Anyone else due in August 2017?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2015
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Hi :wave:

I'm due August 26th and hoping to connect with some other mums due around the same time :) I don't know anyone else in real life who is currently expecting, so it can get pretty lonesome!

I am technically due Sept 8th, but I will most likely be having a C-section close to the end of August, so we are around the same time :)

How have you been feeling? I had a really rough time with sickness up to about 20 weeks, doing much better now, but just all the aches and pains of a big belly and having to sit at a desk all day at work.
Hi. I'm due August 4th :)
How are you finding pregnancy so far? X
I'm technically due 7/31 but my mom thinks he'll be an August baby. We have a thread if you are interested. It's gotten quiet lately so might be nice to have fresh blood to get us posting again :)
Hi ladies :) lovely to hear from you all!

This pregnancy so far has been pretty good. I'm still working, which is getting harder, but hopefully only another 4 weeks of that. I'm having normal aches and pains, but nothing drastic. I work in aged care as a support worker, so I am basically doing all of 3-4 different elderly people's house work a day (that's their main request, unfortunately for me!). To be honest, I have no idea how I am still doing it! Lol

Does everyone know what genders they are having? I am having a little girl after 2 boys. I have a 7yo and an angel son who just had his first birthday in heaven. So I am so excited :)

Sara - glad to hear your sickness has gone! I was very lucky and only had mild sickness, mainly just nausea, until about 16 weeks. My problem now is heartburn! Do you have a back support while sitting at your desk? In my first pregnancy I would catch the bus a lot, and I used to take a foam pillow that was like a cylinder cut in half long ways, and I'd pop it in the small of my back. Did wonders! I'm sure your desk chair has a lot more support than the bus seats did though :haha:

Kirsty - So jealous you're at the start of august! My pregnancy is flying by though. Everything is gojng really well thanks. I have the usual some days are worse than others, but overall I am finding it a very breezy pregnancy. How about you? :)

Misspriss - I had a laugh at your ticker saying baby is the size of a fanny pack :haha: they come up with some unusual comparisons. Congrats on baby! You're nearing the home stretch now :)

Dobby - Thank you, I will have to have a look at that thread! Do you think you'll go much over due if at all? My first son was 8 days late.. that was enough for me! Lol I have a feeling this baby might go over again, because they ended up using my lmp to determine my due date, because my scans kept giving slightly different dates, like august 31st. According to my charts when I ovulated, baby would be due on the 27th or 28th. I hope she is still an August baby though!
I'm due 8th August. I'm working full time still as well. I have slowed down a lot... but still there with some help I can do most things I need to do. I have consultant appointment on 21st June and scan so hopefully I will know more about my delivery and expected dates.... c section with 1st and.low fluid levels.
I'm due 8th August. I'm working full time still as well. I have slowed down a lot... but still there with some help I can do most things I need to do. I have consultant appointment on 21st June and scan so hopefully I will know more about my delivery and expected dates.... c section with 1st and.low fluid levels.

Are you hoping for a vaginal delivery? The thought of a csec actually scares me more than labour! I've never had one, but people that I know that have had them never had many issues, so I don't know why I'm so terrified of them.
I'm due August 18th with a girl, already have a 4.5 year old boy. Working full time and have another 5 weeks but feel really good so can't complain. I will be having another c section, should be getting a call this coming week to schedule it so baby is likely to come closer to August 11th or so. This pregnancy has flown by so much quicker than it did with ds!
I'm due 8th August. I'm working full time still as well. I have slowed down a lot... but still there with some help I can do most things I need to do. I have consultant appointment on 21st June and scan so hopefully I will know more about my delivery and expected dates.... c section with 1st and.low fluid levels.

Are you hoping for a vaginal delivery? The thought of a csec actually scares me more than labour! I've never had one, but people that I know that have had them never had many issues, so I don't know why I'm so terrified of them.

I'm not really hoping for vbac, but didn't really like the c section either so who knows really. Some things can't be planned. All I know is I can't be induced and it's coming out one way or the other.... haha
I'm due 8th August. I'm working full time still as well. I have slowed down a lot... but still there with some help I can do most things I need to do. I have consultant appointment on 21st June and scan so hopefully I will know more about my delivery and expected dates.... c section with 1st and.low fluid levels.

Are you hoping for a vaginal delivery? The thought of a csec actually scares me more than labour! I've never had one, but people that I know that have had them never had many issues, so I don't know why I'm so terrified of them.

I'm not really hoping for vbac, but didn't really like the c section either so who knows really. Some things can't be planned. All I know is I can't be induced and it's coming out one way or the other.... haha

I'm hoping for a second VBAC. First was induced at 33 weeks for severe pre-e, ended in EMCS. I was induced (yes, for a VBAC, there is no reason you can't be) at term for PIH.

I was induced for a VBAC, there are many methods they can use that are not statistically more dangerous for VBACs than for normal births. You can use "gentler" techniques like sweeps/stretches, a foley bulb instead of the gel/pessary, and you can use pitocin but it is suggested to keep it low and slow. I was induced via foley bulb then pit.
If it helps, my mom has had all her births via csection. Some scheduled and some emergency. The only thing complained about was the first poo because she would get cobstipated then that first poo was so real lol

I just don't want pitocin. My cousins all had it and it didn't work for them and labor was excruciating with pain meds. I know that's not always the case, but I'd like to avoid it if I can.

I want a July baby because SO and I are both July plus school starts back up 8/30 and I put in for leave until 10/13. And that's regardless of his birthday so the closer to EDD the older he is when I go back. So you get in a few weeks I'll be upping my raspberry tea and walking and sexing lol
I'm due August 31 with a girl, but I'll have a scheduled c section sometime during the 39th week, so the 24th at the earliest.

My daughter's birthday is August 30, so I'm hoping it's closer to the 24th so i can be out of the hospital for her birthday.
Eeh it feels so close lately! I can only speak for myself, but it seems this pregnancy has gone so mich faster than my eldest!! I think it's because I'm still working.. but it really has crept up fast!

Nice to hear from you all! :)
Working does make it go by quickly :). You're in the ten week countdown!
Hello, I am due August 22nd with our rainbow little girl, I'm still working and going up until my due date (if I don't go into labour before that) I think I'm the only one that feels like pregnancy is going by so slowly!! I swear that I've been pregnant for like 3 years :rofl:
Hello, I am due August 22nd with our rainbow little girl, I'm still working and going up until my due date (if I don't go into labour before that) I think I'm the only one that feels like pregnancy is going by so slowly!! I swear that I've been pregnant for like 3 years :rofl:

My baby is my rainbow girl too :cloud9: Wow, you're game working up until then!! What do you do for work?

Hehe, yes, it seems like I've been pregnant for so long, but then I freak out when I realise I have under ten weeks left!

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