Anyone else feeling broody after having their twins??

Yes me!! I would love another one and so would DH but we need a bigger house and nursery fees for the boys is crippling enough! We were thinking of TTC in the new year so that the boys would be 3 when the new baby (or two!!) was born & then they would get the free nursery sessions which would help with the nursery fees. However, we struggle at the moment with lack of family support (DH's family live 2 minutes away but he has a difficult relationship with them and only his Mum ever helps us out) and so we have made the decision to try and move nearer to my family as I have a big family and we would have loads of support, and the boys will grow up with a big family around them.

The trouble is that means DH and I will both have to get new jobs and so realistically I know we will have to wait at least 12 months before trying again, and therefore the boys will be 4 before the new baby is born. This is good and bad. On the positive side the boys will go to school a week after they turn 4 (end of August babies) and so I will potentially be on a maternity leave for their first year at school which will be great as I will be there to take and fetch them for the first year, and when I do go back to work the nursery fees won't be as bad (my family will also help out). On the negative side I worry that if I have a singleton the age gap will be too great and with the twins being so close, the new baby will be left out...especially if it is another boy. If it was a girl I think it would be ok as she would have two big brothers to look after her!!!

Wow, this is long, I obviously needed to talk about this!!! I know things (money) always have a way of working themselves out, but our house only has two bedrooms and so we do have to move before having another one, so I am really trying to be sensible and wait, but I get so broody that it really is tough!! x x

Hun there is a 4 year age gap between my eldest and the twins and it works perfectly well. My eldest dotes over the twins and they love him to bits. My eldest is also an end of August baby so he started school a month after the twins were born (when were your twins born out of interest? My son's birthday is 28th Aug) and it worked out really well. And i truly do feel the age gap is perfect. As for gender, I thought the opposite to you - although I would have loved a girl, when I heard I was having twins I was hoping they'd be boys as I thought twins are so close as it is, they'll have an even bigger bond as they are identical, if they are also girls then my eldest will feel really left out as they wont have much in common. But as they are all boys, they will have the same interests and they will look up to their big brother, so hoping my eldest wont feel left out.

That's really good to know! Hopefully a 4 year age gap will be fine and everything will work out :happydance: My boys were born on 27 August!! How has your little boy found school being the youngest in the year? I was really worried about the boys starting just as they turn 4 as they were 9 weeks early and I thought it would be hard enough being the youngest in the year without being so prem on top of it, but they have caught up incredibly well and their speech and everything else is ahead of their actual age so I am less worried now, although I'd still prefer them to go to school the following year!

So what is your thinking now? Dp you think you'll go for it eventually? Its really really hard isn't it!!
Yes me!! I would love another one and so would DH but we need a bigger house and nursery fees for the boys is crippling enough! We were thinking of TTC in the new year so that the boys would be 3 when the new baby (or two!!) was born & then they would get the free nursery sessions which would help with the nursery fees. However, we struggle at the moment with lack of family support (DH's family live 2 minutes away but he has a difficult relationship with them and only his Mum ever helps us out) and so we have made the decision to try and move nearer to my family as I have a big family and we would have loads of support, and the boys will grow up with a big family around them.

The trouble is that means DH and I will both have to get new jobs and so realistically I know we will have to wait at least 12 months before trying again, and therefore the boys will be 4 before the new baby is born. This is good and bad. On the positive side the boys will go to school a week after they turn 4 (end of August babies) and so I will potentially be on a maternity leave for their first year at school which will be great as I will be there to take and fetch them for the first year, and when I do go back to work the nursery fees won't be as bad (my family will also help out). On the negative side I worry that if I have a singleton the age gap will be too great and with the twins being so close, the new baby will be left out...especially if it is another boy. If it was a girl I think it would be ok as she would have two big brothers to look after her!!!

Wow, this is long, I obviously needed to talk about this!!! I know things (money) always have a way of working themselves out, but our house only has two bedrooms and so we do have to move before having another one, so I am really trying to be sensible and wait, but I get so broody that it really is tough!! x x

Hun there is a 4 year age gap between my eldest and the twins and it works perfectly well. My eldest dotes over the twins and they love him to bits. My eldest is also an end of August baby so he started school a month after the twins were born (when were your twins born out of interest? My son's birthday is 28th Aug) and it worked out really well. And i truly do feel the age gap is perfect. As for gender, I thought the opposite to you - although I would have loved a girl, when I heard I was having twins I was hoping they'd be boys as I thought twins are so close as it is, they'll have an even bigger bond as they are identical, if they are also girls then my eldest will feel really left out as they wont have much in common. But as they are all boys, they will have the same interests and they will look up to their big brother, so hoping my eldest wont feel left out.

That's really good to know! Hopefully a 4 year age gap will be fine and everything will work out :happydance: My boys were born on 27 August!! How has your little boy found school being the youngest in the year? I was really worried about the boys starting just as they turn 4 as they were 9 weeks early and I thought it would be hard enough being the youngest in the year without being so prem on top of it, but they have caught up incredibly well and their speech and everything else is ahead of their actual age so I am less worried now, although I'd still prefer them to go to school the following year!

So what is your thinking now? Dp you think you'll go for it eventually? Its really really hard isn't it!!

He has been absolutely fine hun, he loves school. I was actually really glad that he got to go rather than having to wait another year as Kaya has always been advanced for his age and he was just itching to start school. He hasn't struggled at all and he's doing so so well. He's learning how to read and write and he's really impressed me on how quickly and well he's learning and his teacher's really impressed with him so all is well.

As for what I'm thinking now about the baby thing, I have no idea. My head is telling me to be grateful for the three beautiful boys I have and quit while I'm ahead, but my heart is telling me that there's room for another little baby in there! lol. I think if someone could guarrantee me a girl, then I'd definately go for it as I think a little girl would complete my beautiful family. But there are no guarrantees and although I would love a little boy just as much, i'd still be the odd one out craving for female company among 5 males!!
I am getting my tubes tied after my twins. 3 kids is enough for me! Besides, my body is not meant for carrying babies:)
Hi Naz - don't look to me for a sane, rational viewpoint on having more - as you know I was already going for #5 when the twins just turned 1!!! ;)

I can't even use the excuse that I want to experience having both sexes!!! lol. I am desperate to have just one more, and always have been - my head says no, but my heart is all for it and in my opinion you can worry about the perfect time forever, but there really is no perfect time hun.

I am a born worrier, and find a million reasons not to have more, but at the end of the day I know that I don't want to look back in 10yrs from now, and regret not going for it. If I were 5yrs younger, I would probably wait until the twins turned 3, but since time is a pressure for us, I feel it's now or never. If I were lucky enough to conceive again now, then the twins will be two when this baby comes along - that to me is a great gap. The babies are just beginning to turn a corner, yet not too old that it will be like we're 'starting again'.

For me the more children I have had the easier I have found things - maybe I'm more chilled out after having so many. There are really tough days, but in general I have been happier since the family has got larger - somehow it just feels right to me. It's very much a personal choice Naz, but if your gut is telling you to do it then go for it! You'll cope, and the early, difficult days are so short lived relative to the rest of your lives.

See, told you not to ask me....................verrrry bad influence :rofl: x
Omg Liz I just saw ur siggy, I am so sorry you had a m/c *hugs*.
I agree 100% with Liz.
Not sure if u know my story but will share it with you Naz.
I had my first son Dec 1996, my second son 18mths later June 1998, I miss carried in 1999 but then had my third son in 2000 and a month after having him I got my tubes tied. The moment I did it, I regretted it but was very busy with three boys.
Anyway years past and I still had this feeling like I wasn't done, I really wanted a daughter but as time went on, I knew I just wanted another.
After three years of operations trying to repair my tubes hubby and I had to then except it wasn't going to happen, we had to make the decission to go through IVF.
Well you know the rest as the twins r here.

Guess what I am saying is, don't live with a regret if your heart says go for it then go for it. I had my tubes done cause after 3 boys I thought I would end up with a footy team.
No regrets hun, if u don't go again u will alway wonder
Erm, am I the only one that isn't broody AT ALL!?!?? :haha:
Yup me! Until the boys were about one, I so desperately wanted another - I think partly because I come from a large family very close in age, and partly because in some weird way I felt like I was ripped off out of the last part of my pregnancy.
Lack of room in our house and owning a house first prevented that going ahead.
Thinking back on it, I'm kind of glad we didn't. I just can't imagine having had the boys and a baby so close - they are just so full on.
I do love the age gap we have between the boys and Kiani though, they adore her to bits.
Well you all know my story, I think! I swore to anyone who would listen when I was pregnant with the older girls that I would never get pregnant again... we were 1 week away from a tubal ligation when my friend convinced me not to do it. NOT because she thought I'd want more kids, but because her recovery was much worse with her tubal and I was hormonal and that scared me.

So cut to the girls being just 6 months old and all of a sudden I had babies on the brain!!! I couldn't believe it, but we had some difficulty getting preggers the first time, so we decided to just "try on our own" for 10 months (until I hit 40 years old) - if it happened, great. If it didn't - we were thrilled with our girls.

2 months later I was pregnant. With twins again.

Looking back, I knew everyone wasn't accounted for yet. Even as I was telling everyone we were "done" after the girls, I knew deep down we might not be. I also come from a large family and the thought of only having 2 made me a little sad. I found myself crying as I packed up the newborn clothes for the attic... sad that I would never experience the little baby stage again.

Now that I'm packing up the newborn baby clothes AGAIN for the attic - I know I'm done. I look at my 4 girls and we are all here now. I have my family.

I do some days wonder if we were 10 years younger if any more would be in our future - but we aren't and I couldn't be happier with my big family. Don't get me wrong - having 4 babies under 2 years old is FREAKING HARD but it's a labor of love and I know how fast it goes.

(Talk to me again during the teenage years, though... Ha ha...)

Someone else said it - the money works itself out. Hell, we are paying a SICK amount of money to daycare every month, almost my whole paycheck and I'm blessed to have a pretty good job. It'll be like winning the lottery when they all go to school.

I'd just say trust your gut. Whatever you decide will be the right thing for you.
well I felt broody basically as soon as the twins were born and was very lucky (& surprised) to conceive naturally quite quickly. There will be 13months between twins and new baby not exactly sure how I'll manage but at least I dont have time to think about it!!!

I do feel like I've been pregnant for ever tho - on the otherhand I thought I never would be so delighted!
Ohhhh, Chetnaz, LizzieD - we all had our twins around the same time. I became *extremely* broody after my boys had their first birthday.

I've got 3 boys and 1 daughter and know that she would absolutely love a sister. At 37, it was a case of 'now or never' so DH and I decided that we'd just let nature take its course and see what happened (I've got PCOS and had to use Clomid to conceive the others). Yep, first month of trying got the BFP and am now 9 weeks with #5 - eeeeek!!
Wow. Its great to read all these stories! This will most likely be me in a few months..even tho right now I am miserable and sooo "done" !!
Ohhhh, Chetnaz, LizzieD - we all had our twins around the same time. I became *extremely* broody after my boys had their first birthday.

I've got 3 boys and 1 daughter and know that she would absolutely love a sister. At 37, it was a case of 'now or never' so DH and I decided that we'd just let nature take its course and see what happened (I've got PCOS and had to use Clomid to conceive the others). Yep, first month of trying got the BFP and am now 9 weeks with #5 - eeeeek!!

Congrats Megan :happydance:

I m/c #5 in July and was stunned when I conceived that baby so quickly after the twins and first month of trying. I am 38 now and never expected that!!!! I have always said that you are more fertile fter having a baby, and it certainly seems to be true. Just hope we conceive as quickly again in the next few months ;) xxx
Ohhhh, Chetnaz, LizzieD - we all had our twins around the same time. I became *extremely* broody after my boys had their first birthday.

I've got 3 boys and 1 daughter and know that she would absolutely love a sister. At 37, it was a case of 'now or never' so DH and I decided that we'd just let nature take its course and see what happened (I've got PCOS and had to use Clomid to conceive the others). Yep, first month of trying got the BFP and am now 9 weeks with #5 - eeeeek!!

OMG meganb I'm so happy for you!! And a little jealous! COngratulations hun. xx
I've got 3 boys and 1 daughter and know that she would absolutely love a sister. At 37, it was a case of 'now or never' so DH and I decided that we'd just let nature take its course and see what happened (I've got PCOS and had to use Clomid to conceive the others). Yep, first month of trying got the BFP and am now 9 weeks with #5 - eeeeek!!

Oh congratulations, this gives me hope as I also have PCOS and used clomid to have my twins, was really hoping to do it without next time but I know the chances are low.
im not broody lol, im still pregnant lol! i imagine i will be though, i was with my son and when we found out it was twins we deceided we were done, but now were talking about the next one and planning that already lol!

i hope its not twins or triplets though :S

Although I am pregnant with twins and have 3 kids hubby wants vasectomy but that scares me even with me being uncomfy and overwhelmed I am no ready for such a decision ya never know
Aren't all twin mums that little bit mad hehehehe

HA! Thats what my husband tells me - that I'm totally nuts! I jut think, hey I've handled two quite well (well three if you count my 5 year old, but he's pretty independant now, bless him), so what's one more to add to the mix! Been looking at baby clothes recently and hubby actually relented (after seeing me a little down recently) and told me if it makes me happy, we can start TCC!! Think its a bit soon though, I was thinking if we are to have one more, might be best to wait till the twins are two, then there'll be about 3 years between them, which I think is managable. SO who knows, maybe we'll start trying next year. ANyone wanna be my pregnancy bubby next year??? :)


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