 10g of sugar should push us up 3mmol, so i should of been around 30mmol, i'm glad i didn't correct thinking i would shoot up! I normally only need 20g to get me out of a hypo. :S
I don't know if this is normal but in the last few days i've had to half my insulin. I was on approx 1u per 10g of carbs, but today i had 2 slices of toast (so 40g in total) did 2u of insulin and 1hour later was 6.9mmol, 15minutes later 3.4mmol.
I've had to put my basal down to 5units.

Just had a large lunch today consisting of lots of carbs, had 2 units for it (would usually have 5-6units for what i had) and 1hour later 4.8mmol.

I'm 15 weeks along now, i thought insulin requirements got worse in 2nd tri.
I'm obviously thinking the worst has happened. UK ladies does this warrant an extra scan? i don't have any appointments until 9th April and thats just the midwife usual appointment, my scan/diabetes appt is 19th april.

I'm going to be ringing DSN tomorrow (was meant to be ringing today but not had chance so no doubt will be lectured tomorrow!!) doubt i will get anywhere as she doesn't listen to me but i dont know i'm just paranoid.
Hi there, if you don't mind me asking did you have the steroids before the section with your elective? I'm booked in for mine on 28th May and they are keeping me in for 2 days before hand due to the steroids apparently having an effect on blood sugars??? Is this the case and is it quite drastic or is it just precaution?

Sorry for all the questions :flower:

Hi Kelly! I didn't have anything beforehand. Actually I've never heard of having steroids before. Interesting. Although my doctor did say they will have me stay the night before so I could be hooked up to a sugar drip just incase my sugars went super low like the time before. That was a nightmare. I had no insulin the day before and I still couldn't keep my sugars above a 3.
Just had the worst hypo in ages :( i don't know why but my requirements seem to of dropped since i had the sickness bug last monday, i've been eating normally the past 3 days so i could understand if i was hardly eating but ive had to cut back my levemir and also my novorapid.
It took me 45minutes to get my blood above 4mmol this afternoon, and 110g of sugar, thats a ridiculous amount! I tested so much, highest i went was a 9mmol 1 hour after all the sugar, it just wasn't coming up at all. I was on my own in the house so was really cacking it incase i passed out. Tested a few times after that (this was now 5 hours ago) and highest i've gone apart from the 9mmol is 8.5mmol 2 hours after. 110g of sugar is extreme, they say 10g of sugar should push us up 3mmol, so i should of been around 30mmol, i'm glad i didn't correct thinking i would shoot up! I normally only need 20g to get me out of a hypo. :S

That's so scary! I've had a few of those and they are not fun. Do you have a glucagon prescription? My doctor gave me one recently and said I was to give the glucagon shot should I have an extreme low like that again. It protects you just in case you pass out before you can get enough sugar in you.
One thing I've also learned is I never worry about the proper typical treatment for extreme lows. Screw that...pardon my language.:) What they recommend to increase sugars would have me passed out in no time. My last extreme sugar I had close to 200 grams of carb to raise me enough. And they say 10 - 20 should be enough. Not for me! Even with sugar dextrose tablets I need way more then recommended. Always have, even when not pregnant.

It's interesting how you and I are having a similar problem with lows and needing to reduce insulin so much. My last two pregnancies I never had to reduce. I just kept going up. From 14 - 20 weeks this time I've had to go way down. I'm just starting to get close to where I was pre 14 weeks now and I'm almost 22 weeks.
I was told today by my diabetes nurse and doctor that if i find myself reducing my insulin amounts at this stage i am to let them know as it could be a sign of something to do with my placenta, might be worth you mentioning it ladies to be on the safe side xx

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