Anyone due around Sep 1st 2012 and looking for bump buddy?


a teeny tiny bit pregnant
Mar 5, 2010
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Hi ladies,

I'm looking for a bump buddy to share my experiences of pregnancy with

DH is wonderful, but gets a bit squeamish when I talk about bloody let alone anything else! Lol.

Healthy & Happy hopes for the next 8+ months xx
Hey Im due 3rd September :thumbup: How are you both feeling?

Ive started to get this wierd feeling in my stomach, think its hunger but isnt typical hunger pains, just feels like lots of air or bubbles!

Very out of breath, tired at times, my veins are much brighter - thats what made me test, no particular cravings for food, if anything I have lost my usual food desire, quite indecisive with what I want to eat now!

I have a scan on the 8th January so should know more then.
Hey, I feel sick most of the time but I'm still eating as normal but just don't fancy some things but then manage to eat them wher there cooked.
I've also got tones of spots, I get some round time AF is due but now I have loads :(
I can relate to the spots, have PCOS so suffer with them naturally but once I ovulated it was like triple the normal amount, very attractive lol!

I thought I felt sick for like 10 seconds last night and thought I could feel it coming on again today but then it stopped, phew!

I have been sleeping like a log, no problems getting to sleep,then last night I couldnt sleep! But Ill take not sleeping well over the morning sickness any day.
Hi, can I join im very nervous with this pregnancy though. I had a MC on
28th november and now I am pregnant again! I didn't have a period though but I think I am due about 2nd september. I am feeling nauseas, light headed and my boobs are killing!
Hi Lyndsay, sorry for your loss, I had a miscarriage and conceived DS2 2 cycles after and was nervous throughout but Im naturally a worrier anyway. For some reason I dont feel as nervous about this pregnancy.
Hiya, found out am pregnant on Boxing Day...all the web calendars say either end of august/start of sept...that'll be interesting as it will determine which school year they'll be in!! Am a teacher and knows it makes a big difference!! We were only joking with a boy in my class a few weeks ago as his birthday is 31st august....he's really tall but the realisation of how, had he been born 1 day later, he could have been in the lower year- it made our class laugh because he would be ridiculously tall!
Am feelin fine apart from really sore boobs which are subsiding a bit today though...This is my second time round as I have a 3 yr old daughter. Don't know whether I am more relaxed this time or not... will feel much better once first scan is done! Too long away though!
Hi everyone, I am due on september 5th. I am quite nervous as well because I had a chemical pregnancy last month. This will be baby #1, so all of this is very new to me. It does get hard trying to talk to DH about everything because he just isn't as excited about things as i least not yet. I was so nervous when I found out (since it happened so fast). I kinda freaked myself out. I tested Christmas eve and got a positive. I was only 10 days past ovulation. Then tested the next morning and the test was lighter, so I asked for HCG blood work which came back 38 at 12 days past ovulation. Got it drawn again at 14 days past ovulation and it was 73. So, it didn't quite double but I think that's still good. Anyway, I'm finding it so hard waiting untill my first ultrasound. This is all I can think about. Oh, the only symptoms I've really had are cramping (which isn't near as bad anymore), and extreme fatigue. Good luck to everyone!! :)
Hi jgirl7 I know how you feel, I am setting myself goals, looking forward to the first midwife appointment then first scan etc. We will have to keep each other updated on this thread. I've just had a salad cream sandwich!? it's all I felt like having.
When is everyone's first ultrasound? My doc likes to see pts between 7-8 weeks. Im 4 weeks 3 days today. I am so excited for that appointment, but nervous too. Im having such a hard time focusing!
Hi ladies, I'm due September 2nd! My first appointment/ultrasound is not until Feb 2nd. I will be 9.5 weeks then. My OB wouldn't see me until at least 8 weeks, unless there is a problem. Good luck to you all!!!
I'm due sept 10th I think, only got bfp yesterday at 10dpo! Got cramping though and I'm a bit scared xx
Hi ladies! Congrats :)

Im due 08/29 ..i got to see the sac yesterday and my next scan is jan. 11th. im nervous and excited.
Hi Ladies, :flower:

Glad to see so many of us on here and due around the same time!

I'm 5 weeks now, haven't phoned my doctor/midwife yet.
Kinda a little scared, 1st time pregnant and not really sure what I should or should not be doing! ha ha!

This week, I've had a bit of cramping on and off. No sickness yet, but feeling quite tired. Falling asleep on the sofa most nights, and dropping off to sleep almost instantly when I go to bed.

Poor DH - he's neglected! ha ha!
DH has been so sweet. Asking me every day if I'm doing ok, how I'm feeling.
It's also DH's 1st, so he's super excited!!

Hope everyone is well - Schloer is on the menu tonight instead of fizz at midnight! lol! :haha:

Milly xx :kiss:
Hi everyone, I found out yesterday that I am pregnant and should be due around end of Aug-beginning Sep. I will be going to the docs to find out as soon as they open next week! Im very nervous as I had a miscarriage a few years ago and I am just looking for any expectant mums to chat to who are at about the same stage as me. Ive not had any signs yet really except my period being a bit late, no sickness or anything! Look forward to sharing stories with everyone :)
God I have got every symptom going I'm sure! Nauseas, back ache, cramping, boobs kill, dizziness, feel like I've been hit by a bus every morning lol! I wouldn't change it for the world though, just hope they continue after last time :wacko:
Hello all... I'm Fran and by my calculations I'm due on 1st Sept (which is also our 2nd wedding anniversary so I'm hoping there'll be a couple of days difference one way or another... not that it really matters!). I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about school years too!!!! :haha:

This is my first time - we started trying at the end of September and I was convinced it would take ages and ages but had a feeling this month! I took one of the First Response early tests on 19th Dec and got BFP (and on the other three I took that day and the next!) and yesterday I did a Clearblue digital one which said 3+ weeks.

Haven't had any major symptoms, but have been worrying about pains I've had - the day after the first test I started getting quite sharp pains in my lower right abdomen, which were on and off for the first week, and this week I've had dull ache (kind of like period pains) but like most of you I'm just waiting to see how things go. Have my first midwife appt on 10th Jan - anyone else trying to fill in the notes before they go?

Here's hoping for a smooth journey for all of us!!!! :flower:
I am due sept 2nd. Mostly lurking, still nervous since this is first BFP since m/c in August. Congrats everyone!!

Oh and my first Appt is Jan 31st. I will be about 9 weeks and my Dr will do an ultrasound. :) yay!
hi ladies..i am due on sep-6th
i am 4w 3d pregnant. i am worried as i do not have any symptoms.(today is 17dpo)I had sore boobs up to 12dpo.and all the symptoms gone after i found pregnant on 13dpo.i just have some mild creamy cm and peeing yellow though i am drinking enough water..

is this something i should worry not having any symptoms or i am too early to get them?

please help me ladies.. :flower:

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