Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Thanks for that Pickle!! Much appreciated, I will be very much aware now, I have spoken about keeping my pump on whilst in hospital and my doc has said I can choose weather i keep it on or go onto a sliding scale, so I agreed to the sliding scale whilst I have the c-section and a while after but before hand I would like to control it myself, I had a bit of a nightmare with nurses and my blood sugars with my first baby and just prefer to do it my way, my diabetic team are happy with me doing it, best do a good job now haha

That was exactly what I wanted too! And at least it worked out that I did get to do that. I wanted to be in control as much as poss but realised that the sliding scale would be sensible during and just after section. I'm not good on morphine and find I lose hours at a time lol. Really hope it works well for you too xx
I feel like giving up, i've had one day where my readings have all been below 8 in this pregnancy, one day that is all. I just don't know what to do anymore :(
Had to increase insulin and now i can relax! i was starting to worry why i was having to decrease, no idea what happened for that 2 weeks but sort of glad im at the resistant stage now lol. All numbers been in single figures and i've cut out all high GI foods now, finally some improvement!
Bought a doppler and heard bub's heartbeat which was lovely.
Wish i'd of ignored the DSN all along, she basically drummed it into me to eat aload of fruit etc, told me to eat weetabix/shredded wheat and it just wasn't working! So now having porridge with almonds for breakfast, sandwich or soup for lunch and something different for evening meal, with the odd snack in between.
Happy easter everyone! Kids got a stash of eggs, we got them a couple each and my parents bought them loads!! Avoiding temptation to break into the creme eggs.. but i bought myself some 85% cocoa choc which is 3.7g sugar per 25g bar, so half a bar had no effect on me :)
Been feeling baby move properly for the first time last night, and feeling wriggles as i write this.

I hope everyone is well, thread is quiet lately so i hope everyone is just busy preparing for baby or seeing to other little ones and i hope everyone is doing okay. xxx
Happy Easter! Glad to see things are good for you 080509. I still have the odd reading where I'm like what happened??? But I seem to be needing more insulin. My appetite is also back full force since I'm over all my colds and viruses. Guess I'm eating more and needing more insulin. Now to stay away from the Easter chocolate.....:)
i had a little bit but tested before bed and was ok, but i hypo'd in the night off my basal! I've no idea what to do because when i reduce my morning/pre breakfast reading is high.

I seem to be entering insulin resistance, one slice of cheese on toast send my levels at 12.6, thats with 4units, last week 1 unit was sending me hypo at 45minutes, how strange! I'm not ill either.. x
You may be just needing more insulin now. For one piece of bread I need at least 6 units. Also I find I'm really bad at not rotating my injection sites enough. My doctor feels I'm absorbing slower and that's why I'm often up an hour after a meal but back to normal or low a few hours later. It's so frustrating how things can change so quickly.
I've upped it even more today and all my readings (except breakfast whrre i just had 2 eggs) have been 12mmol! This is bizarre i don't remember being so resistant soon last time, i guess all pregnancies are different. I had 30g carbs for dinner and had 5units (upped from 3units) and still 12mmol! Feel so guilty but i know its hormones and such :S xx
You're doing the right thing by slowly increasing though. Maybe try an extra few units tomorrow. My insulin did a big jump shortly after my first trimester. Now it's increasing again at 23 weeks. An english muffin with peanut butter was about 6 units pre pregnancy. Now it's 12. Add jam and I need 16.
I think i was on 18units for 1 piece of toast at 38 weeks with my last baby, but i was in my honeymoon period (was slower onset type 1) My pancreas has fully packed in now lol, so i dread to think how much i will be on by the end this time. I wasn't resistant at all to insulin outside of pregnancy, i always needed small amounts for things, so its weird having big amounts to inject. I hope you are doing well xx
The hardest part for me is going back to little after the baby comes. Last pregnancy I was up to 80 units of night time. Typically I'm 28. Almost triple by the end! I didn't even need insulin for 2 days after my last. I'm doing good. Just found out yesterday we're having a girl! I'm so excited. But then my 13 year old ended up having a grand mal seizure at school. It was his first seizure ever so it was pretty scary. But he seems fine now. Just a waiting game to see if it happens again. I never went from one high to a low so fast in my life. I literally just stepped out of the ultrasound when I got the call.
I'm so sorry to hear that, i bet you were really shaken up when you heard what had happened, fingers crossed it won't happen again :hugs:
Thats lovely you found out you are having a girl! We are still on the fence as to whether to find out the gender, my partner really wants to but i'm half and half, i think we probably will though as we want to buy clothes etc! My 20 week scan will be 2 weeks today.

I feel as though i've not made enough effort this time round, i've been told i'm doing the best i can but i've often over treated hypos (and ended up with readings of 14mmol) today is the first day in a while i've had non diabetic readings, i've had 2 hypos today and managed to keep good readings but it just seems as though i either have to be high, or have hypos, i can't seem to keep lovely 4-7mmol readings at all without hypoing. Its a difficult balancing act, i've really hit resistance now but at least i'm not going hypo at thr 45minute mark of eating which is a relief! x
I've just gotten my letters through for my extra growth scans, i have one at 28 weeks, one at 32 weeks and one at 38 weeks! I'm abit confused as normally type 1's and type 2's are induced at 38 weeks, with my last pregnancy my growth scan was at 36 weeks (they booked my induction for 38 weeks then) i'm just wondering if they've made a mistake as i'm not wanting to go over 38 weeks i'm scared of my placenta failing or something since my control was rubbish in the early weeks x

I really need to hear some success stories.

Had my 28 week growth scan a few weeks ago and was told that baby was already measuring 3lb 4oz! (97 percentile) (and when all the apps etc have been predicting that baby was approx 2.5lb and the size of a chinese cabbage)

So as you can imagine, I'm now worrying about how big baby will be when delivered - does anyone have any ideas on whether these scans are accurate? I'm really hoping that they're not! - but then can't imagine why they would do them if they were likely to be wrong. :shrug:

I really need to hear some success stories.

Had my 28 week growth scan a few weeks ago and was told that baby was already measuring 3lb 4oz! (97 percentile) (and when all the apps etc have been predicting that baby was approx 2.5lb and the size of a chinese cabbage)

So as you can imagine, I'm now worrying about how big baby will be when delivered - does anyone have any ideas on whether these scans are accurate? I'm really hoping that they're not! - but then can't imagine why they would do them if they were likely to be wrong. :shrug:

Hi LouiseC, I had my 28 week scan a few weeks ago and they told me she was measuring 2 weeks ahead but not to worry too much as it may be just growth spurt and will level out in the next few weeks, my midwife measured me again yesterday and she said i was at 32 weeks so seems to be the case, I have another scan next tuesday for my 32 week growth scan so fingers crossed she not getting too big, I guess its just a waiting game to see if she levels out or carries on growing? Have your blood sugars been ok? With my first she was predicted to be 10lbs at 38 weeks but I went in to labour at 36 weeks and she was 7lb 6oz so maybe not always the case these measurements are correct xx

I really need to hear some success stories.

Had my 28 week growth scan a few weeks ago and was told that baby was already measuring 3lb 4oz! (97 percentile) (and when all the apps etc have been predicting that baby was approx 2.5lb and the size of a chinese cabbage)

So as you can imagine, I'm now worrying about how big baby will be when delivered - does anyone have any ideas on whether these scans are accurate? I'm really hoping that they're not! - but then can't imagine why they would do them if they were likely to be wrong. :shrug:

Hi LouiseC, I had my 28 week scan a few weeks ago and they told me she was measuring 2 weeks ahead but not to worry too much as it may be just growth spurt and will level out in the next few weeks, my midwife measured me again yesterday and she said i was at 32 weeks so seems to be the case, I have another scan next tuesday for my 32 week growth scan so fingers crossed she not getting too big, I guess its just a waiting game to see if she levels out or carries on growing? Have your blood sugars been ok? With my first she was predicted to be 10lbs at 38 weeks but I went in to labour at 36 weeks and she was 7lb 6oz so maybe not always the case these measurements are correct xx

Hi Kellyrae, glad to hear that you've levelled off and that everything's going well.

My sugars are a little bit higher than usual to be honest, but I was started on continuous glucose monitoring following a spate of really nasty hypos, so they have advised to run a little high. To be honest, I think the CGM is amazing at warning for hypos and am a little disappointed that it wasn't offered back in the 1st tri as it could have saved a lot of ambulance calls! :dohh:

Unfortunately I've had a MW appt today and have been told that I'm measuring 34 weeks!!! :nope: So it does look as though baby will be a 'little larger than average' shall we say??? Although I realise it could be excess fluid, fingers crossed it is! But I will have to wait until 32nd and 36th week scans to find out more.

Can't tell you how nice it was to read about your first - I need more stories like this!!!! lol

How is the third trimester treating you? x

I really need to hear some success stories.

Had my 28 week growth scan a few weeks ago and was told that baby was already measuring 3lb 4oz! (97 percentile) (and when all the apps etc have been predicting that baby was approx 2.5lb and the size of a chinese cabbage)

So as you can imagine, I'm now worrying about how big baby will be when delivered - does anyone have any ideas on whether these scans are accurate? I'm really hoping that they're not! - but then can't imagine why they would do them if they were likely to be wrong. :shrug:

Hi LouiseC, I had my 28 week scan a few weeks ago and they told me she was measuring 2 weeks ahead but not to worry too much as it may be just growth spurt and will level out in the next few weeks, my midwife measured me again yesterday and she said i was at 32 weeks so seems to be the case, I have another scan next tuesday for my 32 week growth scan so fingers crossed she not getting too big, I guess its just a waiting game to see if she levels out or carries on growing? Have your blood sugars been ok? With my first she was predicted to be 10lbs at 38 weeks but I went in to labour at 36 weeks and she was 7lb 6oz so maybe not always the case these measurements are correct xx

Hi Kellyrae, glad to hear that you've levelled off and that everything's going well.

My sugars are a little bit higher than usual to be honest, but I was started on continuous glucose monitoring following a spate of really nasty hypos, so they have advised to run a little high. To be honest, I think the CGM is amazing at warning for hypos and am a little disappointed that it wasn't offered back in the 1st tri as it could have saved a lot of ambulance calls! :dohh:

Unfortunately I've had a MW appt today and have been told that I'm measuring 34 weeks!!! :nope: So it does look as though baby will be a 'little larger than average' shall we say??? Although I realise it could be excess fluid, fingers crossed it is! But I will have to wait until 32nd and 36th week scans to find out more.

Can't tell you how nice it was to read about your first - I need more stories like this!!!! lol

How is the third trimester treating you? x

Fingers crossed for you, try not to worry too much though, I know its not great but I would rather her be bigger than smaller :flower: thats just me looking on the bright side lol

Third tri is going ok, had a fair bit of laser on my eyes so far but hoping that will stop soon, my c-section is booked for the 28th May, I have a feeling I may go into natural labor before though, if I do I'm going to have a vbac hopefully, I wasnt a fan of the induction to be honest and ended up with an emcs in the end with my first, have you discussed the birth with your obs yet?

Apart from being uncomfy at night and the usual pregnancy symptoms its not too bad, resistance hasn't really made much of an appearance but i may not have noticed it this time as much because I'm on the pump, with all the little tweaks ive made its not too noticeable.....not too long to go now though, last stretch till we get there!!

I really need to hear some success stories.

Had my 28 week growth scan a few weeks ago and was told that baby was already measuring 3lb 4oz! (97 percentile) (and when all the apps etc have been predicting that baby was approx 2.5lb and the size of a chinese cabbage)

So as you can imagine, I'm now worrying about how big baby will be when delivered - does anyone have any ideas on whether these scans are accurate? I'm really hoping that they're not! - but then can't imagine why they would do them if they were likely to be wrong. :shrug:

Hi LouiseC, I had my 28 week scan a few weeks ago and they told me she was measuring 2 weeks ahead but not to worry too much as it may be just growth spurt and will level out in the next few weeks, my midwife measured me again yesterday and she said i was at 32 weeks so seems to be the case, I have another scan next tuesday for my 32 week growth scan so fingers crossed she not getting too big, I guess its just a waiting game to see if she levels out or carries on growing? Have your blood sugars been ok? With my first she was predicted to be 10lbs at 38 weeks but I went in to labour at 36 weeks and she was 7lb 6oz so maybe not always the case these measurements are correct xx

Hi Kellyrae, glad to hear that you've levelled off and that everything's going well.

My sugars are a little bit higher than usual to be honest, but I was started on continuous glucose monitoring following a spate of really nasty hypos, so they have advised to run a little high. To be honest, I think the CGM is amazing at warning for hypos and am a little disappointed that it wasn't offered back in the 1st tri as it could have saved a lot of ambulance calls! :dohh:

Unfortunately I've had a MW appt today and have been told that I'm measuring 34 weeks!!! :nope: So it does look as though baby will be a 'little larger than average' shall we say??? Although I realise it could be excess fluid, fingers crossed it is! But I will have to wait until 32nd and 36th week scans to find out more.

Can't tell you how nice it was to read about your first - I need more stories like this!!!! lol

How is the third trimester treating you? x

Fingers crossed for you, try not to worry too much though, I know its not great but I would rather her be bigger than smaller :flower: thats just me looking on the bright side lol

Third tri is going ok, had a fair bit of laser on my eyes so far but hoping that will stop soon, my c-section is booked for the 28th May, I have a feeling I may go into natural labor before though, if I do I'm going to have a vbac hopefully, I wasnt a fan of the induction to be honest and ended up with an emcs in the end with my first, have you discussed the birth with your obs yet?

Apart from being uncomfy at night and the usual pregnancy symptoms its not too bad, resistance hasn't really made much of an appearance but i may not have noticed it this time as much because I'm on the pump, with all the little tweaks ive made its not too noticeable.....not too long to go now though, last stretch till we get there!!


I've not had the joy of discussing birth options yet, well not in any sort of depth anyways.

I did mention to my team that I was concerned at baby's size on my last ppt and was told that they've delivered bigger, to which my response was that they wouldn't be saying that if they were the one in labour! Funnily enough they didn't take that any further:haha:

Although I can't help but think of the poor woman in Cheltenham who gave birth to the 15lb baby boy! Thank god for epidurals!

From what I can gather, it seems pretty set that it'll be an induction at approx 38 weeks depending on the estimated weight at 36 weeks - wish I had a date to work to- telling friends and family that I'll have to wait to find out is so annoying - they live 180 miles away so want to get a hotel booked so that they can help. I did ask at my 20 week appt, but was just handed a booklet on induction and Caesarean section, the basic NHS 'How To' guide.

Is the laser treatment helping?

I keep saying to my partner how weird it'll be to be responsible for a baby in 8 weeks. Part of me really can't wait to meet LO and get rid of the morning sickness/ BG worries/hypos + all the swelling and maybe, just maybe seeing my toes again! But then I think that I'll miss all those little kicks and things that atm are just mine and baby's - guess I'll just have to learn to share!

I hope that if you get the chance, your VBAC is successful and things don't get too medicalised for you and your little girl - otherwise good luck on 28th! :thumbup:- looking forward to being kept awake at night by a baby rather than backache! :flower:

The laser has helped so far....I have another check up next week but the last one 3 weeks ago was fine and no changes so am hoping for the same next week too :flower:

Good luck to you too, its all worth it!!!
I'm not much help regarding size/scans but my diabetes (type 1) was undiagnosed in my first pregnancy, only at 35 weeks did i find out! And i'd had it a while as my midwife appts were showing glucose for a few weeks and i had aload of ketones, my a1c at 36 weeks was 10%, my little boy was born weighing 8lb 6oz at 39 weeks, so not huge considering how uncontrolled i must of been! I had been measuring 4 weeks ahead with him since i was 25 weeks.

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