Hey everyone, so I have my first Ultrasound next Friday the 13th (ugh an unlucky day but my mom always says it's a lucky day so hoping that's true!!) But anyway the only symptoms I've had so far is fatigue, sore boobs, and that's pretty much it. Today though I had a very small amount of blood on the toilet paper. It was only once when I wiped and it was such a small amount that I probably wouldn't have seen it if I didn't examine every inch of the toilet paper every time...:/ But either way it's making me worry. My doc is wanting to start me on progesterone, but I'm waiting for my insurance to approve it..SO FRUSTRATING.. Anyway, I'm trying not to worry but it's impossible. Just trying to be patient and wait untill my appt Next Friday. Hoping everything goes good. I'll only be 6weeks 2 days at this appt but the doc thinks we should see a heartbeat. I really hope so!!