Anyone doing FET/IVF in Jan 2013 till everyone's BFP (Everyone Welcome)

Ahh.. well 7 frosties is really good! My FS will only freeze if they are AA quality. I had 2 others that didn't make the grade. I have read that average grade embryos can implant and create perfectly healthy babies. They feel that the best quality embryos are the most likely to implant, but it has no bearing on whether they are abnormal or not. :shrug: See whether your FS suggestst the PGD, as it is really expensive, and may not be necessary? I think they are doing a chromosomal test on me too. Any idea what it is for?

I've been told that embryo grading is like a beauty contest and that PGD is a more reliable way to determine the chances of an embryo developing successfully. I didn't ask about the cost of a PGD though - do you know how expensive it will be? I'll do it only if the chromosomal test (to check if we carry defective genes or NK cells) comes back abnormal. I won't want to waste time with FET knowing that there's a high chance of failure.
Assisted conception is indeed expensive! My 1st fresh cycle cost about $12k. Hysteroscopy was another $1.5k. Latest chromosomal/immunological blood test for DH and myself was about $800. So that's $14k within the last 2 months! No insurance coverage!

Yep! The meds and donor sperm are what kills me financially in addition to the costs of the IVF itself. I really hope my upcoming FET works. I won't be doing another Fresh IVF, it puts too much stress on my body. Not to mention my pocketbook!
Ahh.. well 7 frosties is really good! My FS will only freeze if they are AA quality. I had 2 others that didn't make the grade. I have read that average grade embryos can implant and create perfectly healthy babies. They feel that the best quality embryos are the most likely to implant, but it has no bearing on whether they are abnormal or not. :shrug: See whether your FS suggestst the PGD, as it is really expensive, and may not be necessary? I think they are doing a chromosomal test on me too. Any idea what it is for?

I've been told that embryo grading is like a beauty contest and that PGD is a more reliable way to determine the chances of an embryo developing successfully. I didn't ask about the cost of a PGD though - do you know how expensive it will be? I'll do it only if the chromosomal test (to check if we carry defective genes or NK cells) comes back abnormal. I won't want to waste time with FET knowing that there's a high chance of failure.

My RE is reluctant to do PGD unless there is something specific to look for. He said it's traumatic to the embryo (you are taking a cell from a 6-cell organism) and can cause an otherwise normal embryo to have difficulties implanting.

Now, there are still times when it makes sense to do so, but he is careful not to use it unless necessary. Who knows of he's right, but I do trust his judgement.
Sorry I've been away for a couple days. I'm going back a few pages to the supplements discussion.

I'm taking the following:
- every day: prenatal w/ DHA, CoQ10 (for egg quality), EPO (day 1-ovulation during natural cycles, for EWCM)
- every 2nd day: B complex (improve fert), fish oil (believe it will help baby's brain to develop), probiotic (believe it will help prevent autism)
- every day after ER (or ovulation): selenium (I eat one Brazil nut, to help implantation)

What are royal jelly and maca root for?

Thanks guys :winkwink:
I've been told that embryo grading is like a beauty contest and that PGD is a more reliable way to determine the chances of an embryo developing successfully. I didn't ask about the cost of a PGD though - do you know how expensive it will be? I'll do it only if the chromosomal test (to check if we carry defective genes or NK cells) comes back abnormal. I won't want to waste time with FET knowing that there's a high chance of failure.

My RE is reluctant to do PGD unless there is something specific to look for. He said it's traumatic to the embryo (you are taking a cell from a 6-cell organism) and can cause an otherwise normal embryo to have difficulties implanting.

Now, there are still times when it makes sense to do so, but he is careful not to use it unless necessary. Who knows of he's right, but I do trust his judgement.

We did PGD and you are right that normal embryo grading is like a beauty contest. Our embryos had the highest rating given by our clinic and it turns out that 4 out of our 8 embryos had abnormal chromosomes.

PGD doesn't damage the embryo if it's done on a day 5 embryo rather than day 3. At day 5 the embryo is made up of roughly 100 cells and they take a cell that would normally form the placenta and not the embryo itself. My clinic will not perform PGD on day 3 embryos because there are only about 8 cells at that point and it can damage the embryo. The whole procedure is very much like what they do for assisted hatching. On day 3 they use a laser to make a hole in the outer shell of the embryo and by day 5 a cell has started to pouch out of that hole and that is what they send off for testing. The type of PGD that we did is called aCGH (some refer to it as PGS) and it looks all of the chromosomes to see if there are any missing or extra. You can also do PGD for single gene disorders.

We chose to do PGD because we're doing single embryo transfers. I have a blood clotting condition that makes twin pregnancy too risky. If we were putting back two embryos, chances are higher that we would put back at least one normal embryo. But since we only get one shot each transfer, it's important to make sure the one we're transferring is normal.

I was pretty stunned that we had so many abnormal embryos, but my RE explained that just like in non-IVF conception there are errors that occur when the chromosomes line up and pull apart.
Sorry I've been away for a couple days. I'm going back a few pages to the supplements discussion.

I'm taking the following:
- every day: prenatal w/ DHA, CoQ10 (for egg quality), EPO (day 1-ovulation during natural cycles, for EWCM)
- every 2nd day: B complex (improve fert), fish oil (believe it will help baby's brain to develop), probiotic (believe it will help prevent autism)
- every day after ER (or ovulation): selenium (I eat one Brazil nut, to help implantation)

What are royal jelly and maca root for?

Thanks guys :winkwink:

Both royal jelly and maca root help with egg quality. I took them last cycle plus CoQ10 and had embryos that rocked. Unfirtunately they didn't implant. Still waiting on my clotting, NK and immunology results. The FS was amazed with the transformation of my embryos from my first cycle to my second cycle.
Both royal jelly and maca root help with egg quality. I took them last cycle plus CoQ10 and had embryos that rocked. Unfirtunately they didn't implant. Still waiting on my clotting, NK and immunology results. The FS was amazed with the transformation of my embryos from my first cycle to my second cycle.

Ali- what brand Royal Jelly and Maca root did you use?
I take prenatal with DHA.

When I do my cycles, I bump up my folic acid (there is 1 mg in the prenatal and I add an additional 800mcg for 1.8) and B12 mcg. I have fish oil that I was taking but then I forgot one day and that was several weeks ago! It has to be kept cold which makes me forget.

My theory is that its helping me to get BFP because the two cycles with BFPs, I increased my folic acid and B vitamin and ended up with BFP. With my BFN and chemical cycle I did not take more than whats in the prenatal.

I stopped taking the folic acid and b vitamin because if the doctor wants to check for MTHFR / homocysteine levels for miscarriage cause, I dont want the levels to look okay since I was supplementing with extra folic acid. I think the dosage if you have MTHFR is higher, like 2.0 mg folic acid a day, a lot more B12 and also B6, but I want to make sure my body is at baseline. I will up it after my follow-up. IF we end up doing a fresh cycle, I will add Co-q10 to the mix for quality and probably increase the folic acid....if you take too much it just gets pee'd out. Maybe I should look into the macaroot and royal jelly.
Both royal jelly and maca root help with egg quality. I took them last cycle plus CoQ10 and had embryos that rocked. Unfirtunately they didn't implant. Still waiting on my clotting, NK and immunology results. The FS was amazed with the transformation of my embryos from my first cycle to my second cycle.

Ali- what brand Royal Jelly and Maca root did you use?

Royal Jelly- Y.S. Eco Bee Farms Organic 2000 mg
Maca Root- Gaia Herbs Organic 1000 mg

I got them at my local vitamin shoppe, and I didn't follow the recommended dosage, I only took 1 capsule of each in the morning with my CoQ10, prenatal, B complex and Omega 3.
Then at night I took the baby aspirin, melatonin and my synthroid pill.

I felt like a pill popping phene! I also changed to a GF diet and did acupuncture so I really don't know what helped improve my cycle, I just know that my ovarian response was amazing! Especially for a 40 yr old!
Ahh.. well 7 frosties is really good! My FS will only freeze if they are AA quality. I had 2 others that didn't make the grade. I have read that average grade embryos can implant and create perfectly healthy babies. They feel that the best quality embryos are the most likely to implant, but it has no bearing on whether they are abnormal or not. :shrug: See whether your FS suggestst the PGD, as it is really expensive, and may not be necessary? I think they are doing a chromosomal test on me too. Any idea what it is for?

I've been told that embryo grading is like a beauty contest and that PGD is a more reliable way to determine the chances of an embryo developing successfully. I didn't ask about the cost of a PGD though - do you know how expensive it will be? I'll do it only if the chromosomal test (to check if we carry defective genes or NK cells) comes back abnormal. I won't want to waste time with FET knowing that there's a high chance of failure.

My RE is reluctant to do PGD unless there is something specific to look for. He said it's traumatic to the embryo (you are taking a cell from a 6-cell organism) and can cause an otherwise normal embryo to have difficulties implanting.

Now, there are still times when it makes sense to do so, but he is careful not to use it unless necessary. Who knows of he's right, but I do trust his judgement.

My RE offers PGD but said the same exact thing. We are not doing it because of the possible trauma to the embryo. Glad to hear the same info!
Sorry I've been away for a couple days. I'm going back a few pages to the supplements discussion.

I'm taking the following:
- every day: prenatal w/ DHA, CoQ10 (for egg quality), EPO (day 1-ovulation during natural cycles, for EWCM)
- every 2nd day: B complex (improve fert), fish oil (believe it will help baby's brain to develop), probiotic (believe it will help prevent autism)
- every day after ER (or ovulation): selenium (I eat one Brazil nut, to help implantation)

What are royal jelly and maca root for?

Thanks guys :winkwink:

Both royal jelly and maca root help with egg quality. I took them last cycle plus CoQ10 and had embryos that rocked. Unfirtunately they didn't implant. Still waiting on my clotting, NK and immunology results. The FS was amazed with the transformation of my embryos from my first cycle to my second cycle.

Ali- Glad to hear we are taking the same supplements and that they worked well for you! How much CO-Q 10 are you taking? I haven't heard of selenium. Is it in the supplement section? How much do you take of that?
Royal Jelly- Y.S. Eco Bee Farms Organic 2000 mg
Maca Root- Gaia Herbs Organic 1000 mg

I got them at my local vitamin shoppe, and I didn't follow the recommended dosage, I only took 1 capsule of each in the morning with my CoQ10, prenatal, B complex and Omega 3.
Then at night I took the baby aspirin, melatonin and my synthroid pill.

I felt like a pill popping phene! I also changed to a GF diet and did acupuncture so I really don't know what helped improve my cycle, I just know that my ovarian response was amazing! Especially for a 40 yr old!

Great, thanks! I'm going to ask my RE about the royal jelly and maca root at my tues appt. I totally feel like a pill popper because of the vitamins I'm already taking so what's a couple more :shrug: I started acupuncture last month too. It's so relaxing!
Sorry I've been away for a couple days. I'm going back a few pages to the supplements discussion.

I'm taking the following:
- every day: prenatal w/ DHA, CoQ10 (for egg quality), EPO (day 1-ovulation during natural cycles, for EWCM)
- every 2nd day: B complex (improve fert), fish oil (believe it will help baby's brain to develop), probiotic (believe it will help prevent autism)
- every day after ER (or ovulation): selenium (I eat one Brazil nut, to help implantation)

What are royal jelly and maca root for?

Thanks guys :winkwink:

Both royal jelly and maca root help with egg quality. I took them last cycle plus CoQ10 and had embryos that rocked. Unfirtunately they didn't implant. Still waiting on my clotting, NK and immunology results. The FS was amazed with the transformation of my embryos from my first cycle to my second cycle.

Ali- Glad to hear we are taking the same supplements and that they worked well for you! How much CO-Q 10 are you taking? I haven't heard of selenium. Is it in the supplement section? How much do you take of that?

I'm not taking selenium, but I did take CoQ10, I think the bottle says take 3 capsules a day but I only took 1. I didn't want to overdo it. I'm not sure what the dose was, I'll check when I get home!
Sorry I've been away for a couple days. I'm going back a few pages to the supplements discussion.

I'm taking the following:
- every day: prenatal w/ DHA, CoQ10 (for egg quality), EPO (day 1-ovulation during natural cycles, for EWCM)
- every 2nd day: B complex (improve fert), fish oil (believe it will help baby's brain to develop), probiotic (believe it will help prevent autism)
- every day after ER (or ovulation): selenium (I eat one Brazil nut, to help implantation)

What are royal jelly and maca root for?

Thanks guys :winkwink:

Both royal jelly and maca root help with egg quality. I took them last cycle plus CoQ10 and had embryos that rocked. Unfirtunately they didn't implant. Still waiting on my clotting, NK and immunology results. The FS was amazed with the transformation of my embryos from my first cycle to my second cycle.

Ali- Glad to hear we are taking the same supplements and that they worked well for you! How much CO-Q 10 are you taking? I haven't heard of selenium. Is it in the supplement section? How much do you take of that?

I'm the one taking selenium. I've read that it helps implantation. The greatest natural source is brazil nuts (mushrooms have a lot too). One brazil nut has a massive amount of selenium. So, I just put one in my cereal every morning after ovulation or ER.
I'm taking royal jelly from Y.S. Eco Bee Farms too :) except mine comes with bee pollen, propolis and ginseng.
First- I may try that idea with the brazil nuts. Anything anyone else heard about assisting with implantation? I've seen pineapple core mentioned?
PGD doesn't damage the embryo if it's done on a day 5 embryo rather than day 3. At day 5 the embryo is made up of roughly 100 cells and they take a cell that would normally form the placenta and not the embryo itself. My clinic will not perform PGD on day 3 embryos because there are only about 8 cells at that point and it can damage the embryo. The whole procedure is very much like what they do for assisted hatching. On day 3 they use a laser to make a hole in the outer shell of the embryo and by day 5 a cell has started to pouch out of that hole and that is what they send off for testing. The type of PGD that we did is called aCGH (some refer to it as PGS) and it looks all of the chromosomes to see if there are any missing or extra. You can also do PGD for single gene disorders.

Thanks for the great info Em! Unfortunately, my 7 frosties are all Day 3 embryos. So I suppose PGD won't be a good idea :( I definitely won't do a PGD if our chromosomal tests come back normal. But if the tests come back abnormal i.e. we know for sure that one or both of us carry defective genes, then I was hoping that there is another way to make sure if those embryos even stand a chance, ya know? Miscarriages take such a toll on the mind and body.
First- I may try that idea with the brazil nuts. Anything anyone else heard about assisting with implantation? I've seen pineapple core mentioned?

Cali I heard that pineapple core helps with implantation too! Must make a mental note to self about it next cycle. I totally forgot about that this month.
First- I may try that idea with the brazil nuts. Anything anyone else heard about assisting with implantation? I've seen pineapple core mentioned?

Cali I heard that pineapple core helps with implantation too! Must make a mental note to self about it next cycle. I totally forgot about that this month.

Looks like I should take selenium and pineapple core too. That has been my issue thus far.. no implantation! :grr:

Any other thoughts on improving implantation?

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