You see that is where I am having problems. For me it's not just because of the sexualisation of breasts - I just simply have no urge whatsoever to breast feed and I don't know why. Yes it may be part of the reason but it is only a very miniscule part.
Perhaps it is the fact that my mum formula fed both my sister and me and my sister formula fed both her boys and we have all grown up happy and healthy.
I think I just need to chill out about it and see what happens. I may suddenly feel the urge to bf when my little girl is placed in my arms but then again I might not.
You don't have to justify to anyone else why you feel uncomfortable or unwilling to breastfeed but perhaps you might feel happier and less stressed if you can work out for yourself just why you feel this way.
As you say you are not familiar with breastfeeding and that may be part of it would you feel happier if you did familiarise yourself with it a bit? Maybe looking at images in the breastfeeding information or perhaps your midwife could give you a DVD or something or invite you along to a breastfeeding cafe type gathering so you can chat to people who may have felt the same.
I agree that just relaxing now and not worrying about it is a good idea but that doesn't mean you don't have to think about it until the baby gets here. That might just be a way to delay the stress because making the decision in the delivery room is just guarenteed to rush you into a choice you might regret. Just tell yourself that it is one option you are looking into at the moment and that you are not going to beat yourself up about it or worry about it while you are only gathering information.
I don't want to offend anyone but there are a few people on here who have said "I would urge every mum to give breastfeeding a go" and that is what is causing me so much stress.
What if I don't want to give it a go? Does that make me a bad mum?
If I decide not to bf why should anyone put me down or say that I am not doing the best for my baby?
Why should I feel pressured into doing something I'm not comfortable with just because it's expected?
I'm sorry for my little rant, I'm just so confused
I don't think anyone saying "give it a go" means to cause you stress, it's more of a "if you don't try then that is fine but you might always wonder about what could have happened if you had" sort of thing.
If you do try, and don't want to continue or can't continue, then at least you will know that you tried. And if you find that it is something you want to continue to do after all then that's a great result too.
I think people are just worried that, since you have posted asking for help with this, that you might have regrets about not trying later on even though the idea of trying is hard for you.
But nobody has the right to pressure you to try if you really don't want to or feel that you can't.
The only person who can really put pressure on you or make you feel bad is you in this situation, nobody else has the right to even try and tell you what to do.
If you really don't want to do it then don't. It doesn't make you a bad mum and it doesn't mean that you are not doing the best for your baby.