I know you've come to your decision now Betty, and I really do hope it's the right one for you.
From my point of view I have always wanted to breastfeed but been unable to manage it properly. Four children down the line, the longest time I have managed is 2 days
Being stuck to a baby and not being able to sleep/pee/move/insert verb here/ made it very difficult for me after having them.
I always felt tremendously guilty and like a bad mother for switching to formula after 2 days of no sleep after having given birth and not being able to do anything due to baby constantly being stuck to me..
For years I have felt guilty, and each time it has got worse - as the BF brigade get more coverage, people like me get shoved to the back of the wellbeing queue as we have tried but ultimately failed.. And unfortunately there are a lot of strong opinions out there that will say it is our fault, we didn't try hard enough etc... Like we're bad mothers for not doing it.
This is what I hate about BF. It makes people that can't/won't/don't want to do it feel bad about not doing it. An informed decision is just that.. Informed and shouldn't be judged.
Still. Last time I tried to BF was 18 months ago, and I'm optimistic about trying it again this time. Maybe things will fall into place, and I will be able to BF one of my children! If not, then I'll FF as usual. It won't stop me trying, but I'm aware that it might not work. I'm also aware that it might work and for once I'll be able to take advantage of the benefits! I now refuse to feel like a bad mother because I haven't managed to provide for my babies from my own body.
I think what I'm trying (and probably failing) to say here is that if you keep an open mind, then regardless of what anyone else thinks, that will work out better for you at the end of the day.. If you don't want to, don't.. But like you say, when your little princess is in your arms it might change.. But then again, it might not.. I just hope that whatever you do, you feel comfortable and strong enough and refuse to let whatever decision you make be affected by other peoples opinions.