Hi, some of you may remember me posting, or may not as the last time I did was Feb 4th (can't believe that) but I have since had my baby, Olivia was born on 11th February at 6 + 5 days. I was scheduled to be induced on the 20th February but low blood sugars led to her coming early. In my posts on 4th February I said how I kept getting lots of lows and how I was reducing my insulin (by the time I had her I had reduced my background to 8 units - I was on 20 pre pregnancy) and my novorapid was also reduced by a third. I was going low so often, 3 times overnight and twice before bed, but I had had a bad tummy for a week so we didn't know whether to put it down to that or not.
Anyway on the Friday night 8th Feb I had my second night of going low 3 times overnight (I had already been to the antenatal daycare on the Thursday and had my insulin reduced and I had been asked to go in daily over the weekend for putting on the machine for baby's movements and heartbeat). Babies movements were only very very slightly reduced, I was not so concerned about that as the lows and the fact that they can relate to placenta deterioration. So on the Saturday morning at 8am when I told my OH about my lows overnight he went crazy and phoned the daycare centre who kind of dismissed it, so we turned up for the monitoring as previously organised at 11.30am expecting to go home after 20 minutes. Again as other times, she moved enough on the machine for them to be satisfied, but I had told them before she was like a performing seal on the machine, the straps and metal things woke her up! Luckily there was a lovely midwife on who said because of your OH's phonecall to us this morning I am going to get the doctor to come and see you and we may want to keep you for longer monitoring today. The doc came and said to me that they were probably going to keep me in for overnight monitoring of my sugars and to monitor babies movements more. I cried at being kept in initially but thank god they did.
They did not monitor babies movements again until 8.30 that night and her heartbeat was crazy fast upto 190 bpm almost constantly, so they kept her on longer and we were really concerned, they did my observations and eventually announced I had a slight fever. They said they would induce me in the morning and keep me on the monitor in the delivery suite overnight. Before all that had happened however they told me to stop taking all of my insulins and that they wanted to see what happened, so I ate a sandwich in the afternoon and about 4 hours later with NO insulin my sugars had only ever gone up to 10 (I was testing every half hour convinced they would rise lots), I ate another sandwich and they eventually rose to 13 so they gave me Actrapid which didnt bring them down so they decided when I moved to the delivery suite I'd go on the sliding scale. Taking no insulin at all was totally weird to me and seeing that my sugars weren't rising after carbs was also strange.
The sliding scale brought my sugars down again nicely and the babies heartbeat went back to normal, my fever went down and we were all alot calmer. Our first midwife in the delivery suite was the best ever and we since found out has been awarded Midwife Of The Year and Olivia has her photo with her put up in the hospital for the next year : )
We were then told that I wouldn't be induced until the monday morning (as it was the weekend and limited people available!!!) I was kept on the sliding scale and on the monitor all through Sunday - I had about an hour and a half's sleep I think but was happy that the babies heartbeat was steady, although her movements had lessened.
I was given the pessary at half 6 on the monday morning and had her by C Section at 11.09pm, I won't go into the details of the labour I experienced but will say breifly that I got to 4-5cm dilated on just 2 codeine as they kept saying I wasn't in labour, but I was given a C Section as Oli's heartbeat went quite slow during contractions (when they finally admitted thats what they were and that I was pushing!!!!), then even slower in the theatre just before the section.
I am so so sorry this is long, basically my reason for posting is to say that as you ladies get to near the end (my sugars starting dropping lots at about 35 weeks) please report ANY changes to the hospital, I kept on believing that as long as baby was moving everything was ok - because that's basically what they had been telling me for weeks (I wanted an extra scan), but that is not so, had we of just trusted the daily monitoring and had I of gone home we would never of known that her heartbeat rose alot that night or that I had a fever, who knows when she would of been born but I am so glad that she was born when she was and so thankfull to my boyfriend for worrying so much about me and nagging the doctors : ) when I just thought I was low because of a bad tum and just trusted that they knew what they were doing.
Again so sorry for the length of this, I guess I could of skipped some