Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

I was told today by my diabetes nurse and doctor that if i find myself reducing my insulin amounts at this stage i am to let them know as it could be a sign of something to do with my placenta, might be worth you mentioning it ladies to be on the safe side xx

I had a scan a few weeks ago and thankfully placenta is fine. For me it has more to do with the three colds in a row I've been bombarded with. Usually I go high when sick but this time it's the opposite. But now that I'm on the mend, if for no reason at all my needs go down again I will def get looked at. I have another scan at 24 weeks, then 28 weeks. Then one every week from 32 weeks on.
Glad its fine, I've never heard of it being a problem myself but glad they did so I can at least be aware of it :) hope you feel better soon, colds are hell when diabetic never mind pregnant aswell xx
Thanks, i've not had this problem in my first two pregnancies but it seems since i had the norovirus last monday, even though i'm recovered (aside from the cold/throat part of it) and i'm eating near normal to what i was before, i've tried ringing DSN again today but its a nightmare getting hold of them, i phone their main number and have to ask for a call back, and they call back between 2-6 hours later and i always miss them phoning or have one of my LO's screaming, then i can't get another call back to the next day. I know this can happen towards the end as with my last baby the morning of my induction i hadn't had any basal in me for 24 hours or any novorapid with food and my bloods were 3.4mmol! I don't know if that was just a one off but i'm glad they induced me there and then, the placenta was normal though so i don't think there were any problems.
Feels like so long til my next scan, 4 1/2 weeks!
Sorry to keep hacking at this thread, i can't sleep right now as i'm scared of it dropping :(

Does anyone have anxiety over hypos? I suffer with this every single day, i feel it makes me a rubbish mum as once i've had my novorapid, i'm too scared to go out or generally be alone with my kids. I dread when my OH goes to work as i'm so scared of passing out, i probably over test my blood sugar which i get moaned at saying i'm costing the NHS etc. Sometimes i'm panicking that much its low as the symptoms of panic can be similar to hypos (shaking/fast heartbeat etc) and i will test and its normal, i then feel like a right nut. This is every single meal. I feel like just going carb free so i don't have to inject novorapid. I don't panic that much when i'm just on my basal.
Again it took aload of sugar to get me out of this hypo tonight, my levels then went to 14mmol. I've corrected but can't sleep now as i'm worried it will drop again.
I'm very fortunate because I always tend to wake up when going low. Worse case scenario, your liver will kick in when sleeping to get you out of the low. Only problem is then you'll rebound and have a really high sugar.

Do you have dextrose tablets? I find they really help me. Those and cranberry juice.
Hope your lows start to ease soon. :(
I'm still high and its 1:20am, i've had another unit to try and bring me down but i'm stuck at 13mmol now. It just seems like it takes so long for the sugar to get me out of a hypo lately. Sorry for rambling, i'm so shattered and just want to sleep lol, but i don't want to stay high like this, i'm worried for our babies sake, and also i know its not good for me being this high too.
I'm down to 9.4 now, all i can say is thank goodness, and thats coming from someone who rarely saw anything above 7mmol in my last pregnancy! I feel like a failure at all this sometimes.
I know that guilty feeling. When I get a high it always worries me. But I reassure myself because they don't stay there. I'm glad you're slowly going down. I'm bad at giving too much fast acting to get higher sugars down. Then I always pay the price and go low. But at night I try not to do this. During the day it's easier to control. Hope you can get some sleep. MY LO is so wound up right now and it's almost midnight. I fear I'll be up half the night as well. :(
I'm down to 9.4 now, all i can say is thank goodness, and thats coming from someone who rarely saw anything above 7mmol in my last pregnancy! I feel like a failure at all this sometimes.

Just a thought to try help you with the amounts of insulin you may need to take.....I don't know what blood testing machine you have but theres quite alot out there that you can set to your needs like an insulin pump does but its just a blood machine that advises you on insulin to take per meal depending on your blood sugars at the time etc.....may be worth looking into and asking your dsn.....:hugs: or you could go on to I have noticed lots of info on this site about them, you can apply for free ones I think

I had the Accu chek aviva expert.....does everything my pump does apart from pump the insulin through.....hope this helps

This is the free insulinx which does this aswell
Thankyou both, well i made it through the night on 30minutes sleep! Blood sugars at 7am were 5.7, and haven't gone over 7 all day. I haven't eaten alot today mainly because i'm worried of highs again, and i think all that last night has shaken me abit.
I think i do need to reduce the carbs for my evening meal, so i can have less novorapid.
I spoke to my dsn today, and she wasn't very sympathetic, i told her i'm worried about suddenly having to half my insulin (incase something is wrong with the baby) and she just said well if thats the case nothing can be done anyway (i'm 16 weeks tomorrow) i know thats the truth but it still hurt abit, i think i can't wait til i'm into 3rd tri as if something was wrong baby could be evicted, but i've along way to go so i just need to not stress i guess.

Just goes to show each pregnancy can be so different, i think i prefered my major sickness in my first pregnancy to all these readings, it was less stressful and at least the sickness isn't bad for the baby.

I'm currently using the insulinx and had it programmed to 1u per 10g, but since its all gone abit haywire i've had to reduce to 1u per 25g, seems really weird, i currently use 1unit to lower my sugars by approx 3mmol, sometimes this works less at night though with being less active.

Thanks again for the advice, i hope you are doing ok today xx
Hi all,

Have been trying to catch up on all your news and sorry you're having a rough time 080509. Really hope things level off again for you and all is well with LO.

Well the reason I've been AWOL is that I've had my baby! 34+2 and a planned c section brought forward. The baby was doing fine but with our history and the fact that this one was measuring big too with excess amniotic fluid, they thought it was safer to get him out early while the going was good. Was in hospital for 2 days before having steroids (was someone asking about this? If so I'll answer any questions I can) then for 4 days after section. LO was in NICU for 2 weeks but only because he was early and needed a bit of support with his breathing, and did brilliantly every day. We brought him home on Sunday and life has been crazy ever since.

I'm not online that much at mo but if anyone wants to ask about my experiences and diabetes stuff before/during/after birth I'll try to help. Not that I'm an expert or have it sorted, but I always found it helpful to hear about other's experiences especially when they're recent.

Hope you're all doing ok xxx
Hi all,

Have been trying to catch up on all your news and sorry you're having a rough time 080509. Really hope things level off again for you and all is well with LO.

Well the reason I've been AWOL is that I've had my baby! 34+2 and a planned c section brought forward. The baby was doing fine but with our history and the fact that this one was measuring big too with excess amniotic fluid, they thought it was safer to get him out early while the going was good. Was in hospital for 2 days before having steroids (was someone asking about this? If so I'll answer any questions I can) then for 4 days after section. LO was in NICU for 2 weeks but only because he was early and needed a bit of support with his breathing, and did brilliantly every day. We brought him home on Sunday and life has been crazy ever since.

I'm not online that much at mo but if anyone wants to ask about my experiences and diabetes stuff before/during/after birth I'll try to help. Not that I'm an expert or have it sorted, but I always found it helpful to hear about other's experiences especially when they're recent.

Hope you're all doing ok xxx

Hi there, good to hear it all went well for you!! It was me who was asking about the steroids, I'm booked in for an elective end of may, they have asked me to go into hospital 2 days prior for steroids and to stay in as they can have quite an effect on blood sugars...did the steroids make too much of a rise in your sugars?
I'm going in at 38 weeks but they still like to give the steroids incase of breathing problems....although I have a strange feeling I may go into labour before hand like with my first :flower:
Hi all,

Have been trying to catch up on all your news and sorry you're having a rough time 080509. Really hope things level off again for you and all is well with LO.

Well the reason I've been AWOL is that I've had my baby! 34+2 and a planned c section brought forward. The baby was doing fine but with our history and the fact that this one was measuring big too with excess amniotic fluid, they thought it was safer to get him out early while the going was good. Was in hospital for 2 days before having steroids (was someone asking about this? If so I'll answer any questions I can) then for 4 days after section. LO was in NICU for 2 weeks but only because he was early and needed a bit of support with his breathing, and did brilliantly every day. We brought him home on Sunday and life has been crazy ever since.

I'm not online that much at mo but if anyone wants to ask about my experiences and diabetes stuff before/during/after birth I'll try to help. Not that I'm an expert or have it sorted, but I always found it helpful to hear about other's experiences especially when they're recent.

Hope you're all doing ok xxx

Congrats!! So glad to hear all went okay, you must be so proud xxxx
With my first I was induced at 37 weeks 4 days. Ending up being a c-section because I wouldn't dialate and the babies heart rate went up.

Second I had a planned c-section at the same 37.4 weks.

This one I have a scheduled c-section for exactly 38 weeks. Right now I'm just starting my 21st week. Due July 26th, c-section July 12th.

Hi there, if you don't mind me asking did you have the steroids before the section with your elective? I'm booked in for mine on 28th May and they are keeping me in for 2 days before hand due to the steroids apparently having an effect on blood sugars??? Is this the case and is it quite drastic or is it just precaution?

Sorry for all the questions :flower:

Hi Kellyrae, I had the steriods before induction was started at 37.5, and they kept me on the sliding scale and heart monitor afterwards because they said the steriods can send your sugars really high, they had been really low previously, my sugars didn't go high though as the sliding scale was so effective. I was the same as you I had a C Section because of the babies heartrate only hers was going lower each time I had a contraction x
Oh sorry it was Kcmichelle who had the C Section because of babies heart rate x
Kcmichelle and kellyrae if you get time (it is a bit long) please read my post on why my little girl was brought early - because of consistently low blood sugars, I just want to highlight how important it is to mention it and nag them if it does ever happen to you, as I also had a scan and was told my placenta looked fine but that it was too early to tell as the damage wouldn't show up straight away, I'm just so glad I went on my gut feelings and that my boyfriend pestered them making them keep me in x
Pickle congrats!! I'm so happy your lo is home now and healthy!!!!

Rosie thank you for your post above. My diabetic doctor has also told me that consistent lows are not good. Thankfully now that I'm over my bronchitis I have been right on target. But it's something I'm going to be very careful about. My scan a few weeks ago showed the placenta high and in great condition thankfully! I'll be having more scans and this is something they'll be keeping a close eye on, especially because of my age.
With my last pregnancy the extreme lows only started the last two days before I had my c-section. But had that started happening earlier I probably would of had to give birth much earlier then 37 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can go to the planned 38 weeks without the same problem.

Rosie I just read your post a few pages back. How scary and thank you again because it will make me even more insistent if I start to go low again. It makes sense that consistently low sugars could affect the babies heart rate. I'm so glad everything worked out well for you in the end. You must be so busy with your new little bundle of joy! :)
Hi all,

Have been trying to catch up on all your news and sorry you're having a rough time 080509. Really hope things level off again for you and all is well with LO.

Well the reason I've been AWOL is that I've had my baby! 34+2 and a planned c section brought forward. The baby was doing fine but with our history and the fact that this one was measuring big too with excess amniotic fluid, they thought it was safer to get him out early while the going was good. Was in hospital for 2 days before having steroids (was someone asking about this? If so I'll answer any questions I can) then for 4 days after section. LO was in NICU for 2 weeks but only because he was early and needed a bit of support with his breathing, and did brilliantly every day. We brought him home on Sunday and life has been crazy ever since.

I'm not online that much at mo but if anyone wants to ask about my experiences and diabetes stuff before/during/after birth I'll try to help. Not that I'm an expert or have it sorted, but I always found it helpful to hear about other's experiences especially when they're recent.

Hope you're all doing ok xxx

Hi there, good to hear it all went well for you!! It was me who was asking about the steroids, I'm booked in for an elective end of may, they have asked me to go into hospital 2 days prior for steroids and to stay in as they can have quite an effect on blood sugars...did the steroids make too much of a rise in your sugars?
I'm going in at 38 weeks but they still like to give the steroids incase of breathing problems....although I have a strange feeling I may go into labour before hand like with my first :flower:


Well I didn't actually have any high blood sugars whilst having the steroids because the sliding scale worked - a bit too well! There were 2 stages to the sliding scale. I'm on a pump too, and there was a crossover of 6 hours where I had to leave my pump on but they'd started the sliding scale after having the first dose of steriods. This first stage was just an insulin drip, not glucose too which was later. I kept telling them I was worried about hypos during this crossover time, as it was too soon for the steroids to have kicked in, but I was basically on double the insulin! They assured me it would work and would be waking me every hour through the night for me to check my blood sugar. I had 4 hypos in 3 hours and would have been more but I kept eating to keep my blood sugar up. I kept insisting that they put me on the lower rate to stop the hypos, but they said that because my blood sugar wasn't going under 3 then I had to be left on the rate I was on! Had an argument at 3am with one of the docs who later agreed - after another hypo- that they would turn it down. After that my sugars were between 4 and 7. Think they finally realised I knew what I needed! Then the second stage was overnight the night before my section, where I had to fast from midnight. The sliding scale was then insulin AND glucose. I wasn't allowed to treat hypos with food or drink but was allowed hypo stop gel which I used a couple of. I think they would turn the glucose up if you didn't do that. So sorry for the essay, but wanted to say that you need to be strong in saying what you need and staying in control as much as you can. Once the adjustment had been made the sliding scale worked but I was definitely having more insulin overall. So without it I think I would have seen a rise in my blood sugar as the steroids kicked in. Just make sure you take lots of hypo treatments (I used jelly babies and had orange juice and hypo-stop gel as back-ups), as by the time you feel hypo and have rung the bell for a nurse and they've gone off to find you something etc etc - you can see how long it would take to treat a hypo during the 1st stage where you're still wearing your pump and you may not be on a glucose drip too.

Your hospital may do things differently but wanted to let you know how things worked for me. Try not to worry. It was fine overall and the staff were brilliant. Just be prepared practically, and in speaking up. Hope all goes well for you when the time comes xx
Thanks for that Pickle!! Much appreciated, I will be very much aware now, I have spoken about keeping my pump on whilst in hospital and my doc has said I can choose weather i keep it on or go onto a sliding scale, so I agreed to the sliding scale whilst I have the c-section and a while after but before hand I would like to control it myself, I had a bit of a nightmare with nurses and my blood sugars with my first baby and just prefer to do it my way, my diabetic team are happy with me doing it, best do a good job now haha

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