Anyone diabetic before pregnacy

Welcome both of you, will do a longer reply soon just trying to sort a bloody hypo idiot me had twice the amount of insulin haha, well i got away with being ablwe to have a smarties cake :P right be back soon x
Ok sorted for now, 6.7 ahh.
Peanut i've had to keep reducing then upping my insulin constantly like a yoyo since i was around 8 weeks, i had to reduce at 12 weeks, increase at 14 weeks, then reduce again at 16 weeks. Since week 20 its grandually been on the increase though only small amounts, i expect i will hit insulin resistance soon though! I don't have any advice except just keep a bottle of lucozade or something in the same room/floor as you, i might come accross over paranoid of hypos but it really scares me when i go low! How are your sugars first thing AM when you haven't gone low? I'm told to keep mine below 5.5 but its impossible without me going low (i'm on injections and keep nagging for a pump but don't think i have a chance) so my morning readings are around 6.4, but when i go low and sleep through it i wake up around 10mmol :/ i have had some very wacky readings though throughout i'm just trying as much as possible to stay in single figures but it can be hard.

Welcome Sarah, i'm also sarah too ;) and i'm on baby number 3! 3 boys too :D they aren't sure if this one is a boy but she said 75% so we have bought a couple of boy things but waiting til our growth scan for her to re-check again. You are not too far behind me, how are you finding pregnancy and diabetes? Do you find it really messes things up? I was doing well pre pregnancy with a really good hba1c but its gone up :( and everywhere i read says during pregnancy your hba1c will go down! Mines the opposite so feeling abit rubbish for that.

Sorry if i've left anything out, i hope you are doing well kelly, louise and celticniamh, we have gotten some gorgeous weather here we've all been able to go out in short sleeves! i'm not even tempted to moan about the hot weather being all pregnant and that! Waited so long for this! xx
Hi Sarah. Well boys are lovely (not that I'm biased lol). I'm not going to find out what I'm having, but I'd be quite happy with another boy :)

My HBA1c was good before pregnancy. I'd been going to the preconception clinics and they were trying to get my control really tight. Then I got pregnant and it went all over the place.

Hypos are scaring me at the moment. I used to be able to tell when my blood sugar was
just under 4. Now I'm down to around 2.8 before I realise.

My 2.5 yr old has just started at preschool a couple of days a week and the 2 hr walking has really been sending me low. I'm just trying to sort that out at the moment.

I agree with the lucozade suggestion. I keep one by the bed, one in the car and one in my bag at all times. I get through so much of it with the amount of hypos lately.

Look forward to getting to know you all xxxx
Hi all,

Didn't even know there was a forum for diabetic mothers to be, would have been very handy at the early stages. I'm a type 1 diabetic and 34 weeks pregnant with my first, getting very nervous now and unsure what to expect. xx
Its nice for this thread to abit more busy, i was often writing to myself LOL, though i don't mind its good to ramble sometimes!
I've just been stuck at 11mmol for the past 3 hours, took 2 corrections so will probably come back down now, i just checked and its 7.7 so thankfully the right direction, sometimes it takes so much lucozade to sort it out, then only around a hour later does it rise up! I've just had an hba1c done so hopefully won't be too bad, it was 5.8 just before i got pregnant but i doubt it will be as good :/ fingers crossed!

Welcome Jo, i'm sure all will be okay, you are in the last stretch now! Do you have an induction date? I think mine will be the 26th august, only a few days after my sons 3rd birthday, will be a busy month lol.

Its nice for this thread to abit more busy, i was often writing to myself LOL, though i don't mind its good to ramble sometimes!
I've just been stuck at 11mmol for the past 3 hours, took 2 corrections so will probably come back down now, i just checked and its 7.7 so thankfully the right direction, sometimes it takes so much lucozade to sort it out, then only around a hour later does it rise up! I've just had an hba1c done so hopefully won't be too bad, it was 5.8 just before i got pregnant but i doubt it will be as good :/ fingers crossed!

Welcome Jo, i'm sure all will be okay, you are in the last stretch now! Do you have an induction date? I think mine will be the 26th august, only a few days after my sons 3rd birthday, will be a busy month lol.


Hi, no induction date yet but got a scan booked for 14th May followed by the diabetic/pregnancy clinic and induction date will be booked in then.

Do you think you'll be able to get away with a joint birthday party when they are older. Do you know what your having?

Having the same issues at the moment with blood sugars, they've been going crazy over the last couple of weeks and constantly having to take corrective doses. I also had to be given a crash course on carbon counting when I first became pregnant as I had managed to avoid being put on a course. xx
Its nice for this thread to abit more busy, i was often writing to myself LOL, though i don't mind its good to ramble sometimes!
I've just been stuck at 11mmol for the past 3 hours, took 2 corrections so will probably come back down now, i just checked and its 7.7 so thankfully the right direction, sometimes it takes so much lucozade to sort it out, then only around a hour later does it rise up! I've just had an hba1c done so hopefully won't be too bad, it was 5.8 just before i got pregnant but i doubt it will be as good :/ fingers crossed!

Welcome Jo, i'm sure all will be okay, you are in the last stretch now! Do you have an induction date? I think mine will be the 26th august, only a few days after my sons 3rd birthday, will be a busy month lol.


26 is my DD birthday :thumbup:
Hi Jolm.....great to see others finding this thread :)

My next scan is 16th May, for another growth scan, my section is booked for the 28th may so not long to go!!!
Although I think I am secretly hoping I will go into labour naturally so I can have a vbac, or try anyway :)

I'm more than ready to get back to normal check ups again and meet my little girl xx
I've got a scan on the 15th may so we've all got our scans close together :) xx
Ok sorted for now, 6.7 ahh.
Peanut i've had to keep reducing then upping my insulin constantly like a yoyo since i was around 8 weeks, i had to reduce at 12 weeks, increase at 14 weeks, then reduce again at 16 weeks. Since week 20 its grandually been on the increase though only small amounts, i expect i will hit insulin resistance soon though! I don't have any advice except just keep a bottle of lucozade or something in the same room/floor as you, i might come accross over paranoid of hypos but it really scares me when i go low! How are your sugars first thing AM when you haven't gone low? I'm told to keep mine below 5.5 but its impossible without me going low (i'm on injections and keep nagging for a pump but don't think i have a chance) so my morning readings are around 6.4, but when i go low and sleep through it i wake up around 10mmol :/ i have had some very wacky readings though throughout i'm just trying as much as possible to stay in single figures but it can be hard.

Welcome Sarah, i'm also sarah too ;) and i'm on baby number 3! 3 boys too :D they aren't sure if this one is a boy but she said 75% so we have bought a couple of boy things but waiting til our growth scan for her to re-check again. You are not too far behind me, how are you finding pregnancy and diabetes? Do you find it really messes things up? I was doing well pre pregnancy with a really good hba1c but its gone up :( and everywhere i read says during pregnancy your hba1c will go down! Mines the opposite so feeling abit rubbish for that.

Sorry if i've left anything out, i hope you are doing well kelly, louise and celticniamh, we have gotten some gorgeous weather here we've all been able to go out in short sleeves! i'm not even tempted to moan about the hot weather being all pregnant and that! Waited so long for this! xx

My blood sugars usually are low in the early mornings so I don't have many results where I made it thorough the entire night. Usually they are fine by mine standards when I do make it through, but doctors want it lower. I am in the US so my meter doesn't read the numbers as yours does. It seams yours reads the blood sugar like a Hemoglobin A1c test does. I just have the exact numbers. So like today it was 151 when I woke up. So, if I remember the conversion right that would be between 7.0 and 7.1? I think my average for the last week is around 8.2 or so. I have started this rollercoaster of real high then real low the past few days. It is annoying. But, I am figuring it out. I have learned though even if my blood sugar before my evening meal is up to 10.4 if I do not give fast acting insulin. I will make it through the night and wake up with great numbers. If I give any insulin I wake up 2-3 times with it so low :(. Here is a question for you ladies, I am almost 14 weeks along now and baby is always measured smaller than my LMP dates. I am afraid I am not supplying baby with enough nutrients as I can not see how so many ladies are now saying in the other thread I am in how they just want to eat ALL the time. I can barely eat a complete meal. I am so very full before I am half way through. How do you all manage to eat correctly? I don't eat anything sweet and almost vomit if I do when blood sugars are low. I can't even drink orange juice EVER I get so sick. The only things I can manage to eat well is fruit and vegetables. I hardly can get much complex carbs in me. I hate actual bread now and it is just getting harder for me not easier. I am NEVER EVER hungry. I eat to try to keep baby alive and my blood sugars from dropping to low. I am lucky if I manage 1200 calories in a day. Any suggestions on how I can fix this?
Regarding not eating much, i was the same last time round (but the opposite this time i can't stop eating) i felt sick constantly and everytime i ate it would feel like a wedge stuck in my throat! Things like chocolate spread on toast (i know its not THAT healthy but i always got good readings with it) and strawberries, sandwiches etc i used to have alot as meal time things used to make me ill.
22 weeks today, my sugars have been crap!
Can i just ask you ladies what your typical daily food intake is like? I'm struggling with what to eat and how to keep my numbers good. For example if i ate eggs and sausages for breakfast, i wouldn't need any fast acting, my 1-2hour reading would be between 5-7 which i'm happy with, but a hour after this i will tend to go low off my basal, but i can't lower my basal anymore because my morning reading is already is the 6's-7 (probably due to the dawn phenomenon)
I'm also struggling with the evening meal, 1hour later its fine, then 2-3 hours after it creeps up to around 11mmol, i then correct, then go low and its a constant battle until midnight fighting highs and lows.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc? Like a full days worth, what did you eat today for example? Sorry to ramble on x

Edit again, think its the carbs that are the issue, at 5pm i had a sandwich - 30g carbs, 1hour later 6.6, and now dropping, so i think the full carb dinners are a no go. 30g carb is okay isn't it! As long as i have protein/fat to fill me up. I should know really as i went atkins style before this pregnancy to help stabalise sugar levels which worked! I was told to always have aload of carbs with every meal by DSN.

Maybe i had better get my carbs in earlier in the day when i'm more active/body is better at metabolising the sugar!

Ok sorry rant over lol.
It is only 12 noon here, but I have had a bowl of regular Oatmeal with sweetener and a little butter. That was at 9 when I got up. I was just looking in the kitchen for what to eat for lunch and everything made me turn my nose up. So, I will try again in an hour. DH usually brings home a sandwich from the gas station and I try to manage half of it down. It is a bbq rib on bread. After half of it I usually feel ill. and I give him the rest. I usually get some vegetables in at dinner and a glass of milk. depending on what we are having I can maybe eat 2-3 oz. of meat if I really try and 1-2 servings of carbs. Then, if, and it usually does, my b/s drops at night I will eat an apple ( or crackers) with peanut butter and juice if it is real low well 30's and 40s on my meter so all I know is below 4.0 and I have to rock myself back and forth and pray I don't vomit the juice.
That is a typical day for me.
So quick question, I was wondering if you do a lot of exercise does it keep your readings lower, I was on my feet walking all day to day might of sat down to rest an hour max had a great reading after lunch but my after dinner reading was 4.5 quite low and I had some homemade chicken pie with cabbage and 3 small baby potatoes loads of veg no gravy or creamy sauce 8 units of fast acting insulin I kind of expected it to be higher! so I am wondering if lots of exercise affects you or am I just having a really good day :haha: I will have to have a snack now to prevent a low later hate that when you’re not hungry!
Hi Jolm.....great to see others finding this thread :)

My next scan is 16th May, for another growth scan, my section is booked for the 28th may so not long to go!!!
Although I think I am secretly hoping I will go into labour naturally so I can have a vbac, or try anyway :)

I'm more than ready to get back to normal check ups again and meet my little girl xx[/QUOT

Me too i'm looking forward too meeting little munchkin, we're having a boy and certainly looking forward to reducing the amount of appointments.

Ladies who are having trouble eating in early pregnancy, I was the same and found myself having a lot of hypos. Constantly had to have bottle of lucozade near me. Now i'm the other way having to take loads of insulin to keep blood sugars down. xx
Celtic, exercise always helps me! Its because exercise makes your cells absorb the insulin faster/more effectivley (there might be a better scientific answer for it) for example if i were to eat a sandwich and sit down for 2 hours (not that this happens with 2 little ones LOL) i would probably have 5units, if i was to be out all day walking, i would have 2-3 units, (this would change as pregnancy progresses because we become more insulin resistant) but if i'm on my feet all day outside/shopping i hypo alot/or need less insulin.

Thanks everyone for the meal time info, levels are rubbish today, keep seeing 11mmol (around 200mg/dl) woke up at 7.4 which is high for me, i don't know what to do, each time i increase my basal i go low over night, yet the DSN's keep saying my readings must be under such a reading, how the heck am i supposed to lower it without an insulin pump if they won't let me have one?!?! Again due to funds etc!
Crap day, i think we are going to rehome our dog, i never wanted to be one of those people that rehomes their pet when they have kids but i know its in his best interest, i love him so much and i can't give him the walks he deserves, i feel pretty shit today.
Celtic, exercise always helps me! Its because exercise makes your cells absorb the insulin faster/more effectivley (there might be a better scientific answer for it) for example if i were to eat a sandwich and sit down for 2 hours (not that this happens with 2 little ones LOL) i would probably have 5units, if i was to be out all day walking, i would have 2-3 units, (this would change as pregnancy progresses because we become more insulin resistant) but if i'm on my feet all day outside/shopping i hypo alot/or need less insulin.

Thanks everyone for the meal time info, levels are rubbish today, keep seeing 11mmol (around 200mg/dl) woke up at 7.4 which is high for me, i don't know what to do, each time i increase my basal i go low over night, yet the DSN's keep saying my readings must be under such a reading, how the heck am i supposed to lower it without an insulin pump if they won't let me have one?!?! Again due to funds etc!
Crap day, i think we are going to rehome our dog, i never wanted to be one of those people that rehomes their pet when they have kids but i know its in his best interest, i love him so much and i can't give him the walks he deserves, i feel pretty shit today.

Thanks :flower: I am not sure if I can or should alter my insulin dose it does make sense to do so when your exercising a lot!
Is the basal your long acting insulin, it does not seem to matter how much I take at bedtime I am always over my recomended reading :dohh: I do not go low at night though!

What type of dog is it, if we can not get out with ours we play with her in the back garden kids throw her toys for her :flower: they all come in tired :thumbup: you might find after the baby comes you will be going out walking to get back in shape and could bring the dog with you, but please do not feel bad for having to find a new home, you are doing what you think is best for him or her not because you do not care :hugs:
I've sort of changed my mind, i spent all day crying yesterday over it, i got a message back of somebody who seemed unsuitable (i hate to be judgemental) and the thought of giving him away is making me feel heartbroken! I know it sounds sad/silly but he's like a person in here, we've had him 4 years (he's 9 now) and i got attatched to him from word go and he's such a loveable dog, never shown any aggression to our kids even though our 2 year old has probably annoyed him a few times, so it seems unfair to rehome him, if he was aggressive i wouldn't hesitate to get rid of him but as he's so lovely i feel like its me who needs to make more effort/give him more attention. Sorry for the ramble!

If i was exercising i'd probably inject less, just to be on the safe side, hypos can come on really quick when being on the move, i'm probably paranoid though as i'm always scared i will hypo when out alone with our little ones, its hard to get the right balance of not being too high or too low.

I'm still only on small amounts, i'm type 1 but slow onset, they thought it was GD in 2010 but they tested me for type 1 antibodies as they thought with me being quite young and a normal BMI it wasn't GD, i thought they was lying lol but then it didn't go away after our eldest was born, i was gutted!

Last night i had 6units, ended up going low 2.8 when i set my alarm to check and i hadn't woke up out of it! I can't keep having night hypos its too scary, so tonight i'l reduce to 5 and be around 8mmol tomorrow morning. I want a pump! They won't give me one i bet lol.


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