Anyone due around Sep 1st 2012 and looking for bump buddy?

Hi Annie, I think my nausea has started, although I think I woke up last night feeling sick but may have dreamt it instead lol. Im going to order some sickness bands to try just incase.

We arent finding out the gender this time, did with the boys but Id love a girl next and felt a little deflated with shopping etc. after finding out our 2nd was a boy ....... but, he is such a blessing, very very cute and a handsome little guy with a cheeky sense of humour already so I know I will fall instantly in love with the next one even if its another boy. However Id still like to look at pink clothes in pregnancy lol so wont find out for that reason, and Id spend sooo much if I found out it was a girl.

I did a bar of choc. (large) too the other evening and felt guilty and didnt enjoy it so said to OH not to buy me big bars again.

Hey to everyone else - I still check for spotting. With DS2 I had a tiny amount of blood and then realised later that it was from piles (tmi!) so be aware of that ladies as it can cause you a lot of worry when it isnt from right area lol.

Fingers are crossed for us all.

Will check out the other group too :thumbup:
September 8th! Just found out yesterday... my stomach is not really enjoying anything right now, and I am getting ligament pains in my lower abdomen if I move around too much. Excited for September though!
Hi Ladies!

Not much news here at the moment.

I know what you mean about not "feeling" at the moment.
My breasts have stopped hurting/being tender, I don't have any twinges in my abdomen at the moment either.
But maybe little bean is just content in growing just now, and my body is just giving me a wee rest! Fingers-crossed!
On the other hand, felt really off this morning. Not sick, just kinda queasy and needed to lie down. And if I don't eat every 2 hours or so, I get a rumble! ha ha!
Been laughing about it - but don't want to put weight on just now!!

Hope everyone is well! xx :kiss:

Here's to a healthy and happy 9 months xx

September 8th! Just found out yesterday... my stomach is not really enjoying anything right now, and I am getting ligament pains in my lower abdomen if I move around too much. Excited for September though!
I keep freaking out... this is so unreal! I keep looking for my period to start, even though I have taken 2 definately positive tests and have symptoms all the time... hopefully I will feel more confident about it after my first appointment next Friday (13th)... we are not telling anyone (not even our parents) until then. Well, I did tell my best friend, whi I know will keep quiet about it until we are ready... I had to tell someone!
I am due September 12, 2012! VEry excited hope everything goes as it's supposed to !COngrats to all of you!!
Hi ladies, had my consultant appointment today, she prescribed baby aspirin; has anyone else had that? Also had a scan, def baby in there but not the size they are expecting for my dates, so going back next week for another scan to see if there is a heartbeat. Fingers crossed bean will grow. I've had loads of symptoms so seeing that as good.
Hi chocolate, I know how you feel about the gender. If we have another boy, I know we will be delighted,but still if I knew now it was a boy, I would be a bit disapointed at first. I like the idea of looking at girly things in the shops.
I'm not sure what we'll do in terms of finding out yet. I'm more concerned about the general welfare of baby at this early stage anyway!
My nausea is getting steadily worse, but still manageable. ( I know it gets worse,so I'm not allowing myself too much self pity yet!)
My breasts are very barely sore, maybe the odd time.
I know how worrying it is when the symptoms go for a bit. For my last pregnancies I would go days feelling like pure crap, wishing I could feel just a little better. Some mornings I would wake up feeling much improved - was I glad?
No way,I just starting panicking wishing for that awful nausea to come back. It always did, and I always said ok next time I wont panci so much. I always did.
But it is normal for symptoms to come and go :)
What's baby Aspin for dinks? I never heard of it...
Hi ladies,

I'm looking for a bump buddy to share my experiences of pregnancy with

DH is wonderful, but gets a bit squeamish when I talk about bloody let alone anything else! Lol.

Healthy & Happy hopes for the next 8+ months xx

I just took a pregnancy test the other day at the nearby women's clinic and found out that I am just a alittle over 5 weeks, due date set for 9/4/12 so I guess I qualify to be your bump buddy:happydance:
Hi chocolate, I know how you feel about the gender. If we have another boy, I know we will be delighted,but still if I knew now it was a boy, I would be a bit disapointed at first. I like the idea of looking at girly things in the shops.
I'm not sure what we'll do in terms of finding out yet. I'm more concerned about the general welfare of baby at this early stage anyway!
My nausea is getting steadily worse, but still manageable. ( I know it gets worse,so I'm not allowing myself too much self pity yet!)
My breasts are very barely sore, maybe the odd time.
I know how worrying it is when the symptoms go for a bit. For my last pregnancies I would go days feelling like pure crap, wishing I could feel just a little better. Some mornings I would wake up feeling much improved - was I glad?
No way,I just starting panicking wishing for that awful nausea to come back. It always did, and I always said ok next time I wont panci so much. I always did.
But it is normal for symptoms to come and go :)
What's baby Aspin for dinks? I never heard of it...

I have two boys and alot of people call them irish twins, one just turned 1 dec 2nd and the other turned 2 june 18 and here comes number 4 ( I have a 11 yr old girl) too much testosterone in the house I need another girl to balance things out. My husband is so macho he says "I dont make girls" I sure hope he is wrong, lol
Hi chocolate, I know how you feel about the gender. If we have another boy, I know we will be delighted,but still if I knew now it was a boy, I would be a bit disapointed at first. I like the idea of looking at girly things in the shops.
I'm not sure what we'll do in terms of finding out yet. I'm more concerned about the general welfare of baby at this early stage anyway!
My nausea is getting steadily worse, but still manageable. ( I know it gets worse,so I'm not allowing myself too much self pity yet!)
My breasts are very barely sore, maybe the odd time.
I know how worrying it is when the symptoms go for a bit. For my last pregnancies I would go days feelling like pure crap, wishing I could feel just a little better. Some mornings I would wake up feeling much improved - was I glad?
No way,I just starting panicking wishing for that awful nausea to come back. It always did, and I always said ok next time I wont panci so much. I always did.
But it is normal for symptoms to come and go :)
What's baby Aspin for dinks? I never heard of it...

Its a low dose of aspirin(sorry just realised I typed it wrong!!), it is used to try to prevent miscarriage, not sure on the science of it; but I'm happy to follow any advice!
I am having really strong symptoms, sore boobs, nausea if i'm hungry, tired etc; but woke up this morning feeling absolutely normal! Feared the worst, but this afternoon they are all back with force (which sounds mad but I'm delighted!)
Afternoon ladies! I don't know if I feel pregnant either, but am soo tired and not sleeping well - backache, plus woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep for 2 hours, at least its my day off today so had a lie in. I cracked and took another pregnancy test which still says "pregnant 2-3" - the first one we took was sun so maybe if I repeat it then it will go to 3+ weeks.

Time really has seemed to go super slow since that first BFP on New Year's Day. I can't believe its only 5 days! It feels like forever!
Annie- Yes Im the same, bit of nausea then wish it would go,then want it back lol. No nausea today but super tired, DS1 had me up in the night again little monkey and DS2 up at 6am, felt like I hardly slept last night!

Hope everyone is ok xx
hey everyone....sorry ive been a bit quiet just a bit worried as i dont feel pregnant anymore :-(

anyone else feel this way??? xx
Hi girl. I don't really feel preg either. Just my boobs are ENGORGED. I went from like a big C to definite D. On 1/3/12, I gotmy 1st HCG serum & got results yesterday w/ the number 127. I had wavering feelings about it. It was better than my MC pregnancy which the 1st serum test came back at 9. But part of me feels 127 is freaking LOW. Not to put too much stock into numbers & a week from today I'll finally see if they've gone up. I pray to GOD! So far though, knock wood, no bleeding.
Hey everyone, so I have my first Ultrasound next Friday the 13th (ugh an unlucky day but my mom always says it's a lucky day so hoping that's true!!) But anyway the only symptoms I've had so far is fatigue, sore boobs, and that's pretty much it. Today though I had a very small amount of blood on the toilet paper. It was only once when I wiped and it was such a small amount that I probably wouldn't have seen it if I didn't examine every inch of the toilet paper every time...:/ But either way it's making me worry. My doc is wanting to start me on progesterone, but I'm waiting for my insurance to approve it..SO FRUSTRATING.. Anyway, I'm trying not to worry but it's impossible. Just trying to be patient and wait untill my appt Next Friday. Hoping everything goes good. I'll only be 6weeks 2 days at this appt but the doc thinks we should see a heartbeat. I really hope so!! :)

I'm due sept 6th! My first ultra sound is next thursday jan 12th. I guess ill only be 6 weeks then. can they see anything that early??
Hi, how is everyone feeling today? I puked for the first time today, and I'm not even 6 weeks yet. Am almost suspicious I caught a bug, as my 1 year old threw up last night as well in bed. ( In fact as soon as I opened his bedroom door when he was crying, the smell hit me, and I was nearly sick myself on the spot!) Sorry - TMI - all you ladies not feeling too nauseous surely will now!
I then today insisted on treating the crew to a very un-wholesome Mc Donalds meal. I'm trying not to feel too bad,as we never really eat there normally.
Chocolate - sorry to hear you were kept up during the night. Thankfully my husband is great at tending to the kids at night. We normally kind of share it, but now I don't budge! Usually the kids sleep well though...
Dinks, maybe it's perscribed to thin the blood and stop it clotting? I'm no expert so could be wrong, either way, am sure it will help keep your little one safe :)
Pinkcatgirl - I am using the CB digitals too, but after my last pregnancy I realised that they may be great for reassurance, but they can cause so much stress. I took a test when I missed my period, and got 2-3 wks, then about 6 days later, I got 3+. Then I had some spotting. I had another test, and drank tons of water - thinking that despite this my hormones should still be high. I got 2-3, and freaked out. The next morning my husband was up as soon as the shops opened trawling our small town for more CB digitals. I then re-tested and got 3+. I was so worried. My baby ended up being fine, but it seems they're easily influence if you drink too much water.
All that said, I shall be testing tomorrow morning to make sure mine still say 3+ :blush:
Hi all,
We're finally pregnant after two chemical pregnancies last year. 5 weeks 1 day to be exact... I don't have any symptoms except swollen boobs and tiredness. The soreness of the boobs come and go but it's nothing unbearable. I still have no morning sickness and it stresses me out a bit. I never thought I would say this but I would love to wake up with nausea!! At least my hcg levels seem good and my lines keep getting darker on hpts.
Because of my history, we had an early scan yesterday and saw the gs and the yolk sac. Dr said it all looks good and it was still too early to see the fetal pole. I will be back in ten days and hoping to see a tiny heartbeat by then. We had a tough time last year but we're being very positive and thinking that all will be great with this pregnancy. My Dr says happy mums make happy babies so we're following his advice :)
hello london1 how far along are you?? x

Hi moonbeam, i'm a day over 5 weeks, so still very early. I read your signature, i guess you had two early losses as well. I'm very sorry... It's a long journey so all we need is a bit of patience and positive thinking! Hope we wake up very nauseous tomorrow :winkwink:
yeah...very early days but nervously hopeful.....just gotta keep the faith,had my blood levels checked yesterday & they are where they should be for now...just praying they have at least doubled by tues when i will get tested again
its a long old road but we are all in it together :hugs: xx

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