Fall in Love! September Testing Thread

@thencomesbebe especially with your fantastic beta numbers I think the pink spotting is just not a concern whatsoever. You’ve got a lot of growing happening in there <3

Finally picking up monistat for this horrible yeast infection that just won’t quit. It’s been absolutely miserable, hard to walk sometimes from the pain and itching. What the heck, why am I suddenly getting yeast infections?? I don’t even eat sugar and crap that’s supposed to make them a thing…

7dpo and feeling down, don’t feel excited to test just scared and negative. Worried it’ll be negative, worried if it’s positive it’ll be a loss, just feeling gloomy today.
@thencomesbebe I think pink spotting is normal, I had it from time to time in my pregnancy. I hope it stops soon for your peace of mind.

Ladies I got today the results of the MRI and it looks completely benign!! They still have to operate to take it out but I’m so relieved now. I’ve had terrible anxiety this past week, I’m so so happy now. Bad thing is I’ll probably have to wait until after the surgery to resume TTC, and the surgery will likely occur in November.
@MrsKatie I'm so sorry you're having a gloomy day, sending you giant hugs ❤️
@RedRose19 I called my doctor and they were also very reassuring! Whew!
@Momof2onetube yeah it was just once when I wiped this morning, and some old blood later in the day mixed in with cervical mucus, but nothing on my pantyliner at all and it has since stopped completely. Glad to know it's fairly common! I never had this with my first!
@elencor I am THRILLED to hear it was benign!!!! Yay!!!! Much love to you! ❤️
@MrsKatie I’m sorry you’re feeling down. Ttc can be such a roller coaster. I hope your find something to help the yeast infection, I’m sure it’s uncomfortable. Make sure to take some probiotics, my doctor said that helps.
@elencor I’m glad it’s something treatable! I hope they can get you in soon to get it removed!
@thencomesbebe Im glad you got some reassurance! Hoping it stays away.
Hi ladies. I'm so worried. I had some pink spotting this morning. I am definitely having a trauma response related to my miscarriage. How many of you had pink spotting around six weeks before and went on to have a normal pregnancy?
I had this with my healthy rainbow baby. Never really knew the cause and it was a tiny amount. It didn’t continue on further in pregnancy for me. Hoping all is well for you too!
@elencor I’m so glad it was benign! Sorry the surgery pushes back TTC though :(

@thencomesbebe I’m glad your doctor reassured you, I was going to say the same as others. Spotting is fine, heavy bleeding is not.

So I fell asleep really early last night (7 PM) and woke up at 2 am unable to fall back asleep. I use the Oura ring for temps so that waking time doesn’t really affect temps. I had a huge temp spike overnight. But then I got up and tested my progesterone with Inito and it was only 8.5. I am very confused. I’ve seen some people say that their levels run low on Inito and normal on blood tests, so I’m not sure what to make of it.
Of course I did test when I got up as well, BFN, but it’s 2 am on 9dpo so I’m not counting myself out yet lol.
@elencor That must be such a huge relief to hear!! Sorry that you have to WTT for now until your surgery. But it's much better to get the all-clear before you get pregnant. I had to WTT for one whole year because of an overactive thyroid after my last miscarriage and it was the hardest thing ever, but being pregnant with my quadruple-rainbow now makes it so worth it!

@MrsKatie I keep checking this page to see if you have POAS yet! I have such a good feeing that you'll get knocked up in no time at all!

@shaescott That's a beautiful temperature spike!! I think its amazing you can test for progesterone at home!! 9 DPO testing is a hit and miss. I never got any BFP any earlier than 12 DPO.

@thencomesbebe Great to hear that your spotting stopped. I think I had one day of brown spotting this cycle as well. Probably cos I was taking some blood thinners and it was too much. I stopped one blood thinner and the spotting the next day as well. Can't wait for your first scan!

AFM, I'm on the home stretch at about 35+4 days. It's becoming more real but I'm also feeling so out of my comfort zone because I haven't been using a stroller / baby carseat for a long time! My youngest just turned 6. I feel like a brand-new mom again!
@elencor thank God!!! That is fantastic news!!! Hopefully TTC is only delayed by a short while. So happy for you!
@thencomesbebe I'm on a pregnancy reddit page and I swear every IVF mom is going through that too. What I've learned is spotting seems to be pretty common, especially with IVF. I've only had brown spotting in my first pregnancy (and a little touch with this one), so can't speak from experience, but it seems pretty darn common. Just remember your chances of m/c reduce drastically after things are confirmed and a heartbeat is seen :hugs:
@MrsKatie that sounds absolutely miserable :( I am so sorry you're dealing with that. I hope the meds help! Not sure what to say about testing, but hopefully if it's positive the nerves that come along with it are overshadowed by joy!
@shaescott good luck on the next test!
@cheerios I know we've talked about this but I'll be in the same boat come may. Starting completely over and a 6 year age gap! Glad you're blazing the trail first lol; I hope you come back and update on how things go after baby is here!

afm -- Still feeling OK symptom wise, just waves of nausea here and there and general "meh" feeling. Unmotivated. I can't stop thinking about everything and the upcoming ultrasound. I was up at 3am last night (thanks, dog) and couldn't fall back asleep; My head was spiraling thinking about who would care for our kids should hubby and I die :dohh: Thanks anxiety!
@cheerios ah almost there! Do you normally go early/on time/overdue? My mom had my sister when I was 5 1/2. I was so excited for her. I went with my parents to the birth center in the middle of the night, footie pajamas and all. I watched blues clues while my mom labored, and I got to tell my parents if it was a boy or a girl when she came out. It was a great experience, I still remember bits and pieces. Middle school was rocky because I was full of angst and she just wanted to hang out (I wish you a less hormonal tween stage), but otherwise we had a great time. We’re great friends as adults now too.

@MrsKatie I hope the meds are starting to help your infection. Sometimes they just happen, I guess. Though I do think they’re more common in pregnancy ;)

@gigglebox ah geez, sorry about the doom spiral, and that you’re feeling meh. No vomiting yet? Hopefully it stays that way. Have you had vomiting in prior pregnancies?

AFM, since April I’ve been spotting through my luteal phase, usually starting at 2-3dpo, though the first month it wasn’t until 5-6dpo. I checked my progesterone when it started and it was normal, so it seems benign. I started spotting at 5dpo this cycle as expected, but yesterday I noticed I didn’t have any spotting, and I haven’t had any today either. I haven’t had a break in spotting after it started (it would just go until AF started) since this issue started in April. I know it could be nothing, but I’m feeling really hopeful.
@shaescott such a good sign re: no spotting!!

AFM, I did see a spot of blood today when I wiped… I am praying that was implantation (had the exact thing 3/4 days before my bfp with my youngest daughter) but I also know it could just be irritation from this awful yeast infection so, time will tell. 8dpo today. I don’t think I’ll test yet, I’m taking an OPK daily and until it gets a bit darker I won’t waste an HPT to squint at. I say now… haha
@gigglebox I enjoy this thread a lot!! People here are so much more active than on other threads. I'll definitely update about how baby is when he / she comes! We can totally share stories with having a big age gap and having to start all over.

@shaescott Thanks for sharing your story!! My daughter would be so over the moon if she gets the little sister that she's been praying for a long time for. We have the maxi cosi in the living room and she cannot stop playing with her doll in the maxi cosi. And the thought of carrying a real baby in a sling totally gets her too excited! I like the idea of you being the one who said if baby is a boy or girl, but I think in Germany, they don't allow children in the birthing ward. Are you TTCing your #1 baby? My first baby was 1 week late, second baby was 4 days early, 3rd baby was 1 week early and 4th was 4 days late. I've had a mix of everything!

@MrsKatie OOoh, exciting! That does sound like implantation spotting. I've never experienced that myself so I can't tell. You're sooo brave to go ahead and TTC your #7 though!! Your move to the suburbs is the best thing to have a large family. And the most important thing is that your husband loves a large family. I'm so sure we are done with our #5. My husband is self-employed with his own business and its already a miracle that we have 4 children and are pregnant with our 5th with his workload. He tries his best to be there for his company and the family, so I appreciate that a lot.
@cheerios bless you! Yes the move has been a huge transition but it is feeling better and better.

Ok having major nausea… this has happened before AF sometimes and tricked me but this does feel familiar, trying not to get too excited…
@cheerios this would be my first pregnancy, yes! So cute that your daughter is so ready for baby!

@MrsKatie ooooo hopefully that was implantation! The nausea is def a good sign, Fx’d!
Stark white bfn, I am so mad at myself for testing and wasting a frer :( And my oldest saw me scrutinizing the test too so I had to tell her “I’m not pregnant” and I wish I’d hidden everything better, more so I wish I’d just waited a couple days.
awww @MrsKatie there's still time but I totally know the disappointment of the negative, no matter how likely it is this early! I hope you can hang in a little longer before the next test!
@shaescott that does sound promising....fx!! Have you been keeping hubby up to date or obsessing in silence? :haha:
@shaescott that does sound promising....fx!! Have you been keeping hubby up to date or obsessing in silence? :haha:

Haha, semi-updated, but not fully. I told him about my temp rise this morning, but not about the spotting stopping or the sore boobs, cuz if I send that via text, he’ll just be like “okay” lmao. I’ll probably rant about it when I get home from work though lol, knowing me. My mom and sister are fully in the loop though :rofl:

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