Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Well had to have more eye laser today and he has booked me in every week until I give birth now :( not what I was expecting at all but if it must be it must be....he's hoping this will put an end to it for a while though.....I hope he's right!!

HBA1c is 5.4 so really pleased with that although I feel like moving in to the bloody place at the moment, 3 times a week now I have to go to the hospital, be nice to be pregnant in peace for a couple of weeks!!

But it will all be worth it in the end! :hugs: I do feel for you though...maybe you could ask for your own parking space...I imagine the parking costs as much as the things bought for baby! But again, will be worth it, to be able to look at baby when she arrives! (on both counts)

Plus its not too long until May 28th, 5 weeks left?

Congrats on the HbA1c!

Good luck with the extra appointments:flower:
Well had to have more eye laser today and he has booked me in every week until I give birth now :( not what I was expecting at all but if it must be it must be....he's hoping this will put an end to it for a while though.....I hope he's right!!

HBA1c is 5.4 so really pleased with that although I feel like moving in to the bloody place at the moment, 3 times a week now I have to go to the hospital, be nice to be pregnant in peace for a couple of weeks!!

But it will all be worth it in the end! :hugs: I do feel for you though...maybe you could ask for your own parking space...I imagine the parking costs as much as the things bought for baby! But again, will be worth it, to be able to look at baby when she arrives! (on both counts)

Plus its not too long until May 28th, 5 weeks left?

Congrats on the HbA1c!

Good luck with the extra appointments:flower:

Thanks hun, 5 weeks isn't too much longer and your completely right, its a small price to pay considering the amazing gift we get at the end :)
Just keep counting down those days, try and keep yourself occupied and the time will fly, once your LO is in your arms you will be so relieved xx
On that note, what have you all got planned to keep you occupied until D-day?

I've pretty much done the nursery and managed to occupy myself with washing and ironing bedding/curtains/terry nappies (I'll be using them instead of muslin squares for the extra absorbency) yesterday for 3 hours which helped pass the time. Boring I know! :nope:

I think I'll start washing baby's clothes after the next growth scan (on Thursday...eek!)

I've started packing the hospital bag, but that's going slowly.

Will just have to surrender to the perils of internet shopping, I guess! :happydance:

I guess we've always got May bank holidays to look forward to, with the extra time with DH etc :dohh:lol
We really need to get organised, we've got so far a new moses basket and umm.. thats is LOL!
We need to, get a little crib (or should say i want rather than need)
Get our youngest a bed for when the new baby is in the big cot
New wardrobe
Other random bits and bobs!

We really need to move house but we can't until next year :( really need a bigger house but i guess for now we will just cram like sardines lol.

On a positive note we had our 20 week scan today, team blue!! :) was so lovely, and now i can look for boy things, we wasn't going to find out the gender but decided today we wanted to, i'm too impatient! x
congrats on team blue!!!

We are moving house in November so we will be sharing our bedroom with "Rosalie" until then...luckily its quite a big room.

We are more or less sorted really, not much else to get now, until she arrives and realise we don't have something haha

Hospital bag is done apart from my nightwear but we won't be sure how long our stay in hospital will be so hubby will be on mummy duties at home with our two year old :wacko:
I know he will be fine, It will be the first time I've been away from my daughter though :cry:

I will miss her like crazy!!

Hubby has promised to bring her every day to see me though, and when Rosalie arrives I'm sure I will be quite busy :)
Aww i'm sure she will be fine! I do trust my OH with them, he's actually the only person (aside from my mum) i feel happy leaving them with, he's quite chilled out and doesn't seem to mind at all when theres a screaming match lol!

We are in a 2 bed, so you can imagine! Currently its us and our youngest in our room, and our eldest in his own room, so i think when our new baby is here we will probably try and put our youngest and eldest together, and new baby in with us, i can imagine us all in our room at some point though! Half the time they won't sleep in their own beds! lol!
32 weeks already?! Has it gone fast or slow for you? The last few weeks seem to of gone quick for me but first tri was so difficult with the sugars, my levels were terrible! xx
Was very surprised to see babys weight was also just a tiny bit under average, was surprised thinking he would be big already! But its after around 27 weeks isn't it where the sugars can make them put on extra weight? x
Congrats on your little boy! :flower:

With me, all the bub's weight seems to have climbed after the 20 week scan, when I had asked the tech at 20 weeks, her reply was that they are all pretty much the same weight until after 24 weeks.

Things seem to be running very slowly at the minute, but I think that's been made worse by the fact that I've been signed off until after the birth due to constant hypos - so I'm trying to avoid the pitfalls of becoming a Jeremy Kyle addict! lol
I did have nightwear as one of the few things in my bag, but it turns out that I now need a 5birth tent to sleep in, so the now the massive nighties that I had packed have become my best friend!

Kellyrae - do your hospital have an open visiting policy or will you only be allowed visitors at certain times? I don't have a clue about my hospital- need to start interrogating my midwives - oh the joy!

Have any of the new Kiddicare stores opened near you? I love the one near us since it opened, hence the reason I'm nearly done! Everything just seems to be fresh and clean (probably only because they're so new) but is so much nicer than going to a ToysRus, where everything is always covered in a film of muck!

I'm really starting to find it hard to not look at the scan photos for a glimpse of anything to suggest bub's sex though - there's so many cute little outfits that I think would be perfect...if only I knew... but I suppose not knowing is saving me a fortune! lol
LouisaC.....I am going to a different hospital this time so I am not too sure of the visiting hours, I know after baby is born that my husband is allowed there all day, just not sure about my daughter yet though or before the birth, like you say though I will be questioning my midwife next week!!!!

To keep me busy so far though I have made my own moses basket covers/hood...quite proud really considering its very unusual of me to want to even try to do something like that :haha:

Looks good though and looks like a brand new moses basket now :)
Not sure how I managed it with a two year old but I did :flower:

I would love a kiddiecare to open near us although I dont think my husband would haha Rotherham is the closest to us being in Halifax, a little far but we have most things :)
I'd love a kiddicare store near me, i don't think i could keep away! Going to have a look up now and see where the closest one is and pester OH to see if we can go for a hike lol, i'm sure it will be worth it!
We was going to stay team yellow all along, but we got too impatient on the day! We asked her to write it down in an envelope just incase we don't want to find out, well you can guess as soon as we got out of the hospital we opened it! Lol! But i can see why people want a surprise too that must be lovely not knowing until they come out :cloud9:

I bet the moses basket is lovely! I wish i could do something like that, i'm terrible when it comes to creative/crafty things, i bet you can't wait to put your little one in it now! :)

I'm looking forward to hitting 30 weeks, atm it seems so early still, and i know at the 30 week mark baby would stand a good chance, random thought i know, just had to decrease my insulin my half over the past couple of days, really confused as to whats going on, now only on 4units of levemir, i can't find anything other than placenta going rubbish which can make me need to decrease it like that?
I had considered asking the tech to write down the sex, but there'd be so little point...the envelope would be opened before I got out of the room! lol

Kiddicare have bought most of the BestBuy stores that recently closed, but are good at keeping the fact that they're opening a store fairly quiet...which seems odd to me!

The one in Rotherham is fairly close to other baby shops so can do Kiddicare, Mamas & Papas and Mothercare all in one go with Asda Living and Matalan all on the same retail park, so I managed to get quite a bit done in one go - the bank manager/OH did not thank me for it! lol

(Did you know that Asda currently have a baby event on with discounts etc) Just thought I'd mention it, espec as they have some lovely little boy outfits in atm, but they're all a little summer-ish.

Making your own moses basket sounds really creative, I'm about as creative as a ... I don't know how to finish that sentence, but I'm just not! and have had about as much luck with a sewing machine as I have done with winning the lottery. Have you gone for pink colours and designs?

I bought a Winnie- the-Pooh one ( and love it, can't wait for LO to be in there! I seem to be going mad at the minute, washing baby clothes and getting all the little bits sorted... nesting/extreme boredom may have set in! lol :hangwashing:

Good luck with your eye appt this week Kellyrae, just think, only 4 more after this week! :thumbup:
I did it all by hand like an idiot :haha: took me ages....patience is not even my strong point so I have no idea what I was thinking...I put it down to hormones taking over my brain lol I won't be making anything else :haha:

I wanted to get new covers for it but most come with baskets which I alredy had so seemed pointless and the last was in lemon as we didn't know what we was having first I went for a lilac checked cotton and a embroided white lace edge for the hood and bottom....It currently has minnie mouse in there keeping it warm till Rosalie arrives :flower:

I know what you mean with the cleaning, I had a bout of wanting to nest and clean around 1am last night :wacko:

Everything washed but I just feel as though I'm going to need to do it all again before!!! Never satisfied!!!

080509....Maybe you should have a word with doctor or nurse, if it is placenta then best to sort it soon, if I remember right though when I wasn't on the pump with my first, I had to reduce my lantus, but my novorapid was doubled, still best to check with them xx
Ahh i'm jealous! Just went on the store locator and there aren't any nearby :( but we are going visiting OH's family once bubs is here and theres one in southampton so we will go there! :)

Woke up with a 10.4 this morning! Bizarre as my fasting levels are generally between 4.8 and 6mmol :S went to bed on a 9.5 which is abit high for me but usually my basal brings me down after a couple of hours so didn't think i'd need to correct :S
Seems i'm back to my normal ratios today, the only thing i have done different over the past 3 days is not eaten as many carbs, i know outside of pregnancy going low carb can lower basal needs and also needing less novorapid, i just thought with pregnancy resistance and all that it wouldn't happen. This also happened a few weeks ago around the 14 week mark when i'd had a novorvirus bug, i had to lower my basal and novorapid ratios went to half the amounts for the 2 weeks following that (i know usually bugs/viruses make our needs go up its strange)

If it was placenta going naff at this stage is there anything they can do? I'm not even at that magic 24 week mark yet :(
Ahh i'm jealous! Just went on the store locator and there aren't any nearby :( but we are going visiting OH's family once bubs is here and theres one in southampton so we will go there! :)

Woke up with a 10.4 this morning! Bizarre as my fasting levels are generally between 4.8 and 6mmol :S went to bed on a 9.5 which is abit high for me but usually my basal brings me down after a couple of hours so didn't think i'd need to correct :S
Seems i'm back to my normal ratios today, the only thing i have done different over the past 3 days is not eaten as many carbs, i know outside of pregnancy going low carb can lower basal needs and also needing less novorapid, i just thought with pregnancy resistance and all that it wouldn't happen. This also happened a few weeks ago around the 14 week mark when i'd had a novorvirus bug, i had to lower my basal and novorapid ratios went to half the amounts for the 2 weeks following that (i know usually bugs/viruses make our needs go up its strange)

If it was placenta going naff at this stage is there anything they can do? I'm not even at that magic 24 week mark yet :(

I have absolutely no idea what they can do but I did find this if it helps at all
Thanks hun, today i phoned my DSN who told me to go to the early pregnancy unit since i've reduced my insulin by approx 50% and hardly felt movement. I went and they were really nice (first pregnancy ended up in there and they were horrible lol)
Got seen right away and they showed my BP was abit raised, my pulse was 144 but babys heart rate was around 150-160 so baby seemed okay. Turns out i'm dehydrated aswell, i drank 2litres of water and they put me on an iv drip and bam baby started to move! Whilst we were in there he kept wriggling around. I asked about whether they check the placenta state at the scans (i've seen something about this online or on this forum i can't remember) and they said they don't! So placenta wise we are none the wiser. The consultant just said theres nothing they can do til 24 weeks which i know :( and to just adjust insulin when needed.

I just wish i was this plus 10 weeks! Then at least baby would have a good chance if he had to be born early. I just keep thinking the worst and having visions. Maybe i've not been drinking enough which can affect babys movements but just was curious about the insulin reduction. I suppose all i can do is wait :( we bought the babys new wardrobe yesterday and i just hope we can get to the stage where we can put all his stuff in there.
Thanks hun, today i phoned my DSN who told me to go to the early pregnancy unit since i've reduced my insulin by approx 50% and hardly felt movement. I went and they were really nice (first pregnancy ended up in there and they were horrible lol)
Got seen right away and they showed my BP was abit raised, my pulse was 144 but babys heart rate was around 150-160 so baby seemed okay. Turns out i'm dehydrated aswell, i drank 2litres of water and they put me on an iv drip and bam baby started to move! Whilst we were in there he kept wriggling around. I asked about whether they check the placenta state at the scans (i've seen something about this online or on this forum i can't remember) and they said they don't! So placenta wise we are none the wiser. The consultant just said theres nothing they can do til 24 weeks which i know :( and to just adjust insulin when needed.

I just wish i was this plus 10 weeks! Then at least baby would have a good chance if he had to be born early. I just keep thinking the worst and having visions. Maybe i've not been drinking enough which can affect babys movements but just was curious about the insulin reduction. I suppose all i can do is wait :( we bought the babys new wardrobe yesterday and i just hope we can get to the stage where we can put all his stuff in there.

It is a worry but you can only do what you can do hun, easier said than done I know but try and relax a little, I think us women worry too much and when our brains do over time we drive ourselves :hugs:
I went to my diabetes centre today, they phoned me at 8am asking me to come in at 9, talk about last minute lol. They are doing blood tests to see if i have any underlying problems such as addisons or adrenal problems which are making me hypo, they are also testing for coeliac aswell arhhh. Today baby has been moving as normal, i'm thinking now the lack of movement was to do with dehydration, i can only hope so anyway! Fingers and toes crossed i can get through second tri, i'm just going to count down til third tri now because at least thats an improvement on the stage i am at in terms of baby/delivery.
How are you feeling today?x
Thought I'd post a quick update...

080509 I know how it feels when sugars don't match what the textbook says and I know it can be really annoying. I didn't have any of the problems you have mentioned in your last post, my diabetes just decided to do its own thing and wind everyone up! I hope you manage to get your sugars sorted soon! :hugs:

I know that at my scans, they have had a quick look at the placenta and reported that it was fine. But I do know that they are able to look at blood flow etc using ultrasound and can use it to gauge how the placenta is functioning (They use the same technique to look at kidney function using ultrasound) :shrug:

Third tri isn't too far away now and it'll pass soon enough, but I agree that we all need to calm down and stop worrying, us worrying won't affect any of the outcomes and if anything, will only raise blood pressures/sleepless nights and wrinkles! lol - I think I've aged about 5 years during this pregnancy! :cry:

I've had another growth scan today and baby is measuring over the 97th guess what??? They think I will be induced super-early at 36 weeks. Ok, so its not super early and the mums on the preemie board will be shouting at me, but it feels as though I will be compared to what I was expecting. Looking at the growth charts(so far), bubs will be gaining 10 oz each week, which will put me at just over 8lb at 36 weeks when delivered...that's the size of a normal 40 weeker!

I've been told that steroids will be given and that bubs will probably be taken to scbu, but I'm hoping that his/her lungs will be mature enough to cope and that feeding won't be too problematic.

But will have to take my own advice, not worry and what will be will be...
Aww i'm sure he/she will be okay, just try and stay positive, alot of babies are born around the 36 week mark and don't need any help or anything, there might be abit of jaundice but then again most babies do have some degree of jaundice, my 39 weeker came out like he'd spent a month in australia! lol.
Had a blood test done at 9am, i felt terrible! I'd been up way before the birds were up as i had to cart my LO's round my mums house so she could watch them whilst i then got 2 buses into town and then a half hour walk from there to the diabetes centre, what a parlava! We was out the door by 7am :( theres no way i'm having another one so early lol.

Do you have anymore growth scans now? Mine are booked for 29 weeks, 34 weeks and 38 weeks, silly really as my others were done by 36 weeks and i got my induction date, i don't want to go past 38 weeks at all with the way my sugars were in first tri. We got some cute sleepsuits today and a swing so i feel happy now, and he has been moving around back to normal thank goodness, maybe it helped i've been drinking my bodyweight in fluid since i got back from hospital! lol.

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