Anyone else gaining too much weight?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
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This is my third baby and, long story short, I tend to put on A LOT of weight during pregnancy. Non-pregnant me is a tall, slim person, I usually have a BMI of about 21, so not overweight. Each time I've been pregnant I've put on at least 30kg - massive amounts of weight!! I've managed to lose it all, though second time was slower, but this time I'm already massive at 18 weeks!!

I don't know what it is - a combination of bloating (I literally gain like 2kg the second I get pregnant and it builds from there) and my weird morning sickness and blood sugar. If I eat my morning sickness stays manageable, so I end up eating too much and really often to keep the sick feeling away, and if I don't eat I get shaking and sick feeling and can't function. It's not GD, it's basically the opposite as I have borderline low blood sugar. Every time I've done the One hour glucose test it's been only 'just' inside normal at the lower end. So all the bloating and eating all the time has me pile on the weight.

3rd time around my bump is already huge and the phrase beached whale comes to mind. I feel so self conscious, I'm not even 18 weeks until tomorrow. Scared about how big I'm going to get this time. Worried about it being hard to lose this time and being stuck a blimp.

I have a friend who is due on Monday with her first baby and I look almost as big as her!!! She is freaking 9 months pregnant!! :haha:

Anyone else?
I don't seem to gain much at all. Usually just baby and I loose it the day I deliver. I was 89kg start of this pregnancy and at my weigh in last week (they make me weigh myself every visit because of GD now) I was 92kg. But I've got a massive sweet tooth too which I've resisted all week as well as cut pototoes because not only have they lead to me feeling heavy and bloated this pregnancy, I am starting to put on weight with them too.
Yes hun, totally me. I'm really sensitive about my weight and normally am really careful to keep it in check so it's a bit crappy for me that during pregnancy I fill out so much. I feel like my arms and face are seriously getting it 🐹
To be honest, I absolutely refuse to weigh myself (I didn't in my first pregnancy either) and at my next midwife appointment I'm going to say I don't want to be weighed either. It just makes me feel crap even though rationally I know it's ok to put on weight in pregnancy. But I ballooned when I was pregnant with my son and so far I've been determined not to let that happen, and apart from putting on like a stone in the first tri (due to bloating like you but also just overeating) I've been eating pretty well but the weight just seems to keep coming. I wonder if us being slim outside of pregnancy means our body lays down extra fat reserves and stuff. But you're definitely not alone - and I've read so many women on here saying "I lost 10 lbs in the first trimester and still haven't gained it back" and I'm like oh god I'm over here steadily packing it on! If you managed be lose it the last two times, there's no reason you should be stuck as a "blimp" this time, haha. You'll be fine, just eat healthily, accept the unavoidable podge, oh and embrace your bump! You know how I feel about my lack of one haha! You defo will be able to lose it after pregnancy.
I'm struggling too this time, with my son I gained15lbs total,daughter 38lbs by delivery.... This one 20lbs at 23 weeks today. So yes I know how your feeling. I look 7-8 months pregnant and people keep asking when I'm due because apparently I look huge and when I say not till mid January they look confused. Ugh. I know it's good for the baby but I've never gained weight like this so early in pregnancy. Lol
Could have written that word for word, pants isn't it?!
Yeah, totally me. With my first I gained just over 80 lbs .. my second was around 50 and this one I've already gained almost 20 lbs and am 17 weeks. Some days I feel huge and others not so much...depends on my bloat I guess. Today i had someone tell me I look huge for how far along I say I am though... lol thanks!
I'm terrified of gaining weight this time around as due to ill health over the last 18 month I started pregnancy 30lb overweight . Like you nausea had me snacking constantly and I gained 6lb by 14.5weeks My goal was zero weight gain until then. I'm incredibly self conscious and feel miserable . My last pregnancy I gained only 17lb. I started at a healthy weight as well .
I went to a restaurant last night for a family birthday and I've just been sent a whole load of pictures of me taken unawares...and I am officially a f*cking whale 😳 Christ on a bike.
Could have written this myself, too... scared of any future pregnancies because I pack the weight on so easily. My BMI was 18 at my first preg... now 2+ yrs after my second pregnancy I can barely reach BMI 25 and SO SAD!
I've gained 11 lbs so far and I'm at 21 weeks. I just got back from vacation though and gained two pounds over the weekend... lol. I think reasonably, it should go down a little as I go back to eating like normal. I think maybe 9 pounds gained in reality.
I gained aver 70LBS with my DS and I am terrified to know how big I am going to be with this baby. I didn't gain it till the end either.
It's nice to know I'm not the only one! I totally feel all you ladies! :lol:

The last couple of days my face has been really bloated too. I feel like the moon. :haha:
Bah, I was so swollen and my skin was so tight. No Pre-E I just retained a lot of fluid! Im trying my hardest not to gain as much this time. I was still about 20lbs from my pre-baby weight when I got pregnant again. Would love to keep it at around 20-30 but I doubt that will happen. I think so far I have gained 10lbs.
Urghh am in the same boat.
I gained about 30-40 lbs first time around, not the end of the world but the last 15lbs never seemed to shit and now I've put on about 15 already. Last time I gained the majority towards the end I think.

Promised myself that I will get back on it when the baby is born but I've made that promise before 😂
Same here! Feel like I'm as big now as I was the day I gave birth to my first! Doesn't help when people keep asking me when I'm due and look very surprised when I say not till January :cry: like you I suffer with terrible sickness with my pregnancies all the way through which is only relieved by eating!

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