Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Lol! Thanks for making me smile with the Australia comment!

I have another growth scan in 2 weeks when they will sit me down and tell me the plan of action for delivery!

Its good to hear that Lo has been moving normally, I know that if anything goes a little off with me, bubs normally reacts to it (i.e. high BG, being dehydrated etc).

Sounds like you're getting into the swing of shopping! I'm so jealous that you can go and pick the right colour outfits. Bubs wasn't giving anything away in the last scan (I caved and had a sneaky peak, but couldn't see anything that would give it away)

I'm sure if anything comes up in any of the growth scans you've got booked, they'll reschedule and bring dates forward and induction dates are fluid, so having a scan at 38 weeks, doesn't necessarily mean that they'll let you go to 39 or even 40 weeks before inducing you (might be an idea to have the bag packed and in the car ready though!)

Being out by 7am with 2 LOs must have been a job and half! Congrats on getting there at all in my book! Can't they arrange for the bloods to be taken at normal diabetic appointments or even at your GP rather than having to trundle all the way into the diabetes centre? Might be worth asking?
I don't know how i did it? haha! I was shattered last night though as soon as they went to bed i did too, i didn't wake until this morning. Bloods have gone wacky again, woke up to a 9.5! I've not been that high in a morning since the week i was diagnosed, i'm unsure what to do, i spoke to DSN and she told me to increase a couple of units, thing is though when i check at 2am it was 4.5, so unless that was a hypo rebound i'm not sure whether to increase or whether it was just a one off. I've had times pre pregnancy where my numbers have gone amazingly good for a while then something will mess it up and i have to adjust again.

I almost wish we hadn't found out, i bet a surprise is lovely! Do you have any feelings to whether your baby will be a boy or girl? Or not sure at all? The sono said she thinks he is a boy but she will check at the growth scan to be sure, we've just bought a couple of boy sleepsuits, and 4 unisex ones to be safe though, our eldest kept trying to climb in the swing once we set it up lol!

I bet it all seems so close now, once you get past the 30 week mark and you have the scans it seems like the next step isn't so far away! Can i just ask how many test strips approx do you go through a day? I've been testing so much this last fortnight with all the hypos, i bet my pharmacist is fed up of seeing me go in lol x

I've always been told never to adjust my insulin regime of the back of a one off BG because it could just be an anomaly. I would wait to see what happens to your sugars tonight and then adjust as needs be tomorrow. Did anything happen in the night that could account for the BG? Waking up, active dreaming, noises outside or anything like that? I've found that the earlier I wake up, the more pronounced the 'dawn effect'. I'm not a DSN, but may be worth thinking about. It might also be worth fasting and testing your sugars every hour through the night so that you can plot exactly what they do when no carbs are involved - I know it is so much easier said than done - my dietitian asked me to fast and was told in no uncertain terms that that would not be happening unless I was put into a medically induced coma! :dohh: (It was at 27 weeks)

At my worst, I think I was going through a box of 50 test strips every 4-5 days, at the very least. I had 2 meters, so was difficult to track as I was always changing on one of them. Maybe you could ask your GP to increase your prescription so that you don't have to go in as often. I've had mine upped twice since conception, if the GP does give you grief about the cost or whatever you can always ask your DSN to write a no-nonsense letter outlining the clinical need to test so often a day. (I've had a number of run-ins with my GP which have ended this way, so now they actually listen to what I have to say and my logic behind what I'm asking for)

I was a little freaked yesterday when I was told about the possibility of delivery at 36 weeks...that's only 4 weeks away! I'll be a mum in 4 weeks???? OMG! lol. But its only 2 weeks earlier than I had planned for and I have everything ready and 9 months is long enough to get myself used to the idea, otherwise what have I been going through this hell for?

You'll find that your time won't be long in coming, especially with your two little boys to keep you occupied, they sound as though they are funny to be around with their antics!

Good luck with the sugars tonight, I hope they start to behave themselves! :thumbup:
Aww wow, 4 weeks, thats no time at all! What are you looking forward to most? (aside from probably reducing your insulin a tad? Lol)
First time round was lovely, it was all so very new, i couldn't believe i was a mum, first time using a pram, pulling an outfit out, ahh :) now i'm rambling but i bet you can't wait!

I thought i was over do-ing it abit, i tend to use two boxes (so 100 strips) around every 8 days, but its all unpredictable and i've no hypo awareness at the moment so i probably over test incase i'm low, especially when i'm on my own with our little ones as i constantly panic incase i can't get out of a low, so far i've been lucky but i had a couple of days a few weeks ago where my lows were so bad it took around 80g of sugar to get out of! Normally i only need a small bit of lucozade but they were persistant.
I think the first 12 weeks went slow, it just seemed to drag and i was exhausted every day, its gone alot quicker since 12 weeks and thankfully i'm 21weeks today, i hate to wish the time away though, i can't believe its been a year since i was ready to give birth to our youngest i can't believe how quick thats gone, i want them to stay little forever! lol.

Aww wow, 4 weeks, thats no time at all! What are you looking forward to most? (aside from probably reducing your insulin a tad? Lol)
First time round was lovely, it was all so very new, i couldn't believe i was a mum, first time using a pram, pulling an outfit out, ahh :) now i'm rambling but i bet you can't wait!

I thought i was over do-ing it abit, i tend to use two boxes (so 100 strips) around every 8 days, but its all unpredictable and i've no hypo awareness at the moment so i probably over test incase i'm low, especially when i'm on my own with our little ones as i constantly panic incase i can't get out of a low, so far i've been lucky but i had a couple of days a few weeks ago where my lows were so bad it took around 80g of sugar to get out of! Normally i only need a small bit of lucozade but they were persistant.
I think the first 12 weeks went slow, it just seemed to drag and i was exhausted every day, its gone alot quicker since 12 weeks and thankfully i'm 21weeks today, i hate to wish the time away though, i can't believe its been a year since i was ready to give birth to our youngest i can't believe how quick thats gone, i want them to stay little forever! lol.


Sounds as though you've had a similar problem to the ones that I've been having. Things changed enormously for me when they put me onto a continuous glucose monitoring pump - it basically tells me when me bloods are rising/dropping too quickly and alarms if I actually go low.

I had no awareness whatsoever and hypos were a 6 times a day occurrence. Often with a paramedic called once a month or so. Have you ever tried a pump before? It was a lot of work, to get on the pump initially (that was about 3 years ago) but the CGM update really has helped a lot and it sounds as though women such as us could really benefit from it. I'm lucky with my diabetes team, as they are willing to push the boat out for extra funding etc.

The hypos do take extra sugar to sort out, but that is because all sugar, as soon as it enters your body will go to baby before you, so once baby has had his full share, you will start to get the glucose you need.

I can sympathise with them wanting to stay small forever - I started to feel old when my nieces were growing up! God only knows what I'll be like with one of my own!

But like you say, I can't wait to hold baby and actually see for myself what sex baby is, whose nose it has, etc. I just hope that I can actually see my baby and spend time bonding rather than having them scooped off and taken to SCBU, I know they'll only do that if needed, but I really do hope that we can be left alone for a bit before all the Drs charge in.

I'm looking forward to going out with the pram and dressing baby up to go out in all their cute little outfits! I know I'm making it sound like its a doll that I'm getting- I do know that it won't be as simple as that!

TBH I think that its the third tri that has been the best so far - I just feel so much more at ease with my BGs etc and the finish line is in sight! But I can remember being int he last few weeks of 2nd tri thinking that I really did deserve to be in 3rd tri, cos my pregnancy wouldn't last as long! lol. Time will go by quickly, :hugs: we're starting to get all the lovely weather so that will mean BBQs, playing outside and trips to the coast! :hugs:

I've just heard from my care team that if it comes to needing a Caesarian, they may choose to leave a drain in for infection/blood loss etc.

Has anyone else had one with their previous section and what reason was given for it?

I really don't like the idea of it and tbh it freaks me out, so I don't want one just because I'm diabetic and policy says it should be there.

Any info is welcomed.

I think due to funding i won't be allowed one unless my hba1c is really high :( this is what i was told at the start of my pregnancy, it sounds like such a good idea especially with the CGM, i could do with that as i'm always anxious about lows and often don't know when i drop until the last minute, i've been lucky enough so far as to not need the paramedics but i had a 1.6 a few weeks back where i could feel myself about to go, luckily the lucozade hit me quick!
I've no idea about the c-section drain, maybe post in baby club for ideas?
I had an appt (well two) today, first thing was a blood test at 8am at the diabetes centre, the lady couldn't get anything out of me as my veins are too small haha, so she told me to have it done at the hosp this afternoon when i went. 2 more people attempted and finally after so much prodding they did it, i'm left with red bumps all on my arms now due to their attempts! They said my readings are good but i can't keep my fasting below 6 without going hypo over night, when i do my 2am check i'm always in the 4's so clearly its that dawn phenomenon shoving them up! Is it just me that sometimes feels like "why me" i don't think this alot but at the clinic there were lots of ladies with GD and one couple kept making comments about insulin saying they hope they don't need it "because theres no way they could inject omg" their exact words! I thought Lucky you!!! lol.

I've just heard from my care team that if it comes to needing a Caesarian, they may choose to leave a drain in for infection/blood loss etc.

Has anyone else had one with their previous section and what reason was given for it?

I really don't like the idea of it and tbh it freaks me out, so I don't want one just because I'm diabetic and policy says it should be there.

Any info is welcomed.


I Never had this with my first and nobody has mentioned it as yet but I will be asking next week, I think I will opt out for that though :wacko: doesn't sound great....
I think due to funding i won't be allowed one unless my hba1c is really high :( this is what i was told at the start of my pregnancy, it sounds like such a good idea especially with the CGM, i could do with that as i'm always anxious about lows and often don't know when i drop until the last minute, i've been lucky enough so far as to not need the paramedics but i had a 1.6 a few weeks back where i could feel myself about to go, luckily the lucozade hit me quick!
I've no idea about the c-section drain, maybe post in baby club for ideas?
I had an appt (well two) today, first thing was a blood test at 8am at the diabetes centre, the lady couldn't get anything out of me as my veins are too small haha, so she told me to have it done at the hosp this afternoon when i went. 2 more people attempted and finally after so much prodding they did it, i'm left with red bumps all on my arms now due to their attempts! They said my readings are good but i can't keep my fasting below 6 without going hypo over night, when i do my 2am check i'm always in the 4's so clearly its that dawn phenomenon shoving them up! Is it just me that sometimes feels like "why me" i don't think this alot but at the clinic there were lots of ladies with GD and one couple kept making comments about insulin saying they hope they don't need it "because theres no way they could inject omg" their exact words! I thought Lucky you!!! lol.

I used to think like that, I have a couple of friends with type 2 and they struggle so much to keep there bloods under control by just tablets, exercise and diet, they often say to me that they wish they could have an injection when they eat food instead of not being able to eat certain things, when I sit and think about it so would I lol
I think its got to easier to control with insulin than diet and exercise at least you have more control and choice.
Thats only my opinion though I'm sure people hate having to inject, It became second nature to me after so many years and I sometimes think it would be quite strange if it was suddenly taken away from me, nice thought but strange :flower:
I can understand the resentment with the GD ladies. I know we're all diabetics together and whatever, but I keep feeling as though 'at the end of 40 weeks, you get to go home with a new baby and having got rid (in most cases anyway) of GD', having put up with it for 20 weeks at most? We're stuck with it for life, so stop your moaning and get on with it! :growlmad:

I know that may be the pregnant hormonal woman doing her rounds, but come on, there's so much more that could have happened to them that didn't and they sit there moaning like its the end of their little world because they have to give themselves a few injections.

Diabetes sucks, but I'd rather have this than cancer or kidney failure etc etc, even though like I say, it sucks.

I suppose we could consider ourselves lucky that most of us have had time to get used to the diabetes before being pregnant and that if we need injections, we've needed them since we were little and have got used to the daily chore, but come on...a little sensitivity (not sympathy, or mollycoddeling) from the GDs would not go amiss so keep your comments about how a life on injections would be the worst thing ever and that 'you would rather kill yourself' (yes, I've heard that little nugget!) to yourselves!

Like I say, fresh batch of pregnancy hormones in today!

080509 are you still keeping up with the water intake? I know my veins are always so much worse when I'm dehydrated. I take it that they weren't on board with having you bloods taken a little closer to home after your earlier post?

Is that the funding for the pump that you were mentioning? I know that each area is different, but an application can be put in for exceptional funding to cover the cost, and if it saves you having a bad hypo in the street, then surely its money well spent!

I don't mean to frighten anyone or anything, but sometimes it needs to be remembered that even though diabetes isn't as bad as the things I've listed above, it does have very real consequences and it shouldn't be left to the postcode lottery to decide who gets better treatment than others, we all pay tax, we all do what we can to look after ourselves, but the NHS decide to spend the money on someone who wants a boob job (it was in the news a few weeks ago) or has smoked 20 a day for 20 years, or even drunk themselves stupid one too many times. Don't you just love the way this country works sometimes???

It seems odd that over in the US, where insurance companies foot the bill, there are more pumps because they recognise that the long term $ is far smaller if the person is on a pump!

Thanks for your comment Kellyrae, I'm hoping that I can get in touch with the team soon and put my mind to rest on the drain issue, like I say, the idea freaks me out and I know that the use of drains was criticised in the 2004 NICE guidelines, so I will just have to talk it through with them.

How are you both getting on with everything else?
Can I just say I completely agree with you louisac and the "end of the world to do injections" comment, It gets on my nerves too when I hear it in clinic.....
I have more eye laser tomorrow.....he said it may be the last one until after baby is born, hopefully he's right then I can just concentrate on being impatient at home waiting for her to arrive :haha:
Aww thanks both of you :hugs: i thought it was just me being bitter but theres a thread in here (seriously gonna get banned now haha) where people complain about having to control it by cutting out carbs, i'd LOVE to go low carb if it meant i didn't have to inject! I even went low carb before the start of this pregnancy as it meant i could inject less units overall and had better control, but because very low carbing is abit iffy in pregnancy i decided to bump up my intake for the sake of bubs! I was only diagnosed in my second pregnancy, it was all very strange as they assumed it was GD at first since it first sparked in pregnancy then a GTT came back at 26mmol :S eeek! But luckily he was fine and quite little for a diabetes baby (7lb 1oz!)
Had my blood results back (from the ones i had done last week) all clear for coeliac and addissons THANK THE WORLD, now if i'm honest i'd much rather have diabetes than addissons, but since they are both autoimmune diseases they tested me due to me having those hypos, so glad it came back normal, and it seems the stomach cramps are just pregnancy related and not coeliac, i can relax abit for now!

Also, they sorted out my scans too! I had my 3rd growth scan booked for when i'm 38 weeks, the DSN went mad at the receptionist and said "i don't know what planet you lot were on that day when you arranged this lady's scans" haha, so its now booked for 36 weeks and the other 2 are pushed back a week, so we get to see our wriggler on the 18th june again instead of the 25th!

Sorry for the ramble, sugars have been ok the past 2 days, keep getting a couple of 8's and 9's but since i have seen far too many double figures this time round i'm trying not to stress though easier said than done, he is following his growth line so far, just under 50th centile i just hope things stay this way, though i know later on they put the weight on with the sugar. But i'm trying to think some non diabetic ladies have 11lb babies, but if we were to have a 9lber or something we would probably get told its because of the diabetes! Does anyone else agree? My first was 8lb 6 at 39+3, so hoping this one isn't too much more xx
I can understand the resentment with the GD ladies. I know we're all diabetics together and whatever, but I keep feeling as though 'at the end of 40 weeks, you get to go home with a new baby and having got rid (in most cases anyway) of GD', having put up with it for 20 weeks at most? We're stuck with it for life, so stop your moaning and get on with it! :growlmad:

I know that may be the pregnant hormonal woman doing her rounds, but come on, there's so much more that could have happened to them that didn't and they sit there moaning like its the end of their little world because they have to give themselves a few injections.

Diabetes sucks, but I'd rather have this than cancer or kidney failure etc etc, even though like I say, it sucks.

I suppose we could consider ourselves lucky that most of us have had time to get used to the diabetes before being pregnant and that if we need injections, we've needed them since we were little and have got used to the daily chore, but come on...a little sensitivity (not sympathy, or mollycoddeling) from the GDs would not go amiss so keep your comments about how a life on injections would be the worst thing ever and that 'you would rather kill yourself' (yes, I've heard that little nugget!) to yourselves!

Like I say, fresh batch of pregnancy hormones in today!

080509 are you still keeping up with the water intake? I know my veins are always so much worse when I'm dehydrated. I take it that they weren't on board with having you bloods taken a little closer to home after your earlier post?

Is that the funding for the pump that you were mentioning? I know that each area is different, but an application can be put in for exceptional funding to cover the cost, and if it saves you having a bad hypo in the street, then surely its money well spent!

I don't mean to frighten anyone or anything, but sometimes it needs to be remembered that even though diabetes isn't as bad as the things I've listed above, it does have very real consequences and it shouldn't be left to the postcode lottery to decide who gets better treatment than others, we all pay tax, we all do what we can to look after ourselves, but the NHS decide to spend the money on someone who wants a boob job (it was in the news a few weeks ago) or has smoked 20 a day for 20 years, or even drunk themselves stupid one too many times. Don't you just love the way this country works sometimes???

It seems odd that over in the US, where insurance companies foot the bill, there are more pumps because they recognise that the long term $ is far smaller if the person is on a pump!

Thanks for your comment Kellyrae, I'm hoping that I can get in touch with the team soon and put my mind to rest on the drain issue, like I say, the idea freaks me out and I know that the use of drains was criticised in the 2004 NICE guidelines, so I will just have to talk it through with them.

How are you both getting on with everything else?

:haha: yep deffo new batch of hormones :haha: but here is a big hug for you any way :hugs: from one of those GD ladies :blush::haha: but I guess I am a little different as I am borderline diabetic so on diet all the time and I have GD as soon as that egg settles in to my womb, then insulin follows pretty quickly after but you know I do not mind the injections at all and I inject 5 times a day prob end up on 7 injections like last time and if I am lucky after I have my baby I will see it go away!!! my team have doubts on that this time though.
I can see your point and I understand :hugs: it is only for a short amount of time and it is so not the end of the world I count myself lucky I would do anything to make sure my baby gets here safe!!:thumbup:
Aww thanks both of you :hugs: i thought it was just me being bitter but theres a thread in here (seriously gonna get banned now haha) where people complain about having to control it by cutting out carbs, i'd LOVE to go low carb if it meant i didn't have to inject! I even went low carb before the start of this pregnancy as it meant i could inject less units overall and had better control, but because very low carbing is abit iffy in pregnancy i decided to bump up my intake for the sake of bubs! I was only diagnosed in my second pregnancy, it was all very strange as they assumed it was GD at first since it first sparked in pregnancy then a GTT came back at 26mmol :S eeek! But luckily he was fine and quite little for a diabetes baby (7lb 1oz!)
Had my blood results back (from the ones i had done last week) all clear for coeliac and addissons THANK THE WORLD, now if i'm honest i'd much rather have diabetes than addissons, but since they are both autoimmune diseases they tested me due to me having those hypos, so glad it came back normal, and it seems the stomach cramps are just pregnancy related and not coeliac, i can relax abit for now!

Also, they sorted out my scans too! I had my 3rd growth scan booked for when i'm 38 weeks, the DSN went mad at the receptionist and said "i don't know what planet you lot were on that day when you arranged this lady's scans" haha, so its now booked for 36 weeks and the other 2 are pushed back a week, so we get to see our wriggler on the 18th june again instead of the 25th!

Sorry for the ramble, sugars have been ok the past 2 days, keep getting a couple of 8's and 9's but since i have seen far too many double figures this time round i'm trying not to stress though easier said than done, he is following his growth line so far, just under 50th centile i just hope things stay this way, though i know later on they put the weight on with the sugar. But i'm trying to think some non diabetic ladies have 11lb babies, but if we were to have a 9lber or something we would probably get told its because of the diabetes! Does anyone else agree? My first was 8lb 6 at 39+3, so hoping this one isn't too much more xx

I was going to mention that thread!!! I so agree, some are eating very little food and not following what they are told to do, to keep blood sugars low but are not considering the effects that may have on baby!!! :dohh:

8 lbs 6 is a nice size :thumbup: my third baby was that at the same 39 +3 my last baby was 8lbs at 38 weeks love that again :thumbup:
Yey Kellyrae! Fingers crossed for you hun! I hope that they'll leave you alone for a bit! Just think, by the end of the month you'll have your little girl! So excited for you!!!! :happydance:

Yey 080509 as well! I'm so glad that the results came back positive for you! I'm glad your DSN managed to get your scan dates sorted, I know they've been stressing you out a bit. I, in all honesty could not cut carbs - the muffins will ALWAYS find me! lol. :dohh:

I've not seen the thread that you've mentioned, but think I had better avoid it at all costs - I may end up losing my internet privileges! - but it does sound extremely irresponsible and you have to wonder what sort of example they'll be setting for their LOs in years to come, that is of course on the assumption that they haven't done something so completely ridiculous as to endanger the life growing inside them at the minute or their own. But then there are those who take illicit drugs during pregnancy, so my mind obviously just doesn't go anywhere near their way of life! :nope:

Thanks CelticNiamh - I wasn't having a go at those with GD just for the fact that they manage to get rid of it at the end of pregnancy - anyone who can get rid of it - I'm happy for them, its just that some are so blatantly wrapped up in their own small minded world that they make those sorts of comments - in a diabetic ante-natal clinic waiting room - of all places! Thank God I'm not going this week huh? Lol

I hope you do manage to get rid and if you do, please go out and enjoy a massive Baskin Robbins (with hot fudge) for all of us! lol! :hugs: But if not, we'll probably all end up in the parenting forums where I'm sure we can get a thread going.
Thanks Celtic, i really hope it goes away for you, but if not its not the end of the world, we have our LO's to keep us going! I'm so glad i have kids for this reason too, i think if it wasn't for them and my OH i would let the diabetes do as it pleases, but i have to try and stay healthy for them, so its great inspiration!
Cutting carbs is difficult especially in pregnancy, i caved today and had a scone! haha, but i covered enough so got a 6 afterwards but the cupboard is rammed full of choc and treats again as OH has been to town! Its a good excuse to have a kitkat or something after a hypo ;) LOL, i've been so hungry this pregnancy, i just have the urge to pig out on crap all day, i thought having two LO's they would keep me away from the fridge :haha:
Yey Kellyrae! Fingers crossed for you hun! I hope that they'll leave you alone for a bit! Just think, by the end of the month you'll have your little girl! So excited for you!!!! :happydance:

Yey 080509 as well! I'm so glad that the results came back positive for you! I'm glad your DSN managed to get your scan dates sorted, I know they've been stressing you out a bit. I, in all honesty could not cut carbs - the muffins will ALWAYS find me! lol. :dohh:

I've not seen the thread that you've mentioned, but think I had better avoid it at all costs - I may end up losing my internet privileges! - but it does sound extremely irresponsible and you have to wonder what sort of example they'll be setting for their LOs in years to come, that is of course on the assumption that they haven't done something so completely ridiculous as to endanger the life growing inside them at the minute or their own. But then there are those who take illicit drugs during pregnancy, so my mind obviously just doesn't go anywhere near their way of life! :nope:

Thanks CelticNiamh - I wasn't having a go at those with GD just for the fact that they manage to get rid of it at the end of pregnancy - anyone who can get rid of it - I'm happy for them, its just that some are so blatantly wrapped up in their own small minded world that they make those sorts of comments - in a diabetic ante-natal clinic waiting room - of all places! Thank God I'm not going this week huh? Lol

I hope you do manage to get rid and if you do, please go out and enjoy a massive Baskin Robbins (with hot fudge) for all of us! lol! :hugs: But if not, we'll probably all end up in the parenting forums where I'm sure we can get a thread going.

YUMMY hot fudge :winkwink: stay well clear of that thread !! I have gone on a few times but do feel like I do not belong, you feel like your constantaly reminding people to eat right and follow thier diet if your blood sugars keep going up it may mean insulin but that is ok :dohh: I could not cut out carbs either :haha: I do not know, but I have got the feeling that some on the other thread, think you have failed if you need insulin like it actually your fault :dohh: but that could be me and my hormones :haha:

I can not believe some one would even think that!!! it far from the end of the world if you need insulin and I think the reward at the end of it more than makes up for it :flower: I would have felt very annoyed listening to that

Thanks Celtic, i really hope it goes away for you, but if not its not the end of the world, we have our LO's to keep us going! I'm so glad i have kids for this reason too, i think if it wasn't for them and my OH i would let the diabetes do as it pleases, but i have to try and stay healthy for them, so its great inspiration!
Cutting carbs is difficult especially in pregnancy, i caved today and had a scone! haha, but i covered enough so got a 6 afterwards but the cupboard is rammed full of choc and treats again as OH has been to town! Its a good excuse to have a kitkat or something after a hypo ;) LOL, i've been so hungry this pregnancy, i just have the urge to pig out on crap all day, i thought having two LO's they would keep me away from the fridge :haha:

I agree and I know I will cope and manage whatever the outcome I first got GD 12 years ago on my first pregnancy this my 6th baby :haha: like you said I do my best to look after myself because I want to be there with them for everything so they are a great incentive to keep to the diet and exercise

It is very hard to get through the cravings for sweet things :dohh: I alway's find I crave a scone or muffin around 11 in the morning very hard to resist :dohh: I do most of the time though! I hate hypos was having them every day last week between breakfast and lunch so they reduced my insulin at breakfast which I think they will be putting it back up next week!!! :shrug:
Ok, I have just found this thread. I don't know how I have missed it all along. I am 13 weeks and 4 days along and have been Type 1 for 19 years myself. I have been looking for a thread like this as this is our first. I belong to a November 2013 thread, but it is hard sometimes to describe everything to the ladies in there when it comes to the Diabetes. I am from the US.
I see all of you are so much further along than I am. I had a question, but see it has been answered about how at the end of 1st trimester and even still now I have crazy low blood sugars over night, no matter how much I adjust eating and insulin injections. But, I see this is normal? I too at many times will over fix my low sugars and wind up with quite higher ones. When I found out I was pregnant and got insurance, I have not had insurance for over 10 years so Diabetes care is hard, I had blood test done and my Hemoglobin A1c was 11.4 Yes I know high! I see my Endocrinologist and OB every two to three weeks right now and they are impressed with my progress as I have been getting them down. But, now they are going crazy the past few days. My sugars will wake me from being low. I will check and they are way to low. In the middle of fixing them I get even lower like enough that my doctors can't see how I am not in a coma. I then just keep drinking juice and eating til I feel better. It takes me over an hour to get it normal. Then about two hours later it is so high that it barely registers on my meter. I can take insulin, but then it is a vicious cycle all over. If i just leave it it come back down on its own, but I am all over the place and now fear when they do another round of blood tests in June the levels will not show much better and I am trying so hard..

Any advice here? I know at 14 weeks we have now had 3 u/s and baby has been small each time. it was 5 days behind but as of the 12 week scan we are only 3 days behind LMP date. I am asked every single time if I am sure of my LMP date. Is this bad that baby is smaller? I know they worry with Diabetes of baby being to big! I was notified that we will be seeing a Pediatric Cardiologist at around 18-20 weeks for an invasive u/s to check the size of baby's heart and make sure there are no abnormalities with the spine. I never knew my Diabetes could cause spinal damage. I have had the testing for Downs and Tiscosy18?(sp) and both were great results. Sorry for the rambling, but I am wide awake it is almost 6 in the morning here and I wake up at like 4 almost 4 days per week because I can no longer sleep or blood sugars nose dive. So, I am just looking for some reassurance that things will get better.
Hi Peanutmomma!!

Congrats on your pregnancy first of all!!!

Hope some of us can help you in some sort of way, Its all abit daunting and worrying at first specially in those first few weeks, well I thought so anyway :)
Even more so as its your first as well and as for any mum to be we don't know what to expect, given that we have to deal with our diabetes too makes it a little harder than usual.

Heart scan is normal to be having, I have had it in both pregnancies so thats all good to be getting checked, not sure on the spinal check though, unless I am just unaware that they checked it at the same screening.

Low blood sugars are completely normal to begin with too, baby is taking what he/she needs and leaving you with zilch at the moment as lots of growing will be going on in there....we just have to try and re-adjust how we do things, took me ages to get used to at first.
I don't like to advise on someone elses blood sugars as everyone is different, but I will say make sure you have a good stock on lucozade, wherever you may be at the will find it starting to ease a little the further you get on in your pregnancy, I think a sit down with your diabetic team and maybe some advice from a dietician maybe helpful for you though.
I myself needed re-teaching when I had my first about diet and different foods, even though I thought I knew what I was doing, you will find you have to start increasing your insulin towards later weeks, but like i say we are all different in what week that may be, with my first I hardly changed much and still suffered hypos late on, with this one I am almost double the amount of insulin for each meal but my background insulin has hardly been adjusted.

Fire your questions away, lots of lovely people on this thread that will be more than happy to help I'm sure :hugs:
Hi ladies. I've been lurking on this thread for a while so thought I'd finally say :hi: and hope you don't mind me joining you.

I'm Sarah. I've got 3 boys and I'm having my fourth baby. I'm type 2 diabetic but on medication and insulin xxx

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