Anyone else around a year of trying?


Girl Mom
Feb 27, 2012
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:hi: Hi! Anyone else coming up on a year of trying? Want to swap stories and join baby dust forces in hopes of getting nice and knocked up sooner than later? :thumbup:

A little on us, we're 30-ish and have been trying 11 cycles [less than a calander year but cycles wise we're there :dohh:]. We've had two confirmed losses [early, both before 6 weeks but both very loved and missed] last year. We're both healthy as far as we know. I've had short LPs in the past [9-10 days] but its been 12 days recently. Hoping there isnt anything really "wrong" with us.....
We use preseed, I temp, track cm and cp and track symptoms!

Anyone in a similar boat? :flower:
Hi, I am also in the about a yr mark with ttc. Me and my SO are in our 30's as well lol. I have a 4 yr old DD from a previous relationship and he has a 14 yr old DS and 5 yr old DD from previous relationship. In the past me and My ex husband were ttc for over 4 yrs for our dd, with no known problems. Fertility doc said we had unexplained infertility, tried 3 IUI's nothing worked. We took a break for a few months with the going crazy about it and doctor costs, he got hurt at work causing him to be home from work with nothing to do but umm me lol and surprise surprise we got a BFP when I least expected it. Anyway me and my new guy have been trying not using OPK's or temping just BDing on the right days and all ( I am pretty regular). But now since it is going on a yr we are taking a more active role, using the OPK's, going to be using Soy, mucinex, and geritol tonic starting on CD 1 when it gets here.
What have you guys been using to ttc?

Sorry to hear about your losses Lovn.sunshine :(

I'm in the same boat as you both - trying for 12 months now and both me and my OH are in our 30s. I used to get so down every time AF showed up but now I'm not even surprised any more, kinda feel now like it's never gonna happen!

Had first lot of tests at Drs last month and my OH's swimmers are fine but my blood test showed no ovulation so am now waiting to be referred to the hospital and in the meantime had acupuncture and started Chinese herbs yesterday.

Going to start temping this month as soon as the thermometer I ordered shows up!! Wish I had done this sooner as may have realised we needed a bit of help ages ago!

Fingers crossed for some BFPs for us all soon! :) x
Hello:) I understand how you feel. This is month 10 of trying, Im 25 husbands 29. We have a 5yr old dd. We were casually trying when she was 3yrs old and started actively trying when she was getting close to 5....had I known ttc a second child was going to be so hard I would have started temping,opks,vitamins,pressed,softcups ages ago! I havent been to a doctor about anything yet. This month I am trying fertility yoga and massage, softcups, and going to take bromelain tablets (days 1dpo-5dpo) for implantation. Its the same as eating pineapple core theres a lot of debate about it but at this point I say its worth a try. Lol
Hi, I am also in the about a yr mark with ttc. Me and my SO are in our 30's as well lol. I have a 4 yr old DD from a previous relationship and he has a 14 yr old DS and 5 yr old DD from previous relationship. In the past me and My ex husband were ttc for over 4 yrs for our dd, with no known problems. Fertility doc said we had unexplained infertility, tried 3 IUI's nothing worked. We took a break for a few months with the going crazy about it and doctor costs, he got hurt at work causing him to be home from work with nothing to do but umm me lol and surprise surprise we got a BFP when I least expected it. Anyway me and my new guy have been trying not using OPK's or temping just BDing on the right days and all ( I am pretty regular). But now since it is going on a yr we are taking a more active role, using the OPK's, going to be using Soy, mucinex, and geritol tonic starting on CD 1 when it gets here.
What have you guys been using to ttc?

Hi lele! Wow, I can't imagine how frustrating it was to have taking years to conceive yet not have any known fertility issues :hugs: I'm afraid thats where we are heading, to be honest. But trying to stay positive as I've been told that even healthy couples can take around a year to concieve. And I think that goes for people who already have kids from previous relationships. Fingers crossed thats the case for you and a bfp is just around the corner!
As for us, we've used musinex in the past , preseed, softcup, legs in the air for 20-30minutes after :blush: haha. Also tracking cp and temp. Dh takes mens fertility vitamins and I take prenatals. I used to opk religiously but we tried a relaxed approach this time [although I still started temping again around when I though o was approaching. Something in me won't allow myself to ignore trying to confirm ovulation :haha:]. [Side note ~ O should happen today/tomorrow :happydance:]
Here's hoping none of us have to bother with another cd1 for about a year! :friends:


Sorry to hear about your losses Lovn.sunshine :(

I'm in the same boat as you both - trying for 12 months now and both me and my OH are in our 30s. I used to get so down every time AF showed up but now I'm not even surprised any more, kinda feel now like it's never gonna happen!

Had first lot of tests at Drs last month and my OH's swimmers are fine but my blood test showed no ovulation so am now waiting to be referred to the hospital and in the meantime had acupuncture and started Chinese herbs yesterday.

Going to start temping this month as soon as the thermometer I ordered shows up!! Wish I had done this sooner as may have realised we needed a bit of help ages ago!

Fingers crossed for some BFPs for us all soon! :) x

Hi Scarlett! Thank you :flower: its been difficult but we won't give up!

Sorry to hear that it came back you dont seem to be ovulating. But thats good you're already getting ball rolling on the bloods and dhs swimmers checked out. How long are your usual cycles? Glad you're going to start temping. Its definitely a good insight to what's happening in there! I've been considering going to an acupuncturists, I've heard positive things! I hope it does the trick for you!

Hello:) I understand how you feel. This is month 10 of trying, Im 25 husbands 29. We have a 5yr old dd. We were casually trying when she was 3yrs old and started actively trying when she was getting close to 5....had I known ttc a second child was going to be so hard I would have started temping,opks,vitamins,pressed,softcups ages ago! I havent been to a doctor about anything yet. This month I am trying fertility yoga and massage, softcups, and going to take bromelain tablets (days 1dpo-5dpo) for implantation. Its the same as eating pineapple core theres a lot of debate about it but at this point I say its worth a try. Lol

Hi angelface! Oh cool, I haven't heard of pineapple core but I'm really intrigued to hear if it does the trick! Did you have any trouble concieving your first? Hopefully you won't have to go to the doctor but if it came down to it, if you tell them you've been trying since your first was 3 years old they will definitely be more on board for seeing what's up. Secondary infertility is pretty common [not saying thats what you have, just that hopefully your doctor will be knowledgeable about it to help :flower:]

I hope we all have bfp very soon!!

To be extra nosey, what cd is everyone on? Im cd15, thinking its o day today! :dance:
Hi girls,
this my 12month of TTC baby#1.

I have had two failed clomid cycles, one combined with iui, and :bfn:

This month took it off to just relax, and trying preseed and instead cups.

I am on CD19! Feeling really crampy and constant pain near my left pelvic bone. I am pretty sure I ovulated on the 16th, not sure why I am so crampy today.

I am kmfx that I concieved this month. :wacko:

Good luck girls and :babydust: to all.
Yeah it was frustrating but honestly I'm just happy it didnt take as long as my parents...took them 8 yrs with unexplained infertility, but then was pg for 4 yrs straight lol.... If those 4 yrs taught me anything it is just that it will happen and to never give up, always have faith and you never know when your gonna get your :bfp: I am not 100% sure according to my regular period I am 11 DPO...BUT...when I got my OPK's in the mail I POAS just to try it out and saw I was heading to a POS a few days later so according to that I am 6DPO so we will just see when I get the :witch: lol FX for all of us!!
Hi girls,
this my 12month of TTC baby#1.

I have had two failed clomid cycles, one combined with iui, and :bfn:

This month took it off to just relax, and trying preseed and instead cups.

I am on CD19! Feeling really crampy and constant pain near my left pelvic bone. I am pretty sure I ovulated on the 16th, not sure why I am so crampy today.

I am kmfx that I concieved this month. :wacko:

Good luck girls and :babydust: to all.

Hey just wanna mention to you I did 3 rounds of IUI all with Clomid but KYFX you never ever know!
Thanks, ya I have read some stuff on secondary infertility...blah why can we all just be normal lol. I didn't know much about ovulation or opks or charting when I was trying for my first child. I wasn't in a hurry to get pregnant lol and so with not using any protection it took 9 months, maybe if I had known more about how the body works it wouldn't have taken so long..idk. But anyways, ya I'll deff be updating people if this pineapple thing works, theres a lot of stuff on google but no hard core evidence so we'll see...worth a shot I say :)

Also I am on cd11 so hopefully ovulation will be this weekend!
Hi, I am now ttc no 2, but with no 1 we were ttc for 11 months before getting pregnant. Sadly that ended in mc. After that it tookn4 months to fall pregnant with a sticky bean. I understand completely how devastating it is to see bfn month after month. Defo after a year go to a doctor to get initial tests done, but remember it doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong. Hope you. Get that bfp soon xx
Sorry to hear that it came back you dont seem to be ovulating. But thats good you're already getting ball rolling on the bloods and dhs swimmers checked out. How long are your usual cycles? Glad you're going to start temping. Its definitely a good insight to what's happening in there! I've been considering going to an acupuncturists, I've heard positive things! I hope it does the trick for you!

In the main my cycles are 28 - 30 days, although I've had a 32 and 34, which were extra rubbish because I thought I was late and hoping for my BFP! Defo more reason to start temping and using OPKs I think!! I'll let you know if acupuncture makes a difference for me and I've got a friend who is thinking about trying reflexology. I'm on CD7 and just hoping to O this month, rather than hoping for BFP! Really hope this is your month :flower: x
Sorry I've bodged up trying to reply with Quote DUH!
Hi, I am now ttc no 2, but with no 1 we were ttc for 11 months before getting pregnant. Sadly that ended in mc. After that it tookn4 months to fall pregnant with a sticky bean. I understand completely how devastating it is to see bfn month after month. Defo after a year go to a doctor to get initial tests done, but remember it doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong. Hope you. Get that bfp soon xx

Hi nicb! So sorry for your previous loss. :hugs: Lots of luck trying for no. 2! Are you doing anything like charting or using supplements? Did you do anything different when you concieved your sticky bean?
And yea, thank you! We hope so too, and we're def on board for getting all testing done, hopefully it wont cost an arm and a leg though [our insurance doesn't cover labs or any fs related stuff :dohh:]

In the main my cycles are 28 - 30 days, although I've had a 32 and 34, which were extra rubbish because I thought I was late and hoping for my BFP! Defo more reason to start temping and using OPKs I think!! I'll let you know if acupuncture makes a difference for me and I've got a friend who is thinking about trying reflexology. I'm on CD7 and just hoping to O this month, rather than hoping for BFP! Really hope this is your month :flower: x

Thank you Scarlett!! I hope you do ovulate and get a surprise bfp! :winkwink: I've heard good things about fertility and reflexology! I hope it helps for your friend!
That's surprising that they think you're not ovulating. I've always thought that you have long cycles when not oing, but sounds like you have rather regular cycles :shrug: You may have said this already, but are they doing follow up testing? cd21 test or ultrasound to see if you have any follies developing? :flower:

Sorry I've bodged up trying to reply with Quote DUH!

Hehe I do that all the time :blush:
Oh a surprise BFP would be amazing but I don't want to set myself up for another month of disappointment! So a good O I'll be happy with!

My Dr was great and just referred me to hospital rather than another 21 dpo test so just waiting for that to get some more answers. Acupuncturist thinks it could be weak O so guess opks will tell.

Are you going to see your Dr or sit it out for a bit longer? Or you planning to do anything different this/next cycle? X
Oh a surprise BFP would be amazing but I don't want to set myself up for another month of disappointment! So a good O I'll be happy with!

My Dr was great and just referred me to hospital rather than another 21 dpo test so just waiting for that to get some more answers. Acupuncturist thinks it could be weak O so guess opks will tell.

Are you going to see your Dr or sit it out for a bit longer? Or you planning to do anything different this/next cycle? X

Good thinking! :thumbup:

My current doctor is worthless. Wont do anything [testing wise] until we hit one year :dohh: We may actually wait another month or two before really getting the doc involved just because it's going to cost so much.
If we don't get a bfp this cycle, we're going to go all out and combine everything we've tried in the past plus bd every single day from cd10 [I've ovulated as early as cd11 in the past] through cd20 [I've also ovulated as late as cd19 :wacko:] in hopes that we cover, and I mean COVER our bases :blush: :haha: Hope dh can keep up! :rofl:

How about you? Other than using opks!
Hi ladies! I'm also in my 30s, and been actively TTC for about 1 year (though I think I'm on cycle #13 now due to some short cycles and one annovulatory one that only lasted 2 weeks). I have quite severe endometriosis so I went to see my doctor to get some blood tests - the results were a bit funny so I then went back to get a referral to a fertility centre that's the next step for me, and I'm hoping to get fertility treatment because the surgeon who did my laparoscopy said I already have endometriosis growing back on my ovaries (which is why I don't want to TTC for too long!)

Good luck to all of you and hope you get BFPs soon!!
My current doctor is worthless. Wont do anything [testing wise] until we hit one year :dohh: We may actually wait another month or two before really getting the doc involved just because it's going to cost so much.
If we don't get a bfp this cycle, we're going to go all out and combine everything we've tried in the past plus bd every single day from cd10 [I've ovulated as early as cd11 in the past] through cd20 [I've also ovulated as late as cd19 :wacko:] in hopes that we cover, and I mean COVER our bases :blush: :haha: Hope dh can keep up! :rofl:

How about you? Other than using opks![/QUOTE]

Sorry I'd forgotten you were in America, that must make things so much more difficult and frustrating when you've got to factor in costs for tests etc. Could you change Drs to someone who was more understanding?

I really hope you get your BFP this cycle, but your message really made me LOL! So if not this cycle hope he keeps up :winkwink: and you get your BFP next time!

I've started having acupuncture and the woman I'm seeing has put me on zuo gui wan. I've also cut back to one cup of tea a day (and having horrible headaches because of it) thanks to some other advice I've had on here I think I need to be even more healthy with my diet to try and rebalance my hormones out some more.

Where are you at in your cycle atm?

:) x
LOL and I screwed up the quote thing again LOL!

Hi Goldfish!

Turns out I've been having naughty annovulatory cycles too grrrr! I'm also waiting to get my referral to the fertility clinic.

I'm sorry to hear about your endometriosis, that must be making an already frustrating situation even worse :(

Who thought after the scary sex ed classes at school that in reality it's actually not so easy to get preggers!


Hi ladies! I'm also in my 30s, and been actively TTC for about 1 year (though I think I'm on cycle #13 now due to some short cycles and one annovulatory one that only lasted 2 weeks). I have quite severe endometriosis so I went to see my doctor to get some blood tests - the results were a bit funny so I then went back to get a referral to a fertility centre that's the next step for me, and I'm hoping to get fertility treatment because the surgeon who did my laparoscopy said I already have endometriosis growing back on my ovaries (which is why I don't want to TTC for too long!)

Good luck to all of you and hope you get BFPs soon!!

Hi Goldfish! I really hope that get you in for treatment for the Endo. That has to be tough to deal with. But I've definitely read plenty of success stories. I really hope you get your bfp soon as well! :flower:

Sorry I'd forgotten you were in America, that must make things so much more difficult and frustrating when you've got to factor in costs for tests etc. Could you change Drs to someone who was more understanding?

I really hope you get your BFP this cycle, but your message really made me LOL! So if not this cycle hope he keeps up :winkwink: and you get your BFP next time!

I've started having acupuncture and the woman I'm seeing has put me on zuo gui wan. I've also cut back to one cup of tea a day (and having horrible headaches because of it) thanks to some other advice I've had on here I think I need to be even more healthy with my diet to try and rebalance my hormones out some more.

Where are you at in your cycle atm?

:) x

Yes, I'm definitely going to seek out a new doctor. This one is just so rude and cold and I'm not at all comfortable going to her. The doctor I've heard good things about is of course not accepting new patients though :grr:

Thank you, hun. I always try to throw a little humor into this kinda thing as it can be so incredible stressful and emotionally trying that if we can't take just a second to giggle we'd all surely lose our sanity! :rofl:

That is exactly what my dh and I need to start doing to. Eating better is huge. Plus exercise too. I figure I need to be in great shape before getting pregnant as I can see myself being pretty lazy during :blush: haha

Today is cd17 and still no o confirmed. Not hugely out of the ordinary. Temp made a slight upward swing so possibly today?

Remind me where you are in yours :flower:
Hi everyone. I think this is a good group for me. We are 30ish as well and we've been TTC #2 for 11 cycles. I had a miscarriage last Feb and we've been trying ever since. It took us 9 cycles to conceive our DD so I was semi prepared for it to take some time, but that year mark is fast approaching! I do opks, preseed and I've started charting again but sometimes I find that to be too stressful.

Sorry for anyone who has suffered a loss and good luck to all of us for some BFPs!!

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