Anyone else due in August 2017?

Had my scan yesterday and met the consultant re. Delivery. Baby growing perfectly, fluid levels as they should be (was low at 40wks with first), head down. Confirmed it's a GIRL! I actually saw this time.
Elective c section booked for 4th August at 39+3. If go into labour beforehand then I will try vbac.
How exciting Saphire! My bday is Aug 5th - it's a pretty great time for a birthday :flower:
Mumma - I'd actually be happy to go a little early. This is totally silly but I don't love 9/3 as a birthday - what a bummer to have your birthday be on/around the first day back to school every year! If I were to go a week early then at least it could still be included with the summer dates. haha.

Kitty - so strange that your midwife is measuring you that way! I tried to measure my belly myself a few days ago and don't think I was doing it correctly.. It said I measured 3cm small! I know the babe is in the 52nd percentile so I feel like I shouldn't be that behind. Who knows, though. My next check in with my OB is next Friday. After that I'm getting bumped up to check ins every 2 weeks instead of 4! Crazy!

My birthday is the 2nd of September, and there was only 1 year I had to go back to school on my birthday! And it was great because I was the eldest in the year! So September isn't a bad birthday :winkwink:

its my 29 week scan. what is that above my baby's chest..? it looks like some creature looking at my baby..what could be that?
I'd say hand honey :) if it's moving at time of picture being taken it can look funny, but yeh I would hazard a guess at hand :)
I never understand other country's school years! Here our school years start in Feb and end a few days before Christmas! The time between December and feb is summer/Christmas/end of school year holidays!

I'm also having my next appt next friday and then fortnightly ones :)

That's because those are the summer months for you guys in the southern hemisphere. We have a short break for the holidays but our main break is during the summer for us too.
Omg Mumma I love that you just legit used fortnight in a sentence non ironically <3

That seems like a long school year. Curious to know how many instructional days. We only have 180 instructional days plus 5 additional teacher work days. My school starts the last Thursday of August and ends the second Friday of June, but we have a week for thanksgiving and two for Christmas and one for spring break. But I agree with miss it is likely because those are your hotter months. Nobody wants to learn in 90 degree weather. I think they scientifically proved kids who are too hot or too cold, even by a few degrees, don't retain/focus as well.

Sapphire congrats on your pink bundle! Sounds like all is on track. Hope you get your vbac!

Sweet aww hi baby. I second kit they are always moving things about probably just a blur of a hand
Omgosh! Sweet - yes, I'd say hand, as well - but I totally agree with you that it looks like something else from that photo!

Don't feel bad about over-analyzing, after one of my u/s I was convinced my baby had a weird upper lip thing or an overly recessed chin or whatever from the photo they gave us. :haha:
Sweet it could be hand or cord? Very circular which is why I'm thinking cord.
I have sorted my finishing date for work today. Last day of work 22nd July. So will get approx 2weeks off before baby. A whole year off altogether. I have done nothing to get ready for this baby it feels like. So got lots of cleaning and sorting to do before she arrives. We are just going to reuse everything from our first who is now 3 and half. Started to get excited now about a new baby going to be here soon!
How much have you guys got organised? Lots of lists or leaving it to the last minute?
I'm pushing it pretty close lol just out of sheer laziness. The essentials are up: the crib, the cosleeper, the pack n play downstairs... doing laundry today (but I said that yesterday lol). Changing table is assembled and toys all sorted. Nursery has been painted but not decorated. If the baby came today I'd be stressed af hahahah
I'm pushing it pretty close lol just out of sheer laziness. The essentials are up: the crib, the cosleeper, the pack n play downstairs... doing laundry today (but I said that yesterday lol). Changing table is assembled and toys all sorted. Nursery has been painted but not decorated. If the baby came today I'd be stressed af hahahah

I finally put up the swing today, we've had it for weeks in the box...kind of regretting it as 2yo is now obsessed with it.

LOL I have no pack & play (didn't really use with previous kids), the laundry is done (I have about 6 outfits in newborn and 4 in 0-3 months), the blankets are in regular use (the muslins) as DD uses them for nap/bedtime still. I don't use a changing table we have a pad on the vanity in the bathroom, which is already in use because DD is still in diapers. We don't have a nursery, haven't for all our kids because we cosleep or sleep in the same room. The kids have their own bed, in our room right now - at 2 and 4. Also partly because we are living in my dad's house and building our new house - in the new house they will have a separate room.

I feel mostly ready, if the baby came today I'd be stressed but not badly. It's not like baby needs toys or anything for a while.
Awww yay for new house! I was on the fence about a nursery because we will room share for 6 months, but I decided to get it set up now. I'm hoping to do his naps in his crib and sleep in the arm's reach bassinet. The pack and play was on clearance for nearly 50% off so I figured i would keep it in the dining room for times I just need to set him down or do a diaper change without going upstairs. I probably won't use it lol but I have it.

My big avoidance outside of lazy is SO gets ansy when new baby stuff crops up lol

As for outfits I just found a drawer of nb so I have 40 nb outfits and like 50 0-3. I'm washing all of them since it's already paid off and I hate dealing with where I bought what. I'll just donate what he doesn't use or even does use when he outgrows it.
Awww yay for new house! I was on the fence about a nursery because we will room share for 6 months, but I decided to get it set up now. I'm hoping to do his naps in his crib and sleep in the arm's reach bassinet. The pack and play was on clearance for nearly 50% off so I figured i would keep it in the dining room for times I just need to set him down or do a diaper change without going upstairs. I probably won't use it lol but I have it.

My big avoidance outside of lazy is SO gets ansy when new baby stuff crops up lol

As for outfits I just found a drawer of nb so I have 40 nb outfits and like 50 0-3. I'm washing all of them since it's already paid off and I hate dealing with where I bought what. I'll just donate what he doesn't use or even does use when he outgrows it.

Ah we had a pack & play for the first two, we sold it and I just decided we didn't need one. We used it more with the first, but with the second she wanted to be near the first. I DID use the changing part for both of them though, but I didn't have the bathroom vanity space that I do now.

My DH doesn't even blink, I guess he's used to it by now :haha: I don't have the luxury of being lazy, I have enough trouble running a house with the two littles.

I sell mine, use the money to buy new ones :D I know I don't have a lot of clothes yet, but I honestly don't know how clothes will fit the baby. Do I need long skinny (like Carters) or wider (like Circo)? Do I need a lot of NB or will I need the length of 0-3 very soon? ya know?

HAHA thanks about the house, it is literally nowhere near ready to move in. We are really hoping by Christmas, but even that seems like a long shot. By "we are building a house" I mean DH and his dad go out every weekend and build the house, by hand - we aren't having it commissioned to a builder.

We've done a bit more since I snagged this picture, we finished the roof over the bedroom section and wrapped all of the roof except the ridge of the main roof, we will be working on that this weekend.


This is the back corner of the house, there is a tree blocking my view from the front from the angle I was taking the picture from (the driveway). That is the back door on the corner there, leading into the mudroom. The main floor bath is also in that bumped out section, the main section of the house is the 2 story section and will have the living ,dining, laundry and kitchen as well as the kid's bedrooms upstairs and in the future a half bath, the section farthest away is the master bedroom.
That's so awesome! Hopefully it's done by the holidays.

Yeah buying clothes was my pity party and two years of pity party will stock up a closet fast lol

My SO had made it clear he is here to avoid child support so surprise surprise he walks in on my still folding and we fought over something stupid and he has been locked in his office ever since
That's so awesome! Hopefully it's done by the holidays.

Yeah buying clothes was my pity party and two years of pity party will stock up a closet fast lol

My SO had made it clear he is here to avoid child support so surprise surprise he walks in on my still folding and we fought over something stupid and he has been locked in his office ever since

Oh wow that sucks :hugs:
:hugs: I know what I got into. He eventually apologized and I apologized for yelling and then we pretend like everything is fine lol
Oh Dobby, sounds confusing!

Misspriss, the house looks good! Must be exciting :) we went the easier option and are extending our house so we have room for baby! We have three bedrooms, but right now the spare one is being used as an office/gaming/second living area. Not sure when the extension will be ready though.
Oh Dobby, sounds confusing!

Misspriss, the house looks good! Must be exciting :) we went the easier option and are extending our house so we have room for baby! We have three bedrooms, but right now the spare one is being used as an office/gaming/second living area. Not sure when the extension will be ready though.

We made a lot of progress yesterday, I took new pictures in the afternoon and by the evening it looked significantly different!
Yeah, we're special lol. He has a slew of issues and I'm a bleeding heart lol. He took me to breakfast and cuddled me all day and we're fine. Just one minute he freaks out about having a kid then the next he's like I can't wait to meet my son and do x,y,z.

Mumma oooo nice hopefully it's done sooner rather than later :)

Misspriss yay for progress! Love all the green and trees btw. Is it fairly secluded? I live in suburbia, which I enjoy, but man some peace and quiet would be nice lol

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