I'm off work today with an upset tummy so still in bed chilling with the cat, laptop and rubbish daytime tv. Its bliss haha.
Zowiey I know what you mean about time flying but dragging too. The weeks seem to be going by quite slowly for me, but suddenly I am coming up to 14 weeks already. It's odd. Glad to be able to say I am 2nd trimester though (- 4days) as that feels so much safer. And the second tri forum is a lot less stressful to read. I had to stop reading the first tri forum as most of the posts were asking about bleeding and talking about miscarriage and I personally found it extra sressful, worrying and upsetting. Nice now to read 2nd tri forum and see lots of posts asking about movements and bumps and things instead.
I really hope that hasn't offended anyone on here. I know some of the ladies have had worries on here (me included at one point) and 1st tri is really stressful time but reading on here is ok as I know everyone, but I found it too much on tri1 forums when every second post is upsetting.
Happy Mother's day for yesterday to all our US ladies on here xx