Thanks hun, today i phoned my DSN who told me to go to the early pregnancy unit since i've reduced my insulin by approx 50% and hardly felt movement. I went and they were really nice (first pregnancy ended up in there and they were horrible lol)
Got seen right away and they showed my BP was abit raised, my pulse was 144 but babys heart rate was around 150-160 so baby seemed okay. Turns out i'm dehydrated aswell, i drank 2litres of water and they put me on an iv drip and bam baby started to move! Whilst we were in there he kept wriggling around. I asked about whether they check the placenta state at the scans (i've seen something about this online or on this forum i can't remember) and they said they don't! So placenta wise we are none the wiser. The consultant just said theres nothing they can do til 24 weeks which i know

and to just adjust insulin when needed.
I just wish i was this plus 10 weeks! Then at least baby would have a good chance if he had to be born early. I just keep thinking the worst and having visions. Maybe i've not been drinking enough which can affect babys movements but just was curious about the insulin reduction. I suppose all i can do is wait

we bought the babys new wardrobe yesterday and i just hope we can get to the stage where we can put all his stuff in there.