AF showed up yesterday...onto IUI cycle #3
I think DH is getting a little discouraged because we have unexplained infertility - so to him, he doesn't understand why its so difficult and why it's not working.
We're changing meds this cycle, I was on 50mg clomid w/trigger shot...kind of wondering what he's going to put me on.
Congrats to the ladies who received their BFP!
Oh, I'm sorry honey!That's how it was for us too. We did two cycles on Clomid, and our FS ran every test and there was nothing preventing us. But... obviously there was something, ya know? Just hang in there. I can't wait til you get your BFP! Maybe ask about injectables? That's what our FS did after two failed Clomid cycles, because we're unexplained.
Thanks Jen!
I too have been diagnosed with unexplained's such a tough pill to swallow because I am completely healthy; I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs! My husband and I have such a great marriage - he is truly my other half... we agree completely on all aspects of raising a family and so forth, yet NOTHING! DH has 2 children from previous relationships, so they can say unexplained all they want obviously there is something - something just isn't meshing with me - right? Why is this the one thing I want more than anything in the world, what I know I am meant to be...yet I can not obtain it?
I go in tomorrow morning for bloodwork and ultrasound...also to discuss new medication. He was going to have me do injectables after 3 cycles of clomid, but I haven't had a good reaction to clomid - so I'm going to request injectables early. Cross your fingers that he bites![]()
Unexplained infertility is something that is extremely hard to deal with. It was the same way for us-- no real reason we weren't conceiving. Neither of us have children, so there isn't one way to be like: oh, you had baby a in a previous relationship. My FS specialist said that as far as they could tell, we might be able to conceive on our own. They don't have any other tests to run, which is frustrating. It's almost like... if there had been a WHY it wouldn've been easier to swallow then there being nothing that they could pinpoint as to why you are struggling. With us the Injectables were a huge difference, I would definitely bring it up. There are so many crappy side affects to the Clomid because it is a chemical. With the injectables, it is something that is already produced in your body (FSH) so you don't have the mood swings, the headaches, the nausea. And it doesn't thin out your uterine lining which is SO important for implantation, and it doesn't affect your CM. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you are able to convince him to switch you to the injectables early. I really am praying for you... for all of you girls in here. My heart breaks for you because I know. And I've been there. Especially when you are doing the IUI and going through all of these extra measures, life is so hard

I need to vent... I need to get out these feelings before I go NUTS!
I don't meant to offend anyone going through this also and by NO means do I mean to come off rude or nasty when I say the things I'm going to say... but I feel so cheated!
I am 25 years old, why the heck is this happening to me!?!
Women look at me when I'm at the RE office for appointments like I shouldn't be there, like I'm a baby myself and I don't belong there... unfortuniately I am apart of the club no woman wants to be apart of
DH and I started TTC since 2009... I was only 22!
Looking back at all the doctors who blew me off and said
" are too young to be worrying about this..."
"...there is nothing wrong with you, you shouldn't even be worrying about having babies yet..."
"...we'll schedule these tests in 12mo...lets give it another 6mo..."
It pisses me off so much! Maybe if they did something about the pains I was having, maybe if they stopped blowing it off as just ovarian cyst ruptures and actually did what my most recent GYN did (lap. surgery) they would have realized that those weren't cyst...what they thought were cyst were in fact my tubes inflammed due to scar tissue surrounding them. My GYN cleared it all out and my HSG in Aug. revealed a perfect uterus and my right tube in fabulous condition and my left tube in good condition (they had to tilit and turn me before the ink went through the tube)...but I the longer it takes to get my BFP, the more IUI's don't work...the more my anger comes out.
Not just at the medical aspect, but also with the people who treat their kids like drugs...have multiple children while not being able to provide for the ones they already have...having children outside of their marriage...It all makes me mad!
I come from a very large italian family and all of my siblings has children...and they all have had most (if not all) of their children outside of marriage and/or with multiple people... each of my siblings have had at least 1 abortion (2 of my sisters had 1 abortion each, one of my sisters had at least 2 that I know of, 1 brother has had (not by his choice) at least 5 of his children aborted, and my other brother has had at least 2 that I have been told about... mind you they all have living children and could pop out more if they so desired like a pez dispenser). This drives me crazy... I did it the right way! I got husband and I support ourselves...why isn't this happening for us!?!?
For the last 3 and a half years I have never broken down, never blew up like this...I have always stayed positive and have always maintained that this IS going to happen, we will be blessed with our baby(ies)'s just a matter of when. But now, 2 cycles into a 6 cycle plan - moving onto cycle 3, I'm getting discouraged...
What is my life going to be like not having my own children to raise?!
I have dreams still to reach...goals still to obtain...a life still to live...this I know, but never once when dreaming those dreams, setting those goals, or planning that life did I ever have to imagine a house full of children not being a part of it.... until now![]()
Oh, honey. I don't think that you are being offensive at all. You are saying what you are feeling, and what you are thinking. I think that, especially, in this thread and in women who go through IVF and IUI we can relate to what each other are feeling so much more than anyone else ever could. DH and I were young too when we started trying, not as young as you. BUT I don't think that people should judge others. People are ready to start their families when they are ready. Why should someone else determine that? I was ready in my early twenties, but DH wasn't yet so we waited a few years. I was actually surprised by how many younger women are patients at my FS.
The part that I struggled with the most was this: people don't treat their children right. They complain about having children in the first place. They are abusive, or neglectful. They do drugs. They don't DESERVE their children. And there are people like you and I who struggle to have them. It does seem unfair. One of my sisters now has four children. She basically abandoned two of them and left them here in NY, and moved to another state with her one son. Met a guy and got pregnant again. It makes me want to scream, because she doesn't deserve any of them. My other sister is an amazing mom who was also blessed with being extremely fertile.
I know it's hard, but please try not to let completely go of hope. You still have four cycles left in your plan. I was SURE that he was going to say we needed IVF, which I don't think would have panned out because we just aren't prepared for that financially. I am here if you ever need to message me. I have been there, and will be here if you need me

As for me I tested today and got a bfp this makes me 15dpo so I'm very excited and scared at at the same time. I'm scheduled for blood work Wednesday morning to see if this bfp is real. I went to the doctor today and she said to wait To more days to make sure it's not hcg trigger still in my system but that was two weeks ago. So we will see Wednesday what happens. Sorry for the long post.
Congratulations!! How did your follow up appt go today? What meds were you taking this cycle?
Thanks prayerful! The blood test went great my levels we at 80 the doctor said that was normal since I'm so early in pregancy. I go tommorrow for another blood test to make sure my levels are doubling. This was my first cycle taking Femara from CD3-7 went in for an Ultrasound and my follies were not big enough so They had me take Femara for two more days so a week total then i triiger with an injection of hcg. I was going to do an IUI, but we dediced to try bd natural. Then came the TWW which I did noy feel anything. I told My husband I think it did not work, and we were already planning on what we were going to do next cycle. last couple of days of my TWW my breast became really sore, but that was my only sysmtom. Good luck to you all!
Congrats! How many DPIUI were you when you got your first blood test done? I hope that your second round of bloodwork comes back great.