Anyone else due end of November? Lets count down together!


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Apr 21, 2009
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As the title suggests, I'm due 26th November and I'm getting incredibly impatient for baby to arrive! Thought a bit of moral support from others in the same situation might be good :)
Anyone else due around end of November/early December that wants to join me on the count down? How is everyone feeling?
8 more days for me! Sad part is, the symptoms I thought were pointing at early labor are now gone so now it's just the waiting game. Did just get the car seat set up though! So that's good to go! How are you doing? Everything set up for baby?
I think I'm just about sorted now. Nowhere near as organised as I was first time around!
Me too, I got a bit excited last week as lost a bit of plug and was having loads of bh's but its fizzled out. Last week when I saw mw she tried to do a sweep but couldn't as baby's head was only 1/5 engaged.
I have a feeling this baby might end up being a December baby lol.
Do you have most of your stuff organised? Xx
Due 27th november also booked in for my induction on this date :) had a sweep today I'm 1cm and have another sweep booked for 24th if nothing happens before then
The end is in sight for you then naninoo! How does it feel to not have the uncertainty about when you might go into labour? Guess you can be more prepared and organised. I was induced on my due date with dd, but it wasn't pre planned and came as a surprise when the doctors said they wanted to get her out (i had gone in for reduced movements and her heart rate kept spiking). So I have no experience of going into labour naturally and am not sure how far past due date I would have gone last time.

It's all so exciting. Do either of you know what you're having? Xx
I'm not due until December 5th but gonna join in with you November ladies up that's ok!
The whole pregnancy I've felt like she will come early, but I'm doubting it now. Absolutely no signs at all yet that she's on her way...
I'm due Thanksgiving day(11/27). I really wish she would come sooner though! I feel so impatient but I'm having braxton hicks all the time it seems. I had a bout of regular painful contractions for an hour and a half yesterday but then they stopped! I just have a feeling she's coming soon like intuition but it could be wishful thinking.
The end is in sight for you then naninoo! How does it feel to not have the uncertainty about when you might go into labour? Guess you can be more prepared and organised. I was induced on my due date with dd, but it wasn't pre planned and came as a surprise when the doctors said they wanted to get her out (i had gone in for reduced movements and her heart rate kept spiking). So I have no experience of going into labour naturally and am not sure how far past due date I would have gone last time.

It's all so exciting. Do either of you know what you're having? Xx

I was also induced with ds1 due to being on blood thinners because of a clotting problem hence why they are inducing me again so they can keep an eye on me and monitor me throughout! I'm having another little boy :) it would be nice if he arrived before my induction date as my last induction didn't go as planned it was very long and tiring it would be nice to go naturally although I don't think that will happen if he's anything like his big brother :haha: I had my first sweep yesterday but nothing has happened yet and have my second sweep next Monday if nothing happens again then it's induction on Thursday.... We shall see x
I've got a mw appointment this morning. I'm hoping she'll tell me baby is moving down into position finally. She wasn't able to do a proper sweep last week.
7 days until due date now. Getting very fed up.
Anyone any signs? Xx
Still no signs here the wait is killing me I'm a very impatient person x
Me too.
Still no sweep for me :( baby is now 2/5 engaged but not low enough yet.
Due Saturday and my lazy butt just sits around and baby doesn't feel like he's ready anytime soon..
Due the 24th!! Hoping for a sweep as I was offered last week but I only had a soft cervix and no dialation. My blood pressure gets going up and down so everyone just wants to make sure it doesn't go high like my first.
An encouraging story ladies! I met up with a friend from work who was telling me about the birth of her son at the beginning of October.
She has a 2 year old son already, and her labour was long and drawn out following induction, ending in forceps delivery.
Well with her second, it couldn't have been more different. Her waters broke at midnight on the Friday night, but since she was having no pains she drove herself to the hospital to be checked after phoning in. She started having contractions whilst in triage, and her son was born at 2.45am! It was so fast her hubby actually missed the birth because he was waiting for someone to come and watch their 2 year old! She said she had no signs whatsoever prior to her waters going, no bloody show or clearout. Baby wasn't fully engaged at her mw appointment earlier that week. Her son was born the day before her due date.

Don't necessarily want labour to be that fast, but the fact that labour began so suddenly gives me hope!
I don't think my hospital gives sweeps... At least not now..but I haven't heard anything about it. I think they just let you go over 1 week, and then induce..

Beee that IS an encouraging story... I wouldn't mind that! Lol but honestly, I've been so lazy and inactive this entire pregnsncy, I doubt my body even knows it's supposed to have a baby soon. I've just sat around gainibg weight without motivation to do anything.
Hey ladies how are you doing? Anything happening for anyone? I had another false start last night. Driving me mad. I'm going to go and get some clary sage oil today and use a few drops in the bath starting next week to see if that starts anything.
My friend who was due the 24th had her baby yesterday. She only went in because she was bleeding, and was 8cm on arrival! Hardly any pain and managed on gas and air only. Lucky thing :)
Had a false start on Thursday and then nothing since. So frustrating! My family arrive from the UK next Sunday so We are really hoping LO arrives before they do, then we have. Few days grace before things get hectic!
Had a false start on Thursday and then nothing since. So frustrating! My family arrive from the UK next Sunday so We are really hoping LO arrives before they do, then we have. Few days grace before things get hectic!

Oooh, fingers crossed for you! Hope lo hurries up for you xx
I'm already 3 days overdue. I was always expecting to go overdue as DD was born a week late. I had a very long labour with her, though, and actually went into labour st 4 days overdue, so hopefully not too much longer to wait! I went to clinic last Wednesday (39+6) and they weren't even able to do a sweep ad still too posterior. Midwife will attempt another sweep tomorrow! As I had a section last time, I'm booked for elective c-section in 3rd December (term+13) if nothing happens before then. I'm hoping something will happen long before that, though!

I'm doing pretty well at keeping busy and not being too frustrated. Thankfully, I really did jot expect her to come before now, so I've only just started symptom spotting etc. BH getting more frequent and more intense, probably, but nothing else to suggest she's anywhere near coming!
One day over due here...and I still don't feel like he's coming out yet... I felt pretty good yesterday morning, but bending to put on my shoes is harder than it's ever I don't know if baby has dropped?

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