ladies so many end of January babies- I'm thinking maybe writing a list on first page with everyone's due dates and gender of baby as there are so many of us?
randomrach awww at least you know end of jan/beginning of feb- if you went overdue will they go by the hospital date?
candycrush we have the same due date
do you have a feeling as to what gender your baby is???
newmam94 lovely little boy
have you thought of any names yet?
ciz so cute feeling them wriggling around isn't it
have you thought of any names yet for your lil girl?
Mummymoo awww lovely surprise staying team yellow
I just don't have the patience
geordie_gal day before me
do you have a name??
jessibaby another team yellow
how exciting! Have you picked names for both genders???
kellylouise how lucky having the bigger bits given to you
saves a lot of money