Anyone else cd3?

Cycle day 8 today what day in ure cycle do u guys usually ov? X x
CD11 for me so the time is approaching! Over the past few cycles since the ectopic I seem to ov CD14/15 x
Ooh its nearly here! I should be ov valentines day! Lucky me! Lol! Ive been taking folic acid since m/c anyone else? X
Oooo a valentines baby, how nice would that be lol! I've been taking folic acid since the beginning of december. I'm actually taking Pregnacare Conception which contains folic acid x
That would be nice! 2 reasons to bd on valentines day! Lol! Do u use opks?
well im cd 9, ordered some cheapy opks off amazon this morning so hopefully be here by the weekend as i normally ovulate cd14/15 so the weekend! going to be busy weekend!! xxx
grr just checked my emails and delivery times for the opks is 15-17th!! so will prob miss them before ovulation!! great x
Oh no jennyellen!! Get loads of :sex: in anyway then the bases are covered!
Lauralou - I used OPKs for last 2 cycles and found them pretty spot on (going by other signs eg.CM etc) But this cycle I've got a new bit of kit, the Clearblue Fertility Monitor. It tells you upto 5 additional fertile days before your peak fertility. Goes from Low-High-Peak. Got my first High today so excited lol. Oh I do love POAS! How about you?
Hmm where do u get the clear blue monitor from are they expensive? Tbh i have not used opks before and am only starting to look out for cm etc but after the m/c i was convinced i was pg and was a buying hpt left right and center lol! And i know every cycle i will be too! Do u use the fertility monitor on the first day of ure cycle or when u think ure near ov? X
I got the monitor off amazon for about £55 then the sticks were about £13 for 20 (you have to buy the sticks seperately) so quite expensive. But since the ectopic I will do everything within my power to get pregnant again! So we'll see if it helps. You can start using the monitor from CD1-CD5 (you set the day yourself) then you turn it on each morning and it tells you whether to POAS or not. You then insert the stick and it tells you whether you have Low fertility (least chance of conception) High fertility (increased chance of conception) or Peak fertility (best chance of conception). It's soooo addictive!! I've used mine since CD5 this cycle and got Low fertility on CD6,7,8,9,10 and my first High this morning on CD11. So I'll be pouncing on the hubby tonight :rofl:
Ha ha our poor oh! Lol! I was bd every day or every other day then my friends doc said that its not good to have it every night as the spermys need time to rejenerate! Lol! I think im gonna start bd on cd 10 until cd 15! Do u count ure cycle on the fist day of a proper bleed or when u start spotting? X
TBH I don't spot before a period anymore (everythings changed so much since I lost a tube, not sure why) Af just takes me by surprise, nothing there one min then the next it'x like "oh hello!" So I know thats my CD1. If you spot before then I'd take the first day of spotting as CD1 (not sure if this is right, just what I would do!) Witht he whole bd thing it's tricky...We were only trying for a matter of weeks when I got pg with the first (ectopic) and we were'nt really trying. We got married and decided we would stop using protection on our wedding night. There was no stress last time, we just bd whenever we wanted (ALOT on the honeymoon lol) but after honeymoon just every other day probably. So we tried bd every other day last cycle and it didn't work (I also stopped drinking alcohol that cycle-not 1 drink in a whole month!) But now I'm planning on BD everyday from CD10-CD20, using the monitor and taking the Pregnacare and we'll see what happens. BD everyday seems so tiring but we're newlyweds so shouldn't have a problem :thumbsup: Do you have a plan? Or are you more relaxed than me!? :rofl:
When i conceived my son i was on microgynon and we had just moved and i ran out of my pill so that happened quickly i fell pg that cycle then when i had him i went back on it and then after about 3 years of being on that i changed to cerazette cos of my migraines and i took it 4 about 4 weeks and stopped it we wanted to ttc my af arrived about 8 wks after and we been ttc since aug then i had my m/c on the 1st of jan i was laid back it will happen when it happens sort of approach but now im going to look out for all the signs and if i dont get caught in the nxt few cycles then i will start using opks and stuff oh and im taking folic acid this time! Weve been together nearly 7 yrs so i want another addition and then get married! Ive always wanted 2 and thats me done lol! How about u? X x
i was exactly the same, i was on microgynagon or whatever its called, we moved house in the november and the i kept forgetting to take the pills so stopped and fell pregnant a few weeks later. but i think its because i wasnt thinking about it! x
When you think about it too much it feels like its never gonna happen! But you cant help but think about it! Ha ha! We cant who either way i just hope its my time soon! X x
I'm the same, just cannot stop thinking about ttc! The only thing that's gona change it is when I actually get pregnant again lol. I was also on Cerazette before becoming pregnant. Me and DH have also been together for 7 years, married since Aug '09 and would love a family of our own. He's as broody as I am :rofl: Fingers crossed for all of us x
Hi guys

Yep I am due to ovulate between Thursday and Sunday so lots of fun to be had between now and next Monday lol. We try to BD every other night in the run up and it worked fine last time even with only one tube, I was amazed. However this time I have this feeling it may be a bit harder as my body has been through a lot in the last 3 months.

As I only have one tube I have been temping, using OPKs and monitoring my CM. I started using my OPKs on Saturday as my last cycle was very short and I OV'd on CD 8 then had a 15 day leutal phase, but this month it seems to be going back to normal again so that's good. I am also taking the pregnacare conception tablets which have the folic acid in them.

Did some BDing at the weekend just in case I OV early and that way there are some stocks there:blush: Anyway here is to the good fun trying and aren't we lucky that it could all land on valentines day - how special is that:happydance:.
I'm on CD9 and suppose to be Ov on valentines day too! But yesterday and today I have noticed EWCM and have had pains which I can only assume is OV pain? So I don't know whether I'm Ov early or not :wacko: I did a OPK test yesterday and it was negative? Anyway, I still jumped on hubby at lunchtime just in case! :rofl:
I've had some mild throbbing pain in right lower abdo and lots of fertile CM (not quite EWCM yet-guessing this will be tomorrow) Been getting Highs on CBFM so hoping for a Peak over next couple of days. How about you? We've been getting planty of BD in just in case though!

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