I had a little boy on xmas day and planned on breastfeeding from the start. He took to it well the first couple of times and since then uses it as a pacifier and after a few sucks just falls asleep. I persisted in hposital and then on the 4th day when i thought we were going home(in longer due to emergency c-section) i was told he was dehydrated so gave him aptimil.
It was like we were asking for hardcore drugs as when midwife shifts changed each had a different opinion on if i should be toppong up with that or not - even giving it to him in a syringe rather than a teat.
Since coming home it has stayed the same and the amount i express is gone in two gulps so have been topping up with formula and think i will start just giving formula all the time. I just feel really bad. I know BF doesnt come naturally to anyone but i have really struggled and am not just giving up at the first hurdle. My nct classes and midwives and the amount of counsellors etc out there make me think that i am giving in but i'm not even enjoying being a mum as just anxious about if he is feeding or will get dehydrated again. I think there is no info on formula feeding given at antenatal classes or from midwives and that makes it even harder as like it is drink of the devil. sorry for the rant but having just read the bf forum pages there are a lot of people who will think im out of line not continuing so was hoping in this forum i might find similar people with problems who can reassure me i am not a bad mother for considering formula feeds so early on.
I had a little boy on xmas day and planned on breastfeeding from the start. He took to it well the first couple of times and since then uses it as a pacifier and after a few sucks just falls asleep. I persisted in hposital and then on the 4th day when i thought we were going home(in longer due to emergency c-section) i was told he was dehydrated so gave him aptimil.
It was like we were asking for hardcore drugs as when midwife shifts changed each had a different opinion on if i should be toppong up with that or not - even giving it to him in a syringe rather than a teat.
Since coming home it has stayed the same and the amount i express is gone in two gulps so have been topping up with formula and think i will start just giving formula all the time. I just feel really bad. I know BF doesnt come naturally to anyone but i have really struggled and am not just giving up at the first hurdle. My nct classes and midwives and the amount of counsellors etc out there make me think that i am giving in but i'm not even enjoying being a mum as just anxious about if he is feeding or will get dehydrated again. I think there is no info on formula feeding given at antenatal classes or from midwives and that makes it even harder as like it is drink of the devil. sorry for the rant but having just read the bf forum pages there are a lot of people who will think im out of line not continuing so was hoping in this forum i might find similar people with problems who can reassure me i am not a bad mother for considering formula feeds so early on.