Anyone else had pre-e in last pregnancy, but not yet this time?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
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Last pregnancy, at 35 weeks, I found out I had pre-e. I had dizzy spells before that, and I was really swollen. This time, my doctor doesn't seem to think I will get it again. I haven't been swelling & my blood pressure has been normal, but I'm so paranoid. I'm almost 33 weeks, and we already scheduled my C-section for May 21st. I'm excited, but at the same time I can't help but to be nervous that I won't make it to May 21st! Ah.. anyone else just waiting for the bp to spike?!
Last pregnancy, at 35 weeks, I found out I had pre-e. I had dizzy spells before that, and I was really swollen. This time, my doctor doesn't seem to think I will get it again. I haven't been swelling & my blood pressure has been normal, but I'm so paranoid. I'm almost 33 weeks, and we already scheduled my C-section for May 21st. I'm excited, but at the same time I can't help but to be nervous that I won't make it to May 21st! Ah.. anyone else just waiting for the bp to spike?!

Me:blush: I developed sudden severe pre-e with my daughter at 36 weeks. It was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. I consider us both extremely lucky to be here:flower: I am currently 30 weeks and this pregnancy has been quite stressful. I have sooo many appointments, i am being checked constantly and am so grateful. My last scan 2 weeks ago has showed baby is small for gestational age which has caused a flurry of extra worry. Got the follow up scan this Wednesday and praying for some improvement.
All we can do is keep going and have faith that all will be well :hugs: (It certainly isn't easy though. 33 weeks is great for you! Truly hope all goes well for yout his time round xxx
Me too! I also developed severe pre-e suddenly at 36 weeks. I was really swollen before that but it was dismissed as normal. This time I am measuring my ankles myself (well DH is) since about 18/20 weeks.

I am on asprin to keep my BP low, have it checked every week by the nurse and have a consultant who I am seeing for the third time in a week or so. I had a growth scan at 28 weeks and have another one at 32 weeks. DD1 was small for her gestation (born at 37 weeks after induction) but at the first growth scan she was measuring fine (I looked at the chart after and I think she's reading as 50th centile).

I've also developed anemia again so was put on iron tablets this week. After DD was born I lost 2L of blood and so I'm also being watched for that. The low iron makes that risk worse. I'm certainly getting my tax money out of the NHS right now :haha:

I think they said I had something like 18% chance of getting pre-e again. I'm trying to keep in mind that's low but the pregnancy is starting to feel like it's headed in the same direction as the last one. I'm glad I only have three more weeks at work. DD1 will still have some childcare so I need to keep my feet elevated and try and keep the fluid drained this time.

I'm terrified that this labour will go the same way. Are you ladies planning on anything different? I was induced and had the drip last time with pethidine and gas and air. I definatley don't want pethidine this time. I'm considering changing my 'no epidural' stance from last time in case it goes wrong again and I end up in theatre. I'm going to talk to my midwife about it at my next appointment.
Im so glad im not alone. I am trting to keep positive, but every headache i get or every dizzy spell causes me to panic. Im not considered high risk. My doc ordered a CBC and RBC with my glucose test. & all is good so far. I have a c section scheduled for 39 weeks, so my doc is super confident. I just hope he is right. I trust him, but of course I worry. I havent swelled at all yet & my bp has been great but i know how sudden it can come on.
And my little man was perfect at the 30 week growth scan. He was 3.5 lbs... my 1st son was also big. Almost 7 lbs at 35 wks 4 days! So atleast theres that.. agh but still. Glad to have peoe who understand.
i had it with my first, ive been showing some signs this time but nothing as sever as last time so fingers crossed it stays away :flower:
I had it with my first, and was thdn monitored alot more closely with my second but my bp stayed normal. Im 35 weeks with my third and my BP is great x
I developed pe at 38 weeks with my daughter and was induced straight away.
This time round I've been scared since 16 weeks or something! I got aspirin as well but at 28 weeks my bp went up. I've been put on Labetalol and so far that is doing the trick so it's just pregnancy hypertension. Fingers crossed it'll stay that way! :)
Me!!! I had bp issues from 29 weeks last time and was finally diagnosed at 39 weeks and induced straight away. This time am not happy with my hospital care, am supposed too b consultant led this time and was up until 32 weeks when it was like see u at term!!! When I got my appointment my next app with consultant is 29th April 4 days AFTER my due date!!! Am not happy coz I've kind of been discharged 7 weeks before my pre e got severe!!! I would much rather have been monitored over my last few weeks but all in all am showing no signs up too now and actually have low bp this time. Am planning a home birth too so hoping nasty pre e does stay away xx
I feel for all you ladies. Its so good to speak to others who really understand the experience of going through pre-e. I was induced right away at 36 weeks. It was a very scary experience. I too had the drip (magnesium sulphate etc) and ended up on tonnes of medication, epidural that didn't work, ventouse that didn't work and finally, as baby wasn't happy, a huge episiotomy and forcep delivery ;( then i went and contract E-coli 5 days later whilst still in hospital. I got everything I had planned to avoid basically. I had planned a home water with no medical intervention. If Im honest, I had to have councilling afterwards. I was a mess, both physically and emotionally.

This time, I am not allowed a home birth but am planning a water birth at hospital. I also plan to go as natural as possible. I feel a lot more open this time with regards to potential alternatives and better equipped to deal with the unexpected.

Some days I can't quite believe I am doing it again, but my daughter has brought me so much joy. I look at her every day, remembering what she looked like at less than 4lb in weight. She is truly my little miracle ;)

Wishing you all a much better experience this time round xxx
I had pre-e last pregnancy which was awful from the beginning, was swollen from about 15 weeks and had high BP and protein in urine at 33/34 weeks. Had an EMCS at 34 weeks. This time I feel so different, no sudden weight gain, no swelling, and BP staying normal. I have been on junior aspirin since the beginning. I'm also looking at an 80% chance of c section again, as my Dr has told me unless I go into natural labour by 38 weeks then they will schedule a section.
Just hoping BP stays normal and I have early natural labour x
I had it with my first, but escaped it completely this time round. Even in labour it never went over 130/80!
Hi lady's
I developed PE at 38wks with my daughter and was induced straight away, very scary time and it actually put me off having any more children but here I am at nearly 38wks and so far so good. I have been told I have white coat syndrome as bp is always slightly high when I'm seen at the hospital but normal when I see my community midwife!!! I know what to look at for this time and can't believe how different I feel with this pregnancy, with my first I got so swollen that my feet went up two sizes and so did my fingers. This time round no swelling at all and haven't had one headache, but I will always worry until little man is in my arms xxxx
It is so nice to hear from other ladies going through the same thing. I've been having headaches and lightheadedness, but I am having really bad seasonal allergies right now too! I went and bought a bp machine to check it at home, but it has been consistently 115/65-70. I'm SO paranoid. My delivery last time consisted of delivering my son at 35 weeks 4 days, (he weighed 6 lbs 13 oz tho!) with the mag. sulfate (hateee that stuff), and they put me on blood thinners after the C-section!!! I hemorrhaged in the ICU b/c my platelets were a little bit lower. The hospital really screwed me up, so I switched OBs and hospitals. I think I'm being crazy, but I can't help it. I was fine, but now as we approach 36 weeks, I am getting really nervous. My doctor is great, and he seems to think all is going great. My c section is already scheduled for 39 weeks. Praying everyday I make it that far!!! Thanks for the replies and support. Keep me updated on how all of ya'll are feeling :)
Popping in from second trimester. I had it with my dd and I almost lost my life. I had such severe oedema that I ended up with fluid in my lungs after being induced at 38 weeks. One diuretic pill and I instantly peed out 30 pounds of fluid... Imagine. This time I'm absolutely terrified. My feet slightly swelled last weekend and I freaked out completely! It scares me to death and I pray it stays away. See my bp was never in the danger zone but rather kept creeping up slowely and I went from low bp to elevated. I was induced at 38 weeks when dr felt something wasn't right. Thank god bc I was drowning in fluid and swelling by the minute. Here's hoping it stays away. Good luck ladies xx
Well, I called my doctor today. I've been really dizzy/lightheaded with some mild headaches. My allergies have been really bad lately, so the nurse said it could be that since my bp is normal, but given my history of pre-e, she is talking to the doc and calling me back. I think they will have me come in for a 24 hr urine test. I had a good cry, and I don't know if it is even anything serious yet. Having my son at 35 weeks 4 days led him to be in the NICU for 11 days, and I'm TERRIFIED. I don't want to go through that again. Please pray that it isn't pre-e, or if it is that it isn't severe. I'm hoping it is really just my allergies acting up as the lightheadedness/dizziness are the only symptoms.
Hope it stays away from us all. My ankles and legs were swollen last night and I couldn't sleep I was so paranoid about it. I'm looking forward to it all being over with and not having to worry how it will go.

I'm done after this baby, it just feels too risky x

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