Hi! This will be kinda long, but here's my story/experience with Clomid.
Me: 23
TTC ~1 year
No period on my own ever expect ONCE when I was 16 then was on BC ~5 years
DH: No problems whatsoever
We started TTC around December 2011 after I came off BC. After no luck and no period for 4 months, I went to my ob/gyn and was prescribed Provera for 3 months. The first month I took Provera for 10 days (I think at 50 mg) and got my period 2-5 days after the last pill. My doctor said to not take it the second month in order to see if one round of Provera would "jump start" my cycles. No such luck. Did this process through August 2012. We then moved on to Clomid + Provera in August. Same deal with Provera, but now on days 3-7 of my cycle I would start taking a Clomid 50 mg pill. I used the OPKs starting on day 9 of the cycle through day 24ish and no positive. The second month (September 2012), I was bumped up to 100 mg Clomid + the Provera and again, no +. Our last shot before having to move on to injections or IUI with a fertility specialist was 150 mg Clomid + Provera. I followed the same pattern that month (October 2012) and did not get a positive OPK. However, on CD 14 I had menstrual-like cramping that lasted through CD 16. Then, 2 weeks later I had more of these cramps and thought I might start my period, but then nothing. I was referred to a fertility specialist and scheduled a hysteroscopy, but had to take a blood test to rule out pregnancy before the procedure, which checks for tubal blockage. I went into my general doctor for the test, she did a urine test and came back with some surprising results.... It was positive! I was in shock. Especially because I did NOT get a positive OPK. Blood test confirmed the pregnancy, and we are now at almost 14 weeks.
Anyways, when I was reading all of these forums before I got pregnant and was feeling discouraged and impatient, I read one comment that said don't get too down because even though there are so many stories of people feeling that way, a lot of women who have success don't get back onto these forums once they do become pregnant. I told myself that I would make sure to come back and post my story for that reason.
Baby dust to all